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Posts posted by Dir_en_X

  1. As we put 2009 into the history books, the 2010 season is already underway. Staff changes have been pouring in, audition and open house information is popping up, and the rest of us sit in DCP making our preseason polls and predictions. For some of us, the 2010 season will be our rookie year. For some of us (including myself), the time has come for us to take that one last tour into the sunset. Thinking about it, your last season of junior corps should be special, it should be "the best" year you march. I threw around ideas on for to make someone's last year their best, and I came up with the idea Ageout Bucket List. Have something you wished you could do but didn't? Suggest it for younger members to have them make the most of this season.

    Things I have thought of:

    Getting Tour Goggles (Buying real goggles optional)

    Having a Tour GF/BF

    Hitting a Judge (Extra points if you stay in the drill)

    Section Dress up Days

    Make as many friends in other corps as possible (Especially in the same section)

    Themed run-throughs (Warm clothes, underwear, etc)

    If you've aged out and want to contribute your ideas, please do so!

  2. I have a personal example of a staff change making a significant impact. Granted, this is from open class but I'll think you'll get the point.

    In 2008, Spokane Thunder hired on a completely new staff for the 08 season. They kept some people from previous years but all of the major staff positions were new.

    Well, in that one season, Thunder went from being an 11th place div 3 corps the year before to a seventh place open class corps in 2008. The corps also received the most improved award for open class. I know this isn't world class, but its a good example of what a staff change can do. And while I only marched in 2008, my brother marched in both 2007 and 2008; he could tell you the differences etc.

    The same thing happened in 08 with the Spartans and Citations. Most of the staff moved from Spartans to Citations and the Spartans went from 1st in Div II to 14th in Open, while the Citations went from 10th in Div III to 6th in Open.

  3. Where's everybody else's announcements?

    Oh, that's right...we may have to wait until after Labor Day...then things will get really hot stovey.

    Looking forward to this off-season. Should be time for the first 2010 pre season prediction poll, too.

    I think at least two corps currently in the top 12 will be out next year. That's not such a bold statement anymore...not after yesterday.

    I noticed that Teal Sound, VK and Spartans have information on auditions/open houses already. It's not even September yet!

  4. and on grass you dont have to wonder which hash you need to use, "tonight were using the inside taped hashes" or "remember this is a professional stadium were on the outside hashes", in theory they should only have the correct hash marks on the field.

    That depends on the state you're performing in. I believe Massachusetts and New Jersey use NCAA hashes, and every other state uses High School hashes. Being from MA it was always a pain trying to figure out which we were marching on that night.

  5. I liked the days when the corps members would sit in the backstands at finals and form a delta (Spirit) or a spiderweb (Magic) . NOTE ( no bashing... I only use these examples because they immediately come to mind, not because Magic is gone and Spirit is not making finals this season...)

    When I didn't make OC Finals, I saw World Semis and Finals, slept in, and did a lot of cleaning/organizing/preparing for the long trip home. I also noted that since both Spirit and XMen didn't make Finals last year, Spirit members had a red tear and XMen members had a blue tear painted on their face.

  6. I have a few, those on Facebook can go check out the "Drum Corps Staff Quotes" group:

    After one rep in sub sectional

    "If you dont want to be here go into the gym, and call your moms, and pack your **** and go the **** home!"

    The day every contra debated quiting.

    "*****s, where are your heads? What planet are you on today?"

    Colin then waits patiently, and lets the rest of the staff talk, before taking the mic back after other comments have been made. What then follows:

    "Seriously, *****s, what planet are you on? Planet earth? Or planet ZOLTAR?"

    "Dean has a wife and a job and a life. He doesn't love you as much as I do. That is why I am here kicking ### and Dean is at his job."

    "You no dotbook having sonuvabiotch!"

    "You all like the drumline so much, why don't you take a lap with your flags in the air. Around the drummers' field."

    "Hey drumline, say hi to the colorguard!"

    "Hi colorguard!"

    " After you age out you can suck as much as you want, until then you must be perfect!"

    -sees tuba tech running up and down the diagonals "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH PLAY LOUUUUDERR AHHHHHHHHH!-

    Andy:"Contras what the **** was that. I want 2 laps around the field for just the contras"

    Paul:"What did we do"

    Andy:"Nothing, you're all just fat as hell, and I better not catch any of you getting dessert"

    "Baris, you guys are using way too much tongue on that articulation. How about this? Let's play a game called 'just the tip.' Wanna play? I know I do."

    "You know what I use a silver medal for? TO SHAVE MY ***!"

    Paul Weber: Yeah you kinda rushed that tap off, just stay with the met.

    M: Yeah, that's my bad...

    Paul Weber: Oh wait, REALLY? I THOUGHT THE MET ****ED UP!

  7. When I marched judges were open game. If you hit one (not intentionally) it was good for 10 bucks. Hey, it was still our field and we had the right of way. If a judge happened to get in it, well that was just too bad. The only thing that put them in a twist was making changes in the drill design without telling them about it beforehand.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it like ice hockey where the referees are technically a part of the ice? (or turf/grass in this case?) There are times where they just get caught in the middle and have to dive out of the way of a member/group of members but most of the time they should be in little danger of being hit.

  8. 5. Here's a longshot, but worth it: if you have a strong parent booster club, try to arrange for a home cooked meal for the corps. It can be as easy as breakfast taco bar or something like that. If not that big, aim for a fresh fruit snack break. If you do wind up doing something like this, check with the corps ahead of time about the timing of meals as well as dietary restrictions and special needs. All corps will have something for those on special diets, but giving the food truck a complete break is absolutely worth it. (I did a fundraiser to provide a bbq dinner for Troopers last year and I also made sure I got something for the vegetarians as well as a gluten-free member. It was great to see Mom Gilbert sitting in a chair reading a book during dinner!)

    THIS X1000000

    The absolute nicest thing we got on tour was a full meal cooked by the boosters. It was a nice break from the food truck, have the support staff a night off, and they prepared so much we couldn't finish it all and took the rest with us!

  9. hell yeah he did (rock that is). he was also about two feet (give or take) taller than everyone else in the guard. couldn't miss him.

    Our buses were right next to Crown's at the Clifton, NJ show and I remember seeing him after they performed and thinking he was/is a mammoth. :tongue:

  10. i WILL be auditioning for the 2010 season. seeing that its my AGE OUT year, and i havent marched before, i will be auditioning at more than one corps.

    My top choices for auditions are:

    Phantom Regiment


    Boston Crusaders


    This may change between now and November, but right now I'm pretty set in those choices

    I'll probably see you then if you go to the Boston audition for the Crusaders

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