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Posts posted by iPlaydaTuba

  1. I remember us having a few "short" DMs. Brad Toth in 2001 couldn't have been more than 5'9, and Matt Haines in 2004 was maybe around 5'9-5'10.

    Brittany Summers (the 2008 DM, along with Chris Castille) is shorter than me, I think, and I'm only 5'7!

    I never heard of any height pre-req when I marched. It was all about the synergy between the person picked and the corps, staff, etc. and the leadership qualities they held. They can be taught to wave their hands in the air.

    Michael Terry

    Cadets Baritone 2000-2007

    Dang, you marched 2000-2007??? Thats crazy! And you have 2 championships under your belt. I'm Impressed.

  2. I respectfully disagree with you! Last Year the San Francisco Renegades brought a show to the East Coast that had been formed over 10 weekend camps worth of rehearsal! I have to tell you that if we/you were to perform a show with the difficulty level of say 2006 Cadets it would be a total disaster. If you marched in Jr. Corps try to remember ALL those countless hours we had to perfect our shows! Really hard shows would be a total disaster and we would have fewer fans because of how poor the product would be!

    Now if we could do professional drum corps and get paid for it then we're talking! I would quit my job in a heartbeat and march march march! Then we would have time to get good!


    Really? Then why do so many people argue that the great DCA corps of their time compete with the top 12 DCI corps? I've heard countless amounts of people say that the 2007 Reading Buccaneers could easily be in the top 12 of this years DCI standings?

  3. It gets weirder Fran. In post #130 a couple of pages ago I wrote this:

    I think of the Grenadiers also when I hear "Cappricio Espagnol" not SCV or Bucs.

    I always agree with you when you're announcing and saying how great the Buccaneer Alumni corps is and I'm almost always standing within a few feet of you, but we've never met.

    Really, because when I heard them play Scheherezade, the only thing I thought of was wow, didn't SCV play an almost exact arrangement of this not more than 2 years ago?

    I truly believe that the Buccs choose the shows they perform because they know the crowd will like them. And how do they know they like them? Because they've witnessed the crowds reaction to the pieces within the last few years with some amazing DCI performances. Thats great that your past generation remembers the 1970 blah blah blah, but the generation of today remembers 2004 SCV, 1996 Madison, or 2001 Cadets. Someone mentioned before that Innovation lead to 1993 Star of Indiana, and 2006 Cadets. Well personally, even though I didn't like the talking in the Cadets, I loved the performances given by both of these corps. The talent required to play half the stuff in these shows would amaze anyone. If DCA put out anything even close to some of the innovative performances, then maybe they would receive a larger crowd base. By this I dont mean adding woodwinds, or microphones. I mean push the box and see what drum corps can really do in DCA. Give DCI a run for their money. I think that would be extremely exciting.

  4. You're also assuming that DCA corps sit around figuring out how to copy DCI programs and that is absurd. Do you really think they have the time or the inclination to copy DCI corps? Perhaps the staff may be familiar with something a DCI corps has done and gets inspiration from it, but copy it? That's BS.

    Im not assuming that DCA corps sit around and figure out how to copy DCI programs. However I am pointing out that in the past 3 years, the Buccaneers, and the Buccaneers only have performed complete shows made up of fan favorite DCI shows in the past 10 or so years...

    Don't believe me?

    2005 Buccaneers-

    Farandole - 2001 Cadets

    A Young Person's Guide To The Orchestra- 2001 Cadets

    Adagio For Strings- 2000 Santa Clara Vanguard

    String Quartet No. 4- 2000 Santa Clara Vanguard

    2006 Buccaneers-

    Bolero- 1996 Madison Scouts

    Capriccio Espagnol- 1982 Santa Clara Vanguard (still a fan favorite to today)

    Claire de Lune- 1994 Phantom Regiment

    Scheherezade- 2004 Santa Clara Vanguard

    2007 Buccaneers-

    New Era Dance- 2001 Santa Clara Vanguard

    The Promise of Living- 2005 Boston Crusaders, 1996 Cadets

    Danza Final- 1993 Phantom Regiment

    Rhapsody in Blue- 2005 Phantom Regiment

    Don't get me wrong. I love what the horn staff is doing with the Buccs hornline, and the percussion amazes me for DCA, but I believe that the show design team should look into a little more variety.

