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Posts posted by oldsnare

  1. 10 Mandarins 70.10

    9 Pacific Crest 71.75

    7 Spirit 75.05

    8 Crossmen 74.25

    6 Glassmen 81.20

    5 Boston Crusaders 82.75

    3 Blue Stars 83.25

    2 Carolina Crown 88.05

    1 Holy Name Cadets 88.60

    4 Phantom Regiment 83.05

    Wow what craziness!

    BS caught PR - wow!!

    Congrats HNC - thanks CC for keeping the Beasts of the East getting better and better!!

  2. Yes, it happens every year with all of the corps that march in the Massachusetts parade. I forget the name of the town though. Is it Wakefield or something like that?

    Yes it is Wakefield - HNC, Cavies, and Colts had an ice Cream Sundae night after the show they were all in - can't remember which one

  3. I marched in the "old School' Era but I didn't have any problems growing with drum corps; there are things I didn't like or may have not liked the way they were used.

    I think it is good we have favorites - it keeps us connected. The truth is, we complain about certain corps' shows, but given the opportunity, we would jump at the chance to go see these corps we critique so closely.

    I saw CC twice. The first time I just didn't like them. I had a much greater appreciation for them the second time - they are not who I am rooting for, but I would definitely go see them anytime - and give them a great applause for their wonderful talent.

    Just thought I'd throw in my opinion.


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