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Posts posted by anniem

  1. oh sweet lord. this could go on forever.

    my uncle is a big supporter of IU basketball (and was an acquaintance of Bobby Knight during his stint as coach there) while one of my cousins went to Purdue for his engineering degrees. Thanksgivings in Indiana were always a constant argument whenever they started talking about sports.

    Imagine every day in my house.

    I was a cheerleader at THE Ohio State University (pompous name, I know!)

    One kid marching at Purdue.

    One kid cheering at IU.

    Can you say food fight?

  2. Hey anniem, that made me chuckle also. As you can see,by my banner, I am definately affiliated with a corps. Do you have a pic of your kid...send it my way and I'll see if I can make a banner for ya. In between my sewing of course.

    lol. Why I did not notice your affiliation whatsoever. :biggrin:

    Actually, I already found the answer. Another poster responded to my cry for help. The kid on the left in all the CC banners is mine. I know I have that banner saved so I'm gonna see if I can add it. Thanks.

  3. no problem...but no one has answered my questions yet. On first glance, did you LIKE the green strings, green tights, green everything? Did it have to be explianed to you.....

    "I am asking as a designer a simple question. Did you understand and like the green strings, guard uniforms, etc. at first glance. "

    I was attempting to answer the "understand" part of your question. As another CC parent said, I had also seen the show over and over and over and over and..... before I ever saw it with the uniforms so I don't think I can be objective about the "first glance" thing. The rest of you (meaning the audience of non Crown fanatics) saw the show and the uniform together as a package on first glance.

    Do I like them? Yes, I love them. I love the wooly little asparagus things. And I am biased.

  4. QUOTE (anniem @ Jul 16 2009, 11:00 PM)

    lol. So how do I add that banner to my status? I want one so I am judged partially on my affiliation with a specific corp too.

    lol... seriously... on my couch in brooklyn, physically laughing

    I hope in a good way. I've already done a poor job of getting myself across to another Cadet. Its the last thing I want to do. I heart Cadets.

  5. Maybe the point is to irritate a little. Get under your skin. It may not be comfortable but it is memorable. Lots of talking about it. Granted mostly negative. I don't know, I'm just a parent paying the bills.

    Please, don't get your panties in a bunch...I am asking as a designer a simple question. Did you understand and like the green strings, guard uniforms, etc. at first glance. It's not rocket science...just a question. Please don't accuse me attempting to get under your skin.

    Please reread my answer. You asked a sincere question and I answered with my interpretation of what the designer was possibly attempting with all the green. And when I qualified that with the fact that I am simply a parent, a honk if you will, of the corp I did so to indicate that I am likely biased.

    I did not mean to accuse you of attempting to get under my skin. I was speaking in general terms as to what I thought the designer was doing. I should have used the term "audience" instead of "your". Like how some commercials on TV are obnoxious in a Billie Mayes kind of way but they are remembered afterward. They stick with you.

    I'm sorry that it is sometimes difficult to convey a message on a forum. Apologies. BTW, I am not the "rocket science" comment person... I did not say that.

    (edited the spelling of "science" cause I got rattled that I offended someone.)

  6. I've seen the show. My questions do not pertain to the uniforms in relation to the production, but as design, color, and style with respect to "getting it" instantly. I find it hard to believe that on the first viewing, even the crown parents were in awe of the colors and strings.....but maybe I'm wrong. I am really asking as a designer, albeit an over critical one at that.

    Maybe the point is to irritate a little. Get under your skin. It may not be comfortable but it is memorable. Lots of talking about it. Granted mostly negative. :biggrin: I don't know, I'm just a parent paying the bills.

  7. QUOTE (anniem @ Jul 16 2009, 11:27 PM)

    I think thats the point, a loose interpretation. Not following the Oz theme to the letter. A fantasy world in general- Peter Pan. Chessmen. Tinkerbell. Princesses. Faeries. One thing I like about the show is noticing new stuff every time I see it.

    EXACTLY!!!! :biggrin::tongue:

    Why thank you Contra Mom. BTW, thats my kid on the left side of your banner...

  8. They look like the Freakin' Jolly Green Giant or Peter Pan, not munchkins or flying monkeys. That's all I'm sayin'...

    I still like it.

    I think thats the point, a loose interpretation. Not following the Oz theme to the letter. A fantasy world in general- Peter Pan. Chessmen. Tinkerbell. Princesses. Faeries. One thing I like about the show is noticing new stuff every time I see it.

  9. Patrick Duncan

    Spirit of JSU '03-'05

    The Cadets '06-'08

    Rookie of the Year 2006

    Distinguished Service 2007

    Cadet of the Year 2008

    For Holy Name Shall Always Be


    Hey, Patrick after all those years of marching and with such success do you mind me asking how this season is for you not being on the field?

  10. also a great show! not sure at this time which I like better

    7 minutes ago from mobile web

    the breeze must be causing the guard issues. several drops by Cadets also

    8 minutes ago from mobile web

    holy warp speed batman!!! the ending is crazy

    9 minutes ago from mobile web

    HNC entering the field

    And that is why this is shaping up to be such a fun year.

  11. QUOTE (Contra Mom @ Jul 16 2009, 09:42 PM)

    Of course you are entitled to your opinion but you are a Cadets alumni after all. Puke & gimmick are such nice terms to use, very professional sounding.

    this person is not a cadet.

    No. That person is a CC parent. But the person who originally mentioned puke and gimmick and pointless with regard to CC is FHNSAB... wouldn't that mean "For Holy Name Shall Always Be"? Sounds like a Cadet.

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