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Granny Smith

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Everything posted by Granny Smith

  1. Thank you Shempy for looking out for me. I think between you and Normy I might be developing a nice little Posse (is that what the kids say these days?). I think I might be able to recruit Brasso too. Then...I could say whatever I want and leave the mess to you guys. It is just so exhausting to candy-coat everything I say.
  2. First of all, I would appreciate it if nobody delved into me. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take that, but regardless it makes me wince when I read it. I'm old and frail. Secondly, you apparently missed the sarcasm in my post. Next time I'll look for the sarcasm emoticon (does one even exist?). Thirdly, for someone who is so dogmatic about booing because it's boorish behavior to a group (whether BD directly or the judges) you're rather boorish and condescending in your posts to individuals.
  3. Thank you for saying that Normy. Your words are a comfort to me to know that someone cares. I was simply to hurt to respond myself and had to call my son-in-law who is a licensed therapist to come to the home and comfort me. I just don't think Kamarq understands or appreciates how much I work at writing my amazingly thoughtful posts which if he took more time to think about he would understand me better. I really think if he (I'm assuming it's a he because I don't believe any lady would be so harsh in their chastisement) understood the time I put into this and if he knew my back story and the nuanced details of what I was thinking he wouldn't say such things because his words broke my heart.
  4. IF (emphasis on the if) this is true then I think that's what is upsetting many. There is a feeling that BD is writing their show to a sheet and not to the fans which is why they are winning with shows that most people don't like* but the judges do. *Disclaimer: I know I will be rebutted for writing on behalf of others and how can I possibly know what others feel? My answer is common sense.
  5. I went to BD Entertainment to see what people were paying the Blue Devils to do at corporate functions, sporting events and TV Commercials. It's interesting that every one of the videos I watched are highly energized and "popular" (you might almost call it "old-school"). These are corporate big shots who are paying real money to have the Blue Devils come entertain their people or fans or whatever. None of it is what they are putting on the field the past several years. Click Here to See.
  6. Clearly you missed my point, but made it for me at the same time.
  7. It seems like one of the key pillars of the supporters' argument is that BD's show is true art and "of course the masses don't understand it" which is why it's so amazing! It's because people are in such deep thought, pondering the layers of beauty that they forget to clap. And yet these same supporters routinely dismiss the notion that the majority of people don't enjoy their show.
  8. So, the question that is rattling around in my pea brain is whether drum corps is the right "canvas" for the misunderstood artists to be doing their work on? Gibbs and Company (the G7) see the great importance of providing a product that people will pay to see--and not just some people, but a LOT of people. That's their goal. Therefore, one could make the argument that the designers MUST have the lowest common denominator related to fans in mind when designing a show. Who is Mr. and Mrs. Drum Corps? What is the general demographic that pays for seats? And, how do we expand that demographic? I would contend that the masses don't browse this forum or research the backstory to shows. I would bet you on it. So...what does that say about Gibbs and Company? They won't let the Scouts, Crusaders, et al play their little G7 game, but he counts on other corps to produce shows that are popular and "low brow" to put hineys in the seats so they can do their "art" (and yes, I'm saying "art" with my butt cheeks clenched and using my british accent). Because, I would surmise (pretty confidently) that if you have all the corps at any given show performing what BD puts on the field that the attendance at said show would plummet the following year.
  9. 1. The first half is a partial maybe and the second half is NO (nobody has accused BD of cheating. Sheesh) 2. Yes 3. Probably not, but according to some they have broken hearts and are deeply troubled by booing.
  10. Now that you've suggested we personally accost and boo him at shows, It might be a good idea for him to go to shows incognito.
  11. Well...this just isn't very practical, is it? I'm not sure 99% of people would know what Gibbs looks like. Although it does make me giggle a bit to visualize several hundred fans gathered around the Blue Devils staff bus (presuming Gibbs is on it) booing. So, below is his email address and his photo in case you see him at a show and want to personally boo him (please put it on youtube if you do). Below is a screenshot of the email I just sent. dgibbs@bluedevils.org
  12. I will say that going back and watching '92 on Fan Network just now gave me a tingle, but in some regards it rekindled my frustration. The Blue Devils were a corps that brought people to their feet as much or more than any corps in history.
