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Posts posted by Tank

  1. and if the OP is correct, than DCI will be over soon too – just a quick look at the voting and you see how out of step many of those proposals are with the fans views – and I’d expect more youngins and less traditionalist on this site so I’d guess the disconnect would be even greater

    Actually, I'd think the opposite (more traditionalists than "youngins") on The Planet. Sounds like we need a DCP Demographic Study!!!

    This big gamble the DCI higher-ups are taking will work only if the new crop of youngins can financially make up for the legacy fans (some of which spend thousands a year on things other than tickets) that are lost. If they can balance that, then DCI survives.

  2. It pains me to say this, but all the "traditionalists" need to give up.

    Hoppy & Friends have already won the war.

    Petitions won't help.

    The Planet won't help.

    Not going won't help.

    Accept the changes, or leave. That's it.

    Sorry to be Denny Downer, but that's how it is. Drum corps as we knew it even 3 years ago is gone, and it will never return. Every toy, every piece of electronic equipment, and eventually EVERY instrument will be used.

  3. Yeah, it'll save tons of money when they have could have gotten the same amount of sound out of fewer mallet instruments. Instead of paying $2000 for some amps and mics they'll be paying $5000 for an extra marimba.

    The dirty little secret about amps is that they can actually SAVE money for a young corps.

    At the risk of rehashing (something I take people task for) . . .

    . . . for a young corps, you are correct. Yet, the larger corps (of which, if memory serves, A CERTAIN DIRECTOR used smaller pits as a rationale for amps) continue to have pretty much the same size (larger?) pits.

  4. Still that was better than the "Fighting Squirrels" after all the bushy tailed vermin in the one really green section of campus.

    The Oak Grove.

    I was all about The Squirrels, man. It would have given us something great to chant at the games:



    WE EAT NUTS!!!


  5. Wasn't at DC in 00, but if UofMD is a pain, there are several others nearby including FedEx and old RFK. Maybe others, too? Again, don't want to have two or three in same city--one BIG show in one BIG stadium. So pick which one of these or others is cheaper, easier to book, available, and so forth, and have your show!

    The '00 Finals were supposed to be in the Redskins stadium (RFK? Was FedEx open then?), but that fell through, so UofMD was the second option.

  6. 1.) Eh...don't really have to, IMO. 32 NFL markets not including those teams have moved away from PLUS places like Austin, San Antonio, Columbus, Sacramento that don't have NFL but are 'major' markets. Then the funny thing is, I looked into where the major D1 NCAA football programs are, and MOST don't line up with NFL teams. Miami, I'll give you. But Ohio State in Columbus? No NFL team, but nice, big NCAA stadium! Detroit has NFL and there are two nice, big D1 stadiums elsewhere in the state. OKCity has OU right down the street in Norman, and if interest warrants, Stillwater and Tusla also have nice, big stadiums.

    My point is, you can put together a nice schedule of, admittedly, fewer performances, in larger stadiums, and still get a pretty good cross-section of the population included. And again, the nice thing about the DCI fan and NCAA/NFL stadiums is that they basically line up pretty well. Do a lot of people have to drive, in my idea, to get to one of these places compared to having shows in Paducah, Podunk, and Pascagoula (sp)? Yeah. Will they? Some will. It's not 1970...gas prices OR DCI strategy. Lots of considerations, admittedly. But Internet is there even when a show isn't. And being able to tune into "Drum Corps Television" right on dci.org makes up for it...60 shows and all corps instead of 1-2 with 6-8.

    You assume that these places are readily accessible. Need I remind you of the issue with FINALS (the granddaddy of them all!) in DC in '00?

    I'm not going to pretend to know the inner workings of getting an NFL or major D-I stadium (someone from YEA/USSBA, perhaps?), but it's probably far more difficult than you think. If it weren't, I imagine it'd have been a tapped resource already.

  7. DCI's job is not to . . . "work to improve" ANY corps at all.

    This part still scares me.

    What happens when there aren't enough corps to hold up the NATIONWIDE touring schedule we currently see? DCI becomes only interested in "big" venues (aka, only Super Regionals, or whatever they call them now), like they are now in "big" corps.

  8. Individual corps are responsible for making sure they can survive and provide an excellent experience for their members. I don't remotely see it as their job to promote expansion, unless they choose to do so for the overall health of their organization, a la BD, SCV, Colts.

    I think DCI has lots of information available on starting corps...but again, I don't see it as their job to actually start them. Help them once started? Sure. The more help the better.


    So . . . DCI and its corps have no responsibility in ensuring this activity continues to grow/thrive/prosper in this way? While the number of competing corps continues to drop?


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