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Everything posted by KC1974

  1. Pretty sad - but hoepfully all works out - and they return next year...........
  2. I agree Chris. But there were certain people - ALL of whom were on the Board - That pushed him out. No one will do a better job than Anthony did. I'm willing to bet a large sum of money on that. Trust me. Print this post - and look at it in September 2006 - and ask yourself this question: Was the 2005/2006 season more succesful than the 2004/2005 season? Base your answer on the following. did you meet budget? did you have more members than last year? did you have a more qualified staff than last year? did you score higher than last year? From what I've read/seen and heard so far - it's going to be hard to answer yes to any of those questions. I hope to god you prove me wrong.
  3. I have not heard anything either - I'll ask a few folks around here and see if anyone knows anything.
  4. from an email sent to all staff members: Hey Guys Well this email is an update from my last email, you see I like to keep things interesting and well to say the last couple of months have surely been that. This is a tough email to write as I have somewhat mixed feelings, I have had a chance to talk to the Lee Price after the meeting and get feedback from where the board is at and talk about basically things in a general sense. Alvina and I have also talked about things so this was also a big part of my decision. So I have decided to resign, I have let the board know that I am willing to stay on until the end of the month and get registration and rehearsal started, I don't want to leave on bad terms as I still want the best for the corps, so I am more than willing to ease the transisition to a new Director. I feel the work that was done last year was quality work, thanks in part to all of our efforts so I feel comfortable knowing that I tried my hardest to make a go of it and it is time for someone else to continue. I am also hoping that this will be an opportunity for more people to be involved in the corps which as we all know is a must to make a go of this thing. Most of all I am hoping no has any hard feelings about things as none was intended. I have recommended to the Board that you all be hired and we continue with the current staffing plans, I also have offered to be a part of getting a show put together as this needs to be pushed ahead as well. I am assuming they will continue with these plans as this is what makes sense. So I thank you for your patience and understanding, I hope to talk to you all very soon and I hope to get a start on the season as well as helping a new Director lead the corps. Regards Anthony Bissoon To bad to see this guy go.....................he really did a great job last season and I thought he would be the one to lead the corps to the top. All the best Anthony - too bad to see the board of directors pushed another good guy out the door.
  5. ok - they are "F" sorry to be dumb. YMP-203MS is the model number check out the yamaha website, and enter the model number into the search to see them.
  6. no prob. sorry if I upset anyone.
  7. Hey, Our corps has 6 brand new - still in the box - never been touched - Yamaha F Mellophones for SALE!! We are interested in Selling them, and purchasing 2 new/used "G" Euphs... We bought them for around $11,000 CDN 18 months ago, and are willing to sell them for way less than that. PM me - or Email me and I'll put you in touch with our director if you are interested in buying them - or may know where to get 2 "G" Euphs... from. Thanks!
  8. Hey, Don't know if you've found them yet - if not email DCI and they can send them to you. dci@dci.org Kelly Chimilar Allegiance Elite
  9. email our director: kevin_director@allegianceelite.org He may be able to help you out - we just bought a new set of Bb's last year and have all of our G's left. Tell him Kelly gave you his address. Kelly Allegiance Elite
  10. Mike, I think a volunteer staff is great - and most corps certainly don't make their staff rich with the wages they get paid. I think most corps pay their staff enough so teaching doesn't end up costing the staff members money - ie: gas money - spending money on tour - flights in and out of tour - etc..... With our corps we were paid very well (IMO) for our jobs within the corps. Then last season we had a bit of a cash crunch and staff was not paid from September until April. The first thing I noticed was the immediate separation of the staff that were there for the money, and the staff that was there for the love of the activity. When the previous season we had virtually perfect staff attendance while getting paid. Some reasons of the staff dropoff was the cost of fuel to and from rehearsals, some staff have children and have to pay babysitters while they are at rehearsals, there is always the staff get togethers after practices that cost money - So I understand why certain staff members need to drop out when the money isn't there. My wife and I are both caption heads with our corps and lost close to $10,000 of income when we stopped getting paid last season. It is really money that we know can dissapear in a second so we don't pay our bills with it, but just use it for little extras in life. My hat goes off to those people who can dedicate so much time and energy into the activity for free - good work! On another note - PM me - we may be looking for a new brass arranger this season, and have a staff meeting this Sunday to get the ball rolling on the 2004 season. Kelly Allegiance Elite
  11. I read in a post on another topic that they couldn't start a Drum Corps in Nevada because the kids might spontaneously combust if they stood out on a filed too long there. I thought it was pretty funny! I'm up in Canada - I wish we had that same problem here. It was 35 degrees here last night - almost freezing and it's not even September yet. Always nice to hear new corps are starting up - All the best Kelly Allegiance Elite
  12. try this - http://www.patricksheridan.com/breathinggym.cfm Kelly
  13. try this - http://www.patricksheridan.com/breathinggym.cfm Kelly
  14. hey Torokokill - you know who this is............ Get some lessons with Rita S. - She is a great teacher in town, and could really help your cause here. Nice to see you exploring for info. Keep it up. KC
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