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Dylan Ford

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Everything posted by Dylan Ford

  1. Well, it is the Cavaliers... I HOPE they know how to work their equipment...
  2. It will be a full-corps retreat at the very end of the evening.
  3. I am 5'7" and weigh 125 pounds. I will probably GAIN weight if I march the next two summers!
  4. What is the story behind that? Not sure I've heard that...
  5. A good number for Crown, considering the Blue Devils' record this season!
  6. That's just the way it is, so I'm not really sure where you're going with this. What is worse- having DCI championships a week/two weeks earlier, or not giving youth from Texas a chance to participate?
  7. Just a simple question to see where the members of DCP stand at this point in time. Give any explanations as to why you think what you voted for will happen. P.S.- I know there is a point jump from the SCV/The Cavaliers to HNC/CC/BD, but we all know how things can change on any given night, so I figured I would include The Cavaliers and SCV. Plus, I didn't want to get any of the "Why didn't you include 'insert corps here'?" shenanigans!
  8. I absolutely agree. Corps sometimes need that "shocker" to know that they need to fix things.
  9. I am really happy that the Blue Stars, Phantom, and the Boston Crusaders all go on during the same block of time. I think at this point 7th could go to ANY of them.
  10. I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED! I think more than that. I say closer to 2,000. But what do I know?!
  11. Wow, I didn't know organizations had sexual orientations! I'm going to take DCI out on a date, then! Good to know that he would be interested.
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