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Posts posted by Vanguard07

  1. For finals:

    1. Future Corps - 99.25

    2. Star of Indiana - 99.15

    3. Blue Devils - 94.5

    4. Bayonne Bridgemen - 94.30

    5. Suncoast Sound - 94.29

    6. 27th Lancers - 93.45

    7. Freelancers - 90.0

    8. Sky Ryders - 89.9

    9. Santa Clara Vanguard - 50.89

    10. Anaheim Kingsmen - 19.72

    11. Velvet Knights - Fish.

    12. Top Secret Drum Corps - ???


    Star by a tenth again?!?! It really is a conspiracy!

  2. I always feel like they have some top secret ending waiting for finals (and usually they do) but I think the anticipation I feel waiting for it all summer, never is what I was looking for.

    It's almost a let down because I'll spend all season analyzing their show and think of what the designers might have in store. Almost to the point of imaging exactly what they're going to do and then when they put it on the field finals night I can't help but think: "####, I could have done better than that..."

  3. Battling? Let's see:

    Lions beat the Bears twice this year--ok. 10 win guarantee?

    Pistons dominate the Bulls. Bulls are 3-0 this year vs Detroit

    Red Wings dominate the Blackhawks. Hawks are 4-1 vs. Detroit this year.

    Tigers have been dominating the White Sox. Detroit win a World Series recently? Sox won in 2005. Detroit 1984.

    Are they sure they want another Chicago team to be beaten by another Detroit team? Not this year!! Other years, yea they've killed Chicago.

    Go Devils,


    Not to mention, DSO doesn't hold a candle in the wind to CSO, especially in the Reiner years...

  4. And what a Major Bummer that is. I'm not sure a lot of people are going to be jumping on the $450.00+ tags for those players. Warner Brothers really turned on a dime and stabbed Toshiba and all us HD DVD owner in the back. :doh::doh::doh::doh:

    They do carry a rather outlandish price tag but I've seen several for under $300. I would love it if DCI took your idea EB! I think the current price of the DCI DVDs are ridiculous, but for bluray quality I'd be willing to settle for about $140-160.

  5. It looks like there were six corps whose representatives voted NO on both of the main points of contention here (amplification of brass and electronic instruments) - Boston, Colts, Madison, Mandarins, Phantom and Spirit.

    I guess it's time to put up or shut up.

    If you disapprove of the passage of those two rules, go to websites of one or more of the corps who voted no and buy a souvenir. You don't have to wait until the summer to show your support for them sticking up for tradition. Buy a t-shirt or a cap or a bumper sticker online NOW.

    Or shut up and quit whining about the changes.

    I know I'm getting my credit card out right now.

    Or you could just donate money...

  6. Yeah but why?

    Was it because they had a bad tour last summer and wanted to go somewhere where they knew they would be feed and taken care of?

    Was it because there were large staff defections?

    I did know that some of the brass players (only a few) went to those corps. BUT I also know that some of them have gone to places like troopers and back to OC because they wanted to have a better summer experience. If the kids were being treated great and the corps was being managed well there would have only been a handful of people that would have gone somewhere else.

    In addition, most of those corps you mentioned are not making huge expansions in their horn lines. They are however making just as big if not bigger expansions in their color guards which begs the question:

    If the 150 rule is the reason the brass line was small than how come the color guard was not as well?

    Considering the sheer lack or world class corps on the west coast BD and SCV are the obvious choices for places to march for these members who were mistreated.

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