  5. Good points, Marty.

    In 1998, both Buccaneers and Sunrisers played "Festive Overture" for their opener. Now, there's only so much you can do with "Festive Overture" ...after all, it's a pretty well-known tune....without turning it into something unrecognizable...."Not-So-Festive Overture" perhaps......LOL. So the arrangements were similar. No big deal.


    Woo Hoo! Wonderful that the arrangements of the openers were similar. If only it was the same as having a whole show be a compile of other corps shows. Then you might have a good point.

  6. When someone does a song, either writes it or arranges it, some things are obvious. A certain type of phrasing or dynamic.

    It stands to reason that two or more independent arrangements could be made of the same song and have striking similarities.

    Same with visuals. A certain song has a big climax with a strong hit to it. The horns build into it, the drums build into it, the drill was written up to it and when it happens...BANG! the corps is full to the stands, triple forte and the rifles make an amazing toss and the guard is doing stunning moves and the crowd goes wild.

    Next corps does the same song. When it gets to the climax, BANG! they're full into the stands, the rifles do an amazing toss and the guard does a stunning move and the crowd goes wild.

    People are murmering, "well, who copied who?"

    Amazingly a third corps plays the same song. When it gets to the big climax, they play it double pianissamo, backfield, the rifles do a spin move and the guard does a little hop in the air with a small flourish. The crowd sits on their hands.

    People murmer, "at least they didn't copy the first two corps to play the song!"

    Of course, the first two corps seem like they copied one another. Maybe certain phrases are or seem identical in their writing. Doesn't mean it was copied. It just means they're similar. Two people heard the same piece and thought the same thing when they arranged it. It's going to happen.

    But entire shows with the same songs as top dci shows in the last 10 years? Yeah if they played one piece in their show that was similar to another show, I doubt anyone would be upset, but when whole shows become a mixture of dci favorite shows, then I believe its crossing the line

  7. They probably did get the idea from buccs... the thing is, when buccaneers play arrangements that are almost identical to top 5 dci arrangements, and win championships from them, not many people are going to say anything, but some are. SCV's Scheherezade is one of my favorite shows ever. When I first heard buccs play "their version" of it, it basically sounded like a watered down version of Key Poulans arrangement of SCV's Scheherezade. This past year, at the end of their show, they had the mellophones do the octave thingy exactly like phantom regiment does it, which as most of you should know, thats one of their signature things. Buccaneers must be listening to alot of DCI shows that didn't quite make it to a championship when they decide what shows their gonna do. I love their hornline, and drumline, but their show design seems to be lacking in the since of originality

  8. We had two pretty sick visual moments in our show this season. In the drum solo the snareline took rifles and threw them blind over their shoulders to be caught be the guard. It didn't make it on the DVD (although you can hear everyone cheering for it while the camera is focused on something irrelevant), so this is probably the only way you'd know about it. Then in the closer, we had a colorguard throw a rifle over a gate (we had these big 12 foot tall gates on the field), run through the gate, and catch it on the other side.

    Were those the same gates that Syracuse Brigadiers used in 06?

  9. yea, no more complaining about Academy's touring schedule... only 3 shows less than BD.

    I think theres a lot to complain about Academy's touring schedule... As a member of a corps who competed against them a lot last year, I found it ridiculous that their first show was San Antonio. What this told me is that while we were on the road and performing, they were still at their home base having another round with move-ins. No wonder they were so good for their first year, they had much more time to practice their show before performing it for the first time. I'm sure if every corps stayed in their home base for 2-3 months, they would be amazing, but thats not what drum corps is about. Drum corps is about going on tour around the country, and giving people performances, while competing against other corps. I think their should be a rule with a minimum tour schedule around 25-30 shows. This will give the corps who actually go on the road a better chance against the guys who would rather get more practice time in.

  10. i love how everyone is saying "oh well i would much rather see a perfect triple than a messy 7" how about a clean 7? which one would you rather see? a clean triple, or a clean 7? I know which one id vote for. and dont even give me that "oh well most drum corps today cant do clean 7s" well first of all, the top corps of today can pull off clean 7s, and the lower corps of yesteryear couldnt do clean triples.

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