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Posts posted by victrussell

  1. Minnesota Trumpet Guy,

    I am an alumnus of UW Eau Claire (Bachelor of Science 1962) and I played trumpet with both the Bluegold marching and symphony bands in the late 50's - early 60's. So, it pains me to disagree with the premise of your thread. To me, the very essence of drum corps is a loud, emotional, in-your-face brass. That is why I am a long-time fan of the Madison Scouts.

    By the way, I noticed that last year the UW-Eau Claire Bluegold symphony band played its semester-break concert in St. Peter's Square in Rome just prior to the Pope's New Year's day blessing. I remember my semester-break concert (January 1960?) was in Winnipeg, Canada, where it was 40 degrees below zero.

    Vic Russell

  2. I really enjoyed reading this thread during the past Drum Corps season. True, a few trolls would stop by from time to time, but they quickly learned this was not the place for them. I am going to miss regularly checking this thread for Scouts talk. I hope this thread is reinstituted next season. Thanks to all of the alum/fans/parents who posted comments here. I hope we don't forget about the need to keep the Scouts financially sound during the off season!

    Vic Russell

  3. Thanks Madison Scouts for a really entertaining show and a great season! I thought it was interesting that the most entertaining shows (for me) came in on the fours. 1, Phantom Regiment; 4, Carolina Crown; 8, Blue Stars; and 12, Madison Scouts. OK, technically the Phantom Regiment show was not on the fours, but I think it was one of the best shows of all time! I hope the Scouts push fund raising this off season and come back in 2009 in a really strong position.

    Vic Russell

  4. Thanks so much, Scouts of 2008, for an awsome show!!! Also, congratulations on making finals. As a long-time Scouts fan, I am somewhat disappointed in the Scouts alumni for not doing a better job of supporting the Scouts financially. The Cavaliers alumni just contributed over $500,000 to the Cavaliers. The Scouts aumni have contribued about $31,000 this year. Come on, Scouts alumni, it's not to late!!

    Vic Russell

  5. So...if the snarkiest guy on the thread can part with $100, I would think someone...who marched in this organization, who benefitted from the outstanding commraderie, the fun, the excitement and the feeling of what it means to be a Scout....well I just think they could easily put together 70% of what I just dropped in the bucket and at least pay their dues....INCLUDING that son of mine out their lurking.

    Tom, I am sure that everyone here appreciates your contribution. To be honest, I was surprised how short the list of donors is given the number of alumni and the long history of the Scouts. I hope the Scouts alumni/fans will take a page from the Obama presidential campaign and begin donating in large numbers!

    Vic Russell

  6. When you compare Madison's guard (their work, presence, use of color, and ability) with other corps, they are woefully inadequate. Like it or don't but the activity has become more visual heavy. A small guard (even though two guys were added, Scouts' is still small in comparison) that doesn't look like a well-oiled machine, is going to drag you down in all visual captions.

    I strongly disagree with your opinion concerning the Scouts guard. As I posted previously, the Scouts guard is beautifully integrated into the Scouts visual program and drill whereas, for example, a corps like the Blue Devils has a guard that completely overpowers and overshadows the rest of the BD corps. I think a good visual program should be about balance and integration. I much prefer the Scouts approach to using its guard. It may be that the the Blue Devils guard is better at twirling its sticks and flags, but that is not what I look for in a drum corps show.

    Vic Russell

  7. I'm baffled by the lack of a rise in score for the Scouts. The drill is so much cleaner. The playing is better. Ending is new, and not clean - yet, but still. I just don't get it. I know guard is scoring low, but this is becoming unbelievably frustrating.

    I had the same feeling in '02, that no matter what happened, or how good they were, that making finals just wouldn't be allowed to happen.

    I have been bouncing in and out of my multiple-step recovery program to keep from obsessing over DCI's senseless scoring/slotting system since 1995. In 2002, when DCP started, I posted long opinion pieces on DCI scoring and how unfairly it scored the Scouts. For my efforts, several posters who thought everything was just fine and dandy with DCI scoring ridiculed me. I swore after the 2002 season, I would stop obsessing over DCI scoring/slotting. I have pretty much kept away from that topic with only an occasional "falling off the wagon." This is the time of the season when the temptation to "let loose" is most difficult to resist. Nonetheless, I am going to resist because all it does is get in the way of my enjoying drum corps.

    I think that the Scouts have a great show this year. I find that it is powerful, well played, and very entertaining. I don't understand all the negative comments about the Scouts guard. I think the guard is very well integrated into the drill. By contrast, the Blue Devils guard is so large and so prominent, it cannot be integrated and it overshadows the rest of the corps. Generally speaking, I am enjoying the shows of 2008. The gimmicks this year are minimal except for one corps (and everyone knows which one that is). Still, when I watch a show like 2008 SCV, which I find is not very entertaining, I long for the SCV of 1988 -- my favorite drum corps show of all time. But for every less interesting 2008 show from SCV, Blue Knights, or Spirit, there are very enjoyable shows from the Scouts, Carolina Crown, and Phantom Regiment.

    Vic Russell

  8. I don't think it's the Cavies guard that is getting the most laughs this year.

    I notice that you suggested in a prior post that the audience in Louisville laughed when the Scouts guard took off their coats. Were you in attendance at the Louisville show? How many people laughed? Why did they laugh? I attended the Naperville show and I certainly did not hear any laughter. This sounds like a scurrilous claim to me.

    Vic Russell

  9. I greatly appreciate the effort put forth by the Scouts' Board of Directors, staff, alumni, and marching members in providing me with an entertaining drum corps show year after year. As a Scouts booster, that is all I ask. I had the privilege of seeing the 2008 show live in Naperville last Sunday. I found it most enjoyable and entertaining. I was delighted and surprised when a woman from LaCrosse who sat behind me said she thought the Scouts had a more entertaining show than the Blue Stars. So, what else can I say but -- GO SCOUTS!

    Vic Russell


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