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Posts posted by Jeorby

  1. As a CorpsVets member, I enjoyed my time in Bridgeport, especially the Cardinal Shehan Center!. Saturday was a humbling and surprising response to our performance that I will not soon forget. Nice contest, and the parade was a blast! Add some 90-degree air and it will be *perfect*! :)

  2. I am selling a 30" Yamaha bass drum:

    - Yamaha brand, built for drum corps/marching band use

    - Nearly new Pearl rims

    - Evans heads, 2 seasons usage but still playable

    - Color is like these tenors: tenors picture but should be easy to re-cover

    - Another action picture here. See left side of picture.

    It is not on eBay (yet) because I would like to sell without shipping it, and I believe there are local people on this board. I live in Cincinnati and frequently travel to Atlanta. If you want to buy and can meet somewhere on I-75 then you will save approx $50 in shipping.

    Any interest? If interested, e-mail to ericlandis2003@hotmail.com. If you post a reply here, I might not read it.

  3. Uniform parts for sale:

    32 Black Shakos with bird logo and boxes PICTURE

    32 Black Plumes, feathers, with plume box! PICTURE

    40 Cesario jackets, solid blue, with attachable B/W sash PICTURE

    40 Black Cesario gauntlets PICTURE

    PRICE: Make an offer on any set of parts, or all of them.

    PICKUP LOCATION: Between Cincinnati, Ohio and Atlanta, GA. I can mail to other locations also but some stuff is bulky.

    EMAIL: Write to ericlandis2003@hotmail.com

  4. OMFG!

    I would like to invite EVERY FRICKIN' BOTTOM BASS PLAYER in the United States of America (and elsewhere if your country has developed tonal basses) to the CorpsVets Intermission In The Dome 2006. (CIITD06) I don't wanna sound like a big swinging Richard but I have the privilege of 6 counts of stuff that will make your subsonic heart melt, fellow basses. Mmmmmmmmm. See you there!

    /Will catch as many Junior corps as possible

    //Will join 105 others in a Rock Star Moment

    ///Really?... you people buyin' this Rockstar stuff... b**bs

    ////Slashies on loan from Fark and Jennifer

    /////more of a Top bass but that's for another website

  5. Don't know how you people do this. Takes a lot of fortitude and love of the activity.

    There's a big world out there and we love to travel!

    It's always fun putting CV on the road. Never a dull moment.

    Hey Fran, I think we ate dinner next to you at the Rib/Steak place. We were the second people in the dining room at 5PM and my girlfriend was the one full of beers and marveling at how your entourage knew stuff about 8 particular counts played in 1978. She's learning.

  6. They are unused and stapled in the bag, as they were my backup pair. The main pair worked great on a 30" bass and can make lots of sound.

    $25 for mallets and shipping anywhere in the continental USA. Write to elandis@3z.net for Eric Landis and we can do payment by PayPal. I expect this listing to be here for a long time, so don't assume they are sold!

  7. The grass had been expertly grown by Georgia Tech's Landscape Science Task Force to simulate the practice field conditions waiting for CV when they venture to NEPA later this week...

    ...The CorpsVets move our operation to the Econolodge in Wilkes-Barre, PA on Thursday, September 1 for Championship Push.

    Unfortunately, Tech's "Weather Condition Simulation" task force had the temperature set about 20 degrees too high. The grass was fantastic.

    I'm more impressed at the fire on the field.  CV has really taken advantage of this rehearsal time and is definitely peaking at the right time.

    I always find it interesting how little is discussed about CV come finals time.

    That's interesting too, and I read prediction after prediction of our inevitable placement. Those who have seen us live or heard the latest recording from www.corpsvets.org know that CV has a better chance this year of escaping our previous position in the pack. Hopefully those people will come out to see our practices in Mountain Top(www.edline.net/pages/Crestwood_High_School) and you may be turned on to something other than the top 3.

  8. well, i was able to listen to it....took a bit to stream, even on my dsl. but really no problems.

    curiously, where were the mic/mics placed to record this? sounds pretty low and near the pit. some really nice sounds coming through. the ballad is great and strawberry soup is a drumcorps classic.

    TMI follows: We were on asphalt parking lot. It is difficult for recording because of a ticket booth adjacent to DM podium that prevents moving the mic far away. I attached Shure VP88 (stereo mic that I use in mid/side mode) to scaffolding at approx 15 feet off ground, maybe 8 feet behind drum major and 12 feet behind pit. I have made recordings on the ground and this close, but it was all pit. I wanted to get higher for better balance. Show starts off as all pit, but later the balance isn't that bad. Being this close gives a nice stereo image. For example, you can clearly hear the basses moving right to left during drum solo near 7:45 mark.

