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Wanted Americanos Alumni

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Wanted Americanos Alumni's Achievements

DCP Rookie

DCP Rookie (1/3)



  1. We are currently looking for any one who was apart of the Americanos Organization. I have seen a lot of staff from different corps, that had once been apart of the Americanos. We really need names and contact information. Our major goal right now is to get everyone reconnected with each other. This is a slow process, so if you know anyone that would be under an alumni status please send them our way. It would be greatly appreciated. In our press release below will tell you where to send them. Again we thank you. Press release: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICAL ANNOUNCMENT BY THE AMERICANOS DRUM AND BUGLE CORPS. WE ARE AN INDEPENDENT SOURCE. The former members of the Americanos Drum and bugle corps are proud to announce the starting of The Americanos Alumni Association. This organization will be set up in effort to help rebuild the Americanos Drum and bugle organization. We will be committed, to ensure this organization that it will be on the competitive field again. This association will be its own independent source, and should not be confused with the association that the drum corps tried setting up two years ago. Right now the Americanos Alumni Association is fairly young and we are in the process of trying to contact our members. In this effort we have set up and launched two new important websites. These sites will allow our alumni to hold important meetings and will allow them to get back in touch with one another. Right now our major priority is getting a hold of our alumni base, because we have limited resources and no official list of alumni, we have to do this by word of mouth. So far we have about 20 people that have shown interest in the alumni association, this is good however, we would like to triple that number before we approach the Americanos Board of Directors with our support. We want to insure them that we will be there for them and that we have a good number of people backing us. We encourage all alumni, former staff, board members, administration, and volunteers to sign on our alumni page, Alumni page . Once there we ask you to register to the site. We look forward to working with the Americanos on there way back to competition. VIVA!
  2. THIS IS NOT AN OFFICAL ANNOUNCMENT BY THE AMERICANOS DRUM AND BUGLE CORPS. WE ARE AN INDEPENDANT SOURCE. Press Release. The former members of the Americanos Drum and bugle corps are proud to announce the starting of The Americanos Alumni Association. This organization will be set up in effort to help rebuild the Americanos Drum and bugle organization. We will be committed, to ensure this organization that it will be on the competitive field again. This association will be its own independent source, and should not be confused with the association that the drum corps tried setting up two years ago. Right now the Americanos Alumni Association is fairly young and we are in the process of trying to contact our members. In this effort we have set up and launched two new important websites. These sites will allow our alumni to hold important meetings and will allow them to get back in touch with one another. Right now our major priority is getting a hold of our alumni base, because we have limited resources and no official list of alumni, we have to do this by word of mouth. So far we have about 20 people that have shown interest in the alumni association, this is good however, we would like to triple that number before we approach the Americanos Board of Directors with our support. We want to insure them that we will be there for them and that we have a good number of people backing us. We encourage all alumni, former staff, board members, administration, and volunteers to sign on our alumni page, Go here! . Once there we ask you to register to the site. We look forward to working with the Americanos on there way back to competition. VIVA!
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