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Posts posted by CrownLeadSop

  1. And SCV keeps most the show in the middle of the field, which makes it much easier to keep the ensemble tight. BD and the others are spread wide with much more difficulty holding things together.

    Every show has things we can nitpick.

    And? Don't take it as a personal attack, it's just an observation. The top 5 is going to be comedically close this year, and I agree that SCV's tight forms could, like BD's propensity to stand still during the hardest parts of their brass book, be a differentiating factor in the content boxes.

    Again, it's an observation on a discussion board and a response to someone else's opinion about visual scores, not an accusation or indictment. Who knows, they may add a ton of characterization and velocity by the end (and I expect they will).

  2. It's just that we hear the same complaint about BD every single year ... and it's almost always wrong (and I say that as someone that isn't even a huge BD fan).

    That's fine, but it's not an observation I've made until this year. Just because others have said it doesn't mean that it's wrong this year. They stand and play (well) more than the Cadets (etc.) do, or they seem to. It's not an accusation or anything, just an observation.

  3. There were SEVERAL unison jazz runs with the hornline playing full volume.

    Sorry, but we're talking about comparisons between them and the rest of the top 5. You cannot tell me that it's on the same bar as what the Cadets just wrapped up doing, or even the velocity throughout SCV's show (almost entirely while playing).

  4. Its you. Mine was 100% great the entire Cadets show.


    Tech note: For those of you wearing headphones, switch your left and right. The feed has it exactly backwards. I switched mine during Cadets, and I guarantee you it makes a difference while watching a Cadets show.

    Sounds like 3-4 other people starting having issues during Cadets, too, so there's that.

  5. I appreciate classic run-and-gun Cadets for a change. However, you'll never win everyone over. Some will say "they're too progressive with Y" one year and others will say "but look at how innovative corps Z is by comparison!" the following season. Sometimes, those people are the same. My guess is a lot of people really enjoy this show, because the GE is kitschy but not "plastic" (that's the new phraseology around here, right?).

    • Like 2
  6. I think the end of the opener is much more generally effective now, while showing off some quality note playing by an excellent brass ensemble. It definitely signifies the descent quite a bit better. I would venture to guess it gets tweaked one or two more times before it's all said and done.

  7. We were warming up for show of shows, the first show of the year. They were on right before us, so they were finishing their warmup while we were getting our horn warmup underway. They turned their entire horn arc 180 degrees and played 1812 right at us while we were trying to warm up. Years after the fact, I brought it up in conversation with a guy who was on brass staff with crown at the time. His response was "yeah, that wasn't me. Sounds like Matt." Why would I make that up?

    That's not exactly how that went down, but I don't know if I don't like that version better. :)

    • Like 1
  8. Hmm. Interesting how many people called BD dirty and yet they won visual handily. Cadets seem to have the hardest drill and their scores show it. They just need to clean and they'll be in good shape!

    Really surprised by Brass scores but good job by the Cadets! they just made the Ott race even more interesting than it already was!

    Crown outperforming GE, not a good sign. They need to add stuff in or they'll fall behind. By the way, I absolutely hate what they did with the end of Dies Irae. Runs for runs sake. That moment lost all impact.

    Both BD and Cadets need to lay off the synth. That brass judge must have some nice ears to hear past it.

    FWIW BD had a lot of park sets that looked great. Is that enough? Maybe, it has been for some contenders in the past.

    Interesting brass scoring, but I think it will last just about as long as Crown's first drum placement. Time will tell.

    Couldn't disagree more with the end of DI. It was very musically confusing in its original state. This may not be the final version (certainly more they can do there) but this is a major improvement.

    As for brass judging... I'm sure Wayne heard just fine as he was standing BEHIND the amps every time I saw him on the sideline. Just not sure I agree with his numbers. I am not too surprised, though, he was sitting right in front of every frack for Crown, starting with the preshow trumpet quartets.

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