    Recorder is Marantz PMD660, recording onto compact flash card. I think it's a decent setup but would like a recorder with better preamps. You have to have a hot signal or else it's noisy. I have not recorded on the parking lot and had to guess on levels (because I'm playing bass during the show). There's only one "over" which I consider success!

    There is a light amount of compression to make the quiet things louder. This may cause the pit to seem equally loud as full corps when you compare different segments of the recording to each other. Mastering is through Akai DPS24, a great audio workstation that I highly recommend.

    So, making the recordings is a fun part of drum corps, but more fun is playing in a line like this year's. Don't know where we'll end up, but in my 11 or so years on the field I have not played in a battery or bass section as good as this (maybe I have dragged them all down).

  9. Listen to our Sunday run at the CV Website

    Anyone who listens, post here ASAP if there's a problem getting the sound file. I'm not sure how my ISP will react to hungry DCA fans downloading 10MB files, but it was a good run and a good recording and some good drumming (IMO on all three) and that's worth the price of a server exploding.

    /horns always good, goes without saying

    //Can't guarantee link will be good past October unless Kunky re-hosts

  10. I've read a lot about Winston-Salem and I'm looking forward to playing there. But in all this talk about Winston-Salem, there's something I don't understand:

    This city must be one of those liberated women. Why? She gets married to this Salem guy, then she keeps her maiden name and hyphenates her new one. She must be proud to carry on the Winston name (maybe there are no boys in the family?)

    /it works for Courteney Cox-Arquette

  11. Here's a few quick notes:

    Cincinnati Tradition - Small group but surprisingly good. Of course it's impossible to get a giant sound out of a small hornline, but at least it was a decent blend and good tunes. Still an all-age group with brand new colorguard (is that an SCV influence?!?) so you can add that to your bias. I still liked 'em.

    Lake Erie Regiment - Nearly the same number of horns as Tradition (swap a bari for a mello, I believe). Drums are a major part of this corps as there are so darned many. I thought the basses were prominent/good although the pitches were low and intervals were close. I enjoyed their drum warmup too.

    Pioneer - Solid (sometimes you can't say something nice without implying that it was bad in the past, so don't read much into this) horns were nice and blended with front ensemble very well. Snares have a unique pitch (wet and low) that even non-drummers noticed. It gets your attention if not for the right reasons. Crazy drill at the end (IIRC) but the visual guy next to me suggests that drill is very compact and claustrophobic.

    Kiwanis Kavaliers - Good music, funny to use "Secret Agent Man" as a ballad but maybe this has been discussed previously. We know a drum tech (Teresa) so I hope the best for them. Can't remember much of their show because the rain made people freak out and it was very distracting. Does this audience ever shower?!?

    Southwind - Once again, hope it's not taken as a backhanded compliment, but I thought horns were very controlled and coherent as compared to the SW of several years ago. Drums didn't seem to project much although everyone seems to be playing strong. Liked the splash cyms on basses.

    Bluecoats - Can't say much that hasn't been said. They really stretch out the drill but seemed like the battery spends a long time behind the back hash. A friend from college brought her 11-year old son (tbone player) and said she was waiting for a large group to blow her kid away (I disagree with her large-corps bias). Hopefully this did it. She should have stayed for the tuning chords/warmup of the encore and her kid would have wet his pants. Can't believe 'Coats did thier post-show as long as they did since they could see the lightning that we couldn't. According to the news reports, a close-by Hardees had a lightning strike that set it on fire!

    Hope this review helps from a "dumb person's perspective." I don't admit to knowing it all... I'm just a fan of people who work hard to entertain. Affiliations/biases: 2002 to now with Atlanta CorpsVets. 1993-1999 with Bluegrass Brass (a DCM senior corps, RIP).

    P.S. I saw a lot of Cincy area friends who would sacrifice body parts to march again. A crazy person like me drives to Atlanta to do it. For you to do it would require a trip to Sharonville (because that's where I live, and I'd drive you to the ATL).

  12. Crowd Reaction: The crowd liked the Corpvets tonight and especially voiced its approval at the conclusion of their Don Ellis musical show. Thanks for making that long 16 hour or so trip to NJ. I liked ya a lot and look forward to seeing you again.

    For those who haven't been, Wildwood is an unbelievably unique venue. It was every bit as enjoyable as we were told it would be, and the town of Wildwood and N Wildwood is charming. It was a fun warmup (speaking for myself/battery, anyway) and fun show. Hope to be there again soon, and I look forward to more northern viewers when we're in Kingston NY in early August. Not sure if we're on first there... but don't be late!

  13. I hope I'm not breaking any DCP rules by listing my EBay auction for this bass mallet.

    This a Tom Gauger #3 bass mallet that was used for a short time in a small drum corps. It has not been used since then, and has been stored in a dry, clean place. I don't have any use for it any more, and this will help me recover the costs of assisting other corps. Thanks for checking!

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