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Posts posted by colorguardbear

  1. Past trips : 1980,1981, 1982(marched-Royal Guardsmen) , 1983 (marched-Royal Guardsmen) ,1984,1985,1986.........the lost years 1987-2000. Back in 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007. This year once again me and my friends all of who have marched in either Royal Guardsmen,Conquest,Skylarks,Emerald Lancers,Sac,Emerald Marquis,Cavaliers,State Street....find ourselves having our annual WGI Reunion. Friendships that are bonded with lots of love, hard work, and laughter. Coming together from all over the country. Safe trip to all..... Can`t wait too see all of you !

  2. No Fahrenheit?

    I think they'll end up medaling...

    Not sure where Fahrenheit A will fall.......but I would bet they do well in Dayton.....no prediction here.....no need to add any pessure to those kids......they are so ``in tune`` with what they need to do ....I`m sure when grouped with everyone together.....they will strive to reach the top. Best of luck to all units attending Dayton ! Your all Champs !!

  3. Check out '84 - '86 Avatar. In '86 (if that's the one you have) she's one of the dancing trio at the end (2 girls, 1 guy).

    Wow, I think it's strange that people, other than those of us who marched, would on-demand us! Cool though.

    Are you kidding.....I marched Royal Guardsmen 82 & 83 and we all loved you guys......we still do !! Nothing like good old Historical Colorguard !!

    Check out Colorguard Historical Society on www.riflebear.com Avatar is there :)

  4. No kidding. Careful someone already said they did their movement homework which implied it needed work.......but down the torches, it wasn't me this time!

    That someone was me.....and I would like to correct you....`` I WAS NOT IMPLYING IT NEEDED WORK``.....I was saying it is their finest production so far.....please own your own thoughts and do not imply your prejustice to my comments . I happen to have loved all past programs of NEI and I believe every year they just gets better than the season before . Nothing wrong with turning an...... A to an A+....... B to a B+ ........or C to a C+.....and thats just my feelings about it. It comes down to personal likes and dislikes. No hard feeling ......Thanks :)

  5. I went to the Winter Springs Premier to watch my best friend march her first Winter Guard year (ever) with Fahrenheit World. First off, she was amazing. Secondly, I was surprised with their first performance. Quite a few drops, but a pretty good showing none-the-less. I'm sure they felt a lot of pressure, since it was their first performance in World Class.

    NEI is quite amazing. It seemed that they were really clean for this being their first show. However, I've never seen a World Class guard this early in the season, so I'm not sure if that is pretty common. Regardless, I love their show again this year. Their opening choreography is pretty awesome, and their all-flag feature is amazing (my favorite part of the show).

    I'll being seeing Fahrenheit again on Saturday at an FFCC competition. Seminole HS will be there. I'm excited to see their show also.

    Hey Folks.....I too was at the first FFCC show in Winter Sprngs.....and I agree too thought it was a good showing for all 3 World Guards.....

    NEI .....as expected has their best show to date. I`m looking forward to seeing them in Nashville up against Pride....should be very interesting. I believe they have done their homework in movement without turning their back on their equipment excellence. NEI in 2008....``you guys Rock ``

    The Knight....very happy to see them back with a program that showcase their many talented performers. They are more prepaired this season than they have been in the past. Their program to ``Pinks`` ``Mr. President``is a enjoyable program to watch...with an equipment book that is displayed well. As seasons past have shown....The Knights have no costumes/unforms as of now....something I did find distracting....but I`m sure its all part of the scheme of things for this colorguard....it`s not how you start....but how you finish. A strong Knights program that will deliver for them this year in Dayton....welcome back Knights.....a job well done !!

    Fahrenheit World.......My first disclaimer must be.......I support this guard for several years now. I am a bit bias.....but also honest with my thoughts. This is.....the Best Fahrenheit Ever......For them the transition to World Class has been a great ride so far. Their program .....a very mature looking and performing guard......performing their show of... ``Love`` ....in Paris....in days gone bye....with costumes that reflect vintage romantic garb.... during a romantic night in Paris....with the Eiffel Tower in the far distance. This guard has never done so much as they do this year.....cleaning this show with keep them busy ....but will prove to rewarded in Dayton. The staging of the show is beautiful......the equipment book is well suited to the program with the music all in french lyrics...and very romantic. High tosses .....beautiful choreography.....and great flag work....will prove to be a rewarding combination for this new World Guard. Welcome Fahrenheit to World Class !

  6. I do not have any further information on the BOA thing.......other than to say that it was told to me in a manner that lead me to believe that BOA might want to hold WinterGuard Scholastic Championships? The information was very sketchy to me....but I found it to be very interesting. I myself have never been to a BOA event........but have been told that they are very involved in the Scholastic colorguard and Percussion?? With all of the judges unrest.....and their current departures from WGI....I`m sure its just wild rumors ??? Needless to say......interesting because there seems to be a huge growth in the colorguard activity at the scholastic level......and the thought of Colorguard/Winterguard having a second National Championship.........other than WGI.....is kind of ......well......interesting.....and disturbing! :satisfied:

  7. correct!

    caution!thread tread lightly! :worthy:

    my previous rather glib and tongue-in-cheek post addressing this turn of events was succinctly and summarily removed. :tongue:

    btw those miscreant "colleague" given the pink slip were mike turner and michael gray.

    i haven't seen a militant splinter faction group like this since the bader-meinhoff gang. :ph34r:

    compatriots in absentia this year are luminaries like bruno zuccola,curtis constanza,mike anderson,kyle miller.

    ....to everything turn,turn,turn.....there is a season.......

    ecclesiastes 3 verse 8

    Just a little something I heard this week. I am kind of amused at this.....It has been repeated that maybe BOA is considering holding Scholastic Championships? Could the Judges who left.....willingly or other.........be scooped up by BOA ? What would happen to all of the advertising dollars that scholastic activities promote ? I wonder if maybe the machine.....needs a tune-up? Has anyone else heard of anything like this.......I find it very very interesting.

  8. I want to say that the top 2 guards were correct ...BUT... do not agree with the order that we all were witness too. Fantasia was the better guard saturday night and as far as ``I ``will remember ....they were the true winners. Pride was less perfect....movement included on saturday night and with the performance they did....all captions suffered. I do not think NEI is so far off the mark.....and I will not hesitate to say that in 08 ....NEI will not allow their Movement book to suffer like it was judged this past seson. One more thing to note....I marched in World Class WGI in 1982 and 1983 and Colorguard was Colorguard and less dance. I love the new stuff.....but will always remember the guards who still can perform good colorguard skills.

  9. The guards that I feel were short changed were both florida guards. They were both amazing at WGI and and should be proud of their performances :

    1) Northeast Independent

    2) Flanagan HS

    I felt Flanagan should have been 3rd and NEI at least tied for 3rd. I want to say that I really enjoyed Aimachi but it was a bitter pill to swallow to see NEI passed up in the top 3 !!

    This is how I feel about NEI`s weapons line.... :laugh::silly::laugh::silly::worthy: YOU ROCK !!!

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