  13. If the Blue Devils were playing "Big Bad and Blue" this year and winning I would bet my new set of dentures you would not hear booing.
  14. Fans have the right to boo. Fans are booing because they don't think the Blue Devils had the winning show. Fans would enthusiastically cheer a first place Blue Devils show if it was accessible to the majority of fans.
  15. And in my opinion not just the 2013 show but what seems to be a pattern of shows over the last several years that are inaccessible to the fans. My wish would be that BD takes a break in 2014 and throws down some jazz and show people who they used to be.
  16. Well...first of all, I'm not sure I've read anywhere on this thread where anyone has accused BD of trying to ruin the activity. But actually...I completely agree with your last sentence. The reason people (including myself) have our panties in a wad about this is that BD is winning (and P.S. It's not because they're beating "my corps"). Rather I think it's because we see a disconnect. (Please refer to the Rum Raisin Ice Cream analogy).
  17. I do care where Corps finish. The competitive part of drum corps is alluring to me. It keeps me interested over an entire summer and gives me something to analyze and enjoy. So...will I boycott DCI if BD wins? No. But, if they do win, it will be disappointing to me. Then...I will get over it within about five minutes and move on to knitting and reruns of Walker, Texas Ranger.
  18. Pish Posh. Now, you're just trying to roll around with me in the mud. You previously accused me of judging the motives of others earlier and I offered a confession. Now, you're betraying your own standards by calling my motives into question and putting words in my mouth. I'm about as powerless as the rest of us on this forum spilling our opinions. Your intolerance for opinions that differ from yours is unbecoming. Forums such as this only survive because of differing opinions. If we all agreed then a thread would last about 2 pages. I could couch my opinions in a whole tangled mess of political correctness, but I prefer plain speech. Get used to it.
  19. No. I asked the question I wanted to ask and judging from your defensiveness it's clear you can't answer it.
  20. It's a dangerous thing to question the motives of anyone, and I can see how you judged me to be questioning the Blue Devils' motives (particularly in the first paragraph). I wouldn't want people to judge my integrity so glibly and I apologize if you felt I was attacking their ethic. The second paragraph contained legitimate questions and would be interested in your thoughts.
  21. I would like to posit a simple question. Please take it at face value and no matter what you personally feel answer it as honestly as you can. THEN (because I know I will be accused of bias) please submit your questions and I promise I will answer as honestly as I can--even if it hurts. A couple of us have been called on the carpet for suggesting, in some form or another, that the majority of people do not like BDs show this year. Question: Do you think (none of us have empirical evidence) that the Blue Devil's show is enjoyed by more than 33% of those who see it? My answer is no.
  22. I don't think rational people are trying to get the ice cream shop shut down. Rather, many (if not most) are frustrated and confused because the ice cream experts are giving awards for it even when most people don't buy it. As they eat the ice cream from off their silver spoon, praising the ice cream they talk about the quality of the ingredients: rich cream, plump raisins and aged rum and intellectually we feel compelled to nod and say, "well...they are the critics and they know what good ice cream is. Right?" But when we take a bite, our gag reflexes kick in.
  23. I think I'm the only "older" fan who has "hurled insults" at millennial in this thread (I don't think it's very sensitive of you to call me older. That breaks my heart). However, I don't think you'll find anywhere that I whined about any particular show not winning. Instead what you will see is that I made a point that it's weak-kneed and unhelpful to treat the MM's so soft. I've tried to argue that we need to resist the attitude of "everyone's a winner" argument for why it's wrong to boo. Also, I wasn't being lazy with my argument about millennials being soft. It's true. Relax a bit because what you say about Gen-Xers and Boomers is also true. There's no need to be so defensive about generalizations that are generally true. Must be that you're a millenial. :wink:/> (P.S. Notice the winky face at the end of my last sentence. That's meant to convey that I'm just teasing you and I'm happy and you're happy and we're friends)
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