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Posts posted by blucru

  1. The first time I saw SCV and BD live. I was the 17 year old kid in the stands with my mouth gaped open and thinking,HOLY ****!!!!

    Spirit Of Atlanta hornlines of the 70's/80's. Man, were those cats LOUD!!

    Bellville Black Knights black and cream uniforms. ###### to the extreme!!

    Bridgemen and their on-field antics!!

    The all-girl corps. There were some very decent corps in that circuit!!

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  2. Joining the local drum corps, being handed a baritone {an Olds ultratone} and wondering if it was the same one your brother played 8 or 9 years earlier when he marched.

    Still call high brass "sopranos".

    Contras and french horns.

    My sister still refers to the Colts as Colt .45

    When somebody mentions Vanguard, I still think Des Plaines Vanguard.

    High lift mark time march.

    The First Federal Blue Stars.

    Silk blouses that weighed around 30 lbs{until it rained or you sweated , then they increased to 60lbs}

  3. OK, so I bit the bullet and decided to count up the number of junior contests that actually took place, were documented in the drum corps periodicals of the day and had scores (and that I had in my files).

    I only did 1972, and here are some of the leading states for that year:







    Thats a whole lotta shows per state, considering that pretty much all the shows BITD were weekend shows! Week night shows were a RARITY!

  4. We have a lot of sub-contractors at the place that I work, and a few weeks back I seen one of them wearing a Phantom Regiment shirt. So, my curiosity got the best of me so I had to ask. Turns out the guy marched P.R. back in the 90's! So we've been talking "shop" since then whenever we get the chance. We were going to try and go to a show( take the kids, show them what the old man used to do) but he's heading to the Charlotte show and I'm heading to the Durham show the next night!

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