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Posts posted by Noname

  1. All:

    Before you start teeing off "URL Mapping" let me explain to you how SEO actually works. Google & Bing will reindex the site. The more you visit it, the faster it will happen. Once that happens... the "old" links will start to naturally disappear and the new correct links will appear. DCI doesn't have much to say about this... and when switching platforms like this it would cost both a fortune both in TIME and $$$$ to hand map every URL to a new one on the site.

    So... please everyone... don't get your collective #dcppanties in a bunch on this. The new site is cleaner... and a lot easier to navigate. It has a great new social bar that follows you on the right... and I even got a "DCI CHAT SUPPORT" window tonight when I started the stream... which looks crisp and clear over wifi tonight. Great Job #SQUADDCI. Nice to see corps on the field... nice to see things moving forward. Oh... and BTW it seems to be responsive design... rendering on my tablet and mobile very well.

    Still a huge mistake to remap the URL's, it seems completely pointless. The new website is absolutely horrible, the last website was very easy to use. Here's to hoping that they switch back.

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  2. I have favorites this year but I remain objective as possible. Did you see what he typed? He wasn't even trying.

    Also my topic is asking about FAVORITE drum breaks. I don't want an argument over who has the BEST drum break. Not everything is a competition. He could've easily just said his favorite is the Cavies and I would've agreed that the Cavies have a pretty freaking eye opening marimba feature this year.

    Are you joking? It's a given that this is all opinion, it doesn't need to be stated. The topic of this is "favorite", not "best".

  3. I feel like everyone left the stadium, the lights are out and they forgot to tell us the scores..

    Security went in the stands and started asking everyone to leave, that the stadium was closed and the show was over. Not ten second after that, the announcer told everyone to stay in their seats, that the show is not over, and they will be announcing scores shortly.

  4. What I can't get over is that the brass line literally bends their intonation throughout the show, including the soloists. I just saw a rehearsal clip for the first time and the show literally tilts you inside. My neck was tilted by the end of the show, but I literally felt like someone had transported me to a tilted version of reality. I can't imagine what it will look like LIVE, up close and personal. I think I just decided to fly back to Ohio (I'm on the west coast) to the Massillon show on the 4th. It's gonna be SICK.

    Actually, I think it's just the synth that bends it's pitch, to sound like the hornline. I first thought it was the horns too, and was awestruck. But you can hear the brass re-enter when the chord gets to the bottom pitch.

  5. OP is not asking for corps sponsored or DCI sponsored content. OP is asking for show and performance runs.

    Yes, he's asking for legit sources as far as I can tell. DCI's YouTube had the stream of Crown's performance for a while, which you could go back and watch at any time. Not sure if it's still up.

  6. Well, seeing as only corps that have done west coast tours have won DCI championships since at least 2007, I'm gonna bet either Vanguard or BD. It'll likely be BD, but I know that Vanguard has been building up a really strong corps since all of their staff changes in 2011 and 2012. Can't wait to see it.

  7. Haha, I didn't catch that until you pointed out the age of this thread! Maybe it's better to revive old threads rather than starting a new thread about the same thing over and over?

    Why so rude about it? Same stuff different day depending on when you come into the site, right? ...and Barbara Maroney does a fine job!

    He didn't use his brain, don't worry.

    Anyways, I've really got to say that the Euphonium soloist from BD this past year was fantastic. It has the darkest tone quality I've heard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs6XXCCwdZc#t=533 . That's a video from the beginning of the season, but finals week it was even better.

  8. In my opinion, hands down, 2013 Carolina Crown's "The Abyss." With or without the narration.

    Have you heard this (2:41)? This is just the brassline playing through much of their ballad.

    As for me, here are my favorites:

    Cavaliers 2004

    Blue Devils 1991 (I really love the duet)

    The Cadets 2005

    Phantom Regiment 2010

    Just to name a few...

  9. How did Crown percussion get 4th? They were 6th yesterday.

    Different read. The percussion could be inconsistent show to show, the judge could have been in a different spot during portions of the show. Maybe he got more of a read on the front ensemble than the guy last night. Maybe all of that. I don't think it's too farfetched.

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  10. Seemed to work fine for the many, many years that it was before Finals. Those few hours the day before Quarters aren't going to make more of a difference then the 2 months before.

    The problem is that corps are more often having to house farther away from Indy. Schools start early in Indy, which screws things up. It's not just a few hours. It's that, and an extra 3 hours of driving possibly.

    I also think it does make a difference between having it after San Antonio and right before finals. There's a lot more momentum and push on the day before Quarters. But that's just my two cents.

    I also know for a fact that Bluecoats would have let all of their members compete, not just ageouts, if it had been in San Antonio. But like I said, they aren't close to Indy.

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