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  1. Ha... move on. I don't hear any banter about where the judges are from, thats bc its valid. That is a fixable flaw in DCA... expand the circle of judges please. Every year the Bucs won they were definitely the champs. I don't feel that way this year. It is my opinion and it may ruffle some feathers but it is what I SAW and HEARD that makes me feel this way.
  2. MBI was the better corps hands down. Reading was good but sloppy and had little to no emotion or effect. I feel bad for the corps from the mid-west, look at the locations of the judges... ALL east coast. Whether you think it matters or not - it does.
  3. The after show blow down is a great way to say goodbye and live in the moment of performing one last time. It effects members, staff, alumni and fans in an emotional way. Director's should be brainstorming for their drum corps right now on ways to replace this this tradition. It will be an odd silence outside the stadium at 1130, no question. But DCA is doing the right thing by complying to what the city wants. They do however have a choice, a choice to move DCA finals once they do not have a contract with Rochester (anyone know?). The news is unfortunate but all this arguing doesn't influence or change anything. This is a great year for good drum corps in DCA and finals are going to be entertaining and verrrrryyyyyy interesting. The streets will just be quiet after the show.
  4. My buddy from Madison said MBI was doing the same things as DCI corps. He was impressed! Personal opinion, who knows?
  5. The truth of the matter is that the Bucs ARE better than everyone else. Not sure about MBI, until next week but for 5 years they have dominated and when it comes to design and execution (given, I agree with the opening post about Bucs shows being rehashed dci shows) there is no question. Performance and exciting the crowd is a part of drum corps but that comes naturally when execution is high. Playing loud and having attitude is not getting credit in DCA like is used to, which is a positive step to push groups and programs. Until someone designs and executes better than Bucs, they win. I'm not a fan of any group in particular, I'm a fan of good shows.
  6. I see... Reviews would be great.
  7. Wow... Not even a glance into some good shows? I'm sure people can watch and enjoy a show and speak of it. Come on... give me some 2010 moments that are cool.
  8. How are shows looking? Who is impressive, for real... Reviews - !!!
  9. Here's a thought... why don't some east coast groups make a trip to the mid-west more often? Create a happy medium for judges, fans and the corps. Why is it that the expectation is to go to the east? Given, I recognize that the majority of corps are placed there and common sense would have one corps suffer the financial burden as oppose to many. But if DCA wants to grow, create a bigger base (as DCI falls apart) and provide a more diverse experience for members they should travel as well. I'm sure MBI knows that to compete they need to be seen by other corps and east coