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Posts posted by CloudHype

  1. I think it was easier to do the primitive monkey dance than to march a formation with a contra, do you think otherwise?


    I think it’s easier because I have marched and have done the primitive monkey dance (or similar) so it’s entirely based upon my opinion due to my experience so somewhat subjective perhaps

    Have you done the primitive monkey dance?

    Go ahead, give it shot and do the primitive monkey dance

    Cool... I'll go grab 12 high school kids and teach them a drill move or 2 in 15 minutes,

    Then I'll teach them a "monkey dance", with proper technique, while connecting at the same level as Blue Devils. That will take me a season.

    I have a much better shoot with the drill. And for what it's worth I do design and instruct. I can, unlike yourself, tell you that drill is easier to teach and clean then dance.

    Your ignorance does not equal knowledge, it simply means you're ignorant.

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  2. You are right...but here is my problem, how do you comparably judge one corps who is so fundamentally different from everyone else? I feel they are being rewarded because they are different and in a way that punishes corps who have taken the traditional ideas of visual design to new heights. No matter how you slice it BDs visual show is easier to perform relative to the other top tier corps (and that DOES NOT mean it is easy in and of itself) why should they be deemed better automatically because they are different.

    Prove your "feeling of them being rewarded because of being different" and if it was "automatic" why did Crown beat them in effect visual on several occasions?

    Also I will point out my beef I have with this style of visual... Long musical transitions that seem pointless (in order to make seamless visual transitions) . $20, at the end of the day, the visual ended up hurting them in music effect. So, the visual might of cost them the win.

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  3. Herein lies the rub. My comments about BD, and my entire argument regarding BD, is that for them drill is NOT the core of the visual program. I feel it is for virtually every other corps in DCI, but not the Blue Devils. For the Blue Devils, drill, dance, body movement and control, and everything else are all given EQUAL importance and blended together until they are part of a unique amalgamation that can only be labeled as "Blue Devils visual style." And that is what makes them fundamentally different from every other corps, from design all the way through instruction and execution.

    Also, there seems to be an expectation from the fans that DCI's visual judges should treat drill as first and foremost in visual judging. But I don't think the sheets are written that way. Joe Crowdmember tends to value drill design and execution far above all other elements in their visual opinions, but it does not necessarily have the same weight/priority that the judges are looking for.

    See... A better way of stating something I say to people almost daily, including you at some point in the past

    . I'm just going to deflect my Facebook traffic to you as you speak for me better then I speak for myself.

    Want to write my English papers for me? It's been 17 years for me and college is going to be a challenge for this old man.

    • Like 1
  4. Connect to whom? Or to what?

    And how many of the DCI visual judges have been trained in critiquing ballet moves?

    For my part, I have no objection to dance steps being substituted for traditional drill, as long as the great majority of it happens while the corps is playing, and as long as it's done in some sort of uniform or sequential way whose effect can be assessed.

    Connect to the box. I can sit up top and they emote that high up. You know that swagger they have? That's just a part of it. Just like reaching the box musically, you need to reach the box visually.

    As far as judges with training, considering their backgrounds, about every one will have experience with it. Most are designers too or have extensive guard backgrounds and if you are designing or instructing, you know good from bad. It's really not that hard to tell if the members are committed to what they are doing.

  5. This drills down to the core of what the BD have figured out. Keep the judgeable drill simpler so you can execute the visible portions. Don't play the more difficult passages of your brass or percussion books while on the move (like Crown and Cadets do). Yes, there are a variety of different elements going on all the time, but these are the smoke and mirrors of the Blue Devils program. Because all the elements are different, they may look really cool, they may act and emote very well, but how on earth is a judge supposed to score the execution on it? How are they supposed to look at ten people doing ten different things and determine if they are doing any of them right? In this manner they are hiding their mistakes. Do they have a few difficult drill moments here and there? Sure. But look closer. They aren't playing music when they execute them. They've been doing this sort of thing now for the last four years at least. I'm still trying to figure out how they get awarded the points they do for the difficulty of their program on an equal level to Crown and Cadets when they are doing this. The fans can see what they are doing, why can't the judges? And in the end it still wouldn't matter as much to the bulk of the crowd if they still did alll this and won, IF they would just make an effort to entertain the way they used to instead of morphing into the obscure modern art form they have become.

    It's like you took this from 2003 and replaced Cavalier with Blue Devils.

    Seriously... I remember there was somebody that sat with a stop watched and counted the non movement in shows, down to the second.

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  6. by your logic the corps that marches perfect 8 to 5 box drill up and down the field (ala Texas A&M) will win visual analysis and the corps with the most props and toys on the field will win GE visual.

    All I am saying is that the main core of a visual program which is the drill should at least have its difficulty level taken into account. Minus all of the other elements BD has some of the easiest drill in the top 12. I dont think adding the elements in to that drill design makes the visual program as hard as all of the BD fans says it is. I am not saying its easy, but relative to Crown and Cadets it is.

    I am actually ok with BD winning GE visual because that encompasses the whole corps including their amazing colorguard. (I was a big fan of the semi circles.) If BD wins every title while being 4th or 5th in visual analysis, I think my argument would be moot....but Crown won so my argument IS moot....at least for this season.

    Most corps can't do a pile uniformly across the ensemble much less have a developed dance vocabulary. No corps, even Crown (Who's design I liked better FWIW) can connect as performers "visually" like Blue Devils members do. Yes, it is hard and it adds to the difficulty. People are clinging to drill because it is easy to understand, we all have done it. We know 220 bpm and 8 count moves at a 6-5 is hard but have no clue about a passé turn or a jeté. Not many of us have any experience with theatrical staging or dance or teaching members how to connect from a visual standpoint. If it was easier, high schools will be doing it but they aren't... because it's really freaking hard but in a different way.

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  7. Yeah, that's not how that works. People hate BD because they perform boring shows and pander to the judging sheets. If they went out and threw down everyone would still love them, even if they were undefeated for 5+ years. Pleasing the crowd and earning high scores don't have to be mutually exclusive. It's amazing that the staff in Concord can't figure that out. They could have their cake and eat it too...

    History proves otherwise.

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  8. It would have only taken .3 to put them 6th in percussion over Madison Scouts to tie BD in overall score.

    Incorrect, .3 to tie.

    Question is are Crown good enough to be .6 within Devils percussionand if not, where can they get it? I think finals night GE Vis panel is in BD's favor (give them an extra .2 vs last night). Blue Devils will have to get 3rd in GE Music and have one of the visual to improve in order for Crown to win. I don't see that with finals night visual judges. I think they can make up the gap in Vis Analysis though... Crown was 4th tonight.

    Percussion judge will not call it, it will be the GE Music judges. If Devils get 2nd, they win.

  9. When did Facebook posts become worthy of articles in newspapers? Have we fallen that far as a society that a post from someone who performs daily brain dumps expressing every thought he's had in the past two minutes is now news, right up there with the Kardashians and whomever is currently dating George Clooney?

    Because the second you post something, a few dozen people wish to get you fired or boycott a product. Etc...

    Happened to a friend of mine on this forum many years ago.

    When you make it George Hopkins, I'm sure many jumped at the bit to attack him.

  10. I know for a fact that The Cadets changed housing locations for the 2007 Russellville, AL contest because of the lack of practice fields (not enough). They ended up staying at a school I wrote for and consult with. The school they stayed for 2 days at was built in the 1960's (which is older then the one they would of went to) but had 3 practice fields with one being a stadium with a pressbox. It's the rehearsal space, not the quality of the facility.

    While the choice of words IS an issue (because it reflects poorly on the activity), I can see his frustration if this is a frequent issue when he comes this way.

  11. Living in the south and working with mainly directors that never marched and still believe corps trash schools, I've had to take a bunch of crap about what he said. Yes, there are some high school directors in the south that took offense. At the same time, these people wont let their kids march and don't take groups to contest. Parts of the area are still not drum corps friendly,

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  12. I'm from the south (Birmingham, AL), some schools are super nice, some the size of a small university, in poor counties many are in need of repair, but what he said didn't offend me...I mean if it walks like a duck and looks like a duck...if it's true, speak the truth. Now, with social media if one decides to do that, they should expect a backlash over it. Everyone one us has said things out of frustration and upon reflection realize we could have said it differently. Water under the bridge...let it go.

    Also in Alabama (Huntsville Metro) and I understood without issue BUT... he seriously needs to work on his PR skills. He could of simply left out the whole "The South" rant and cut to the chase and just made it about rehearsal space and travel

    Another thing... Huntsville City has NO STADIUMS (good thing it is non top 8 )

    at the local schools. They have a couple municipal stadiums they share. I seriously doubt that any corps are staying in the city for the Huntsville (Normal) event.

  13. What I want to know is what happened to the Prep Step? I always loved that about BK, but I haven't seen it at all this year. :(

    Ditched when Sully came in and they ditched their Alexander Technique based visual style. That prep step was like thier "and" beat in look so it did serve a purpouse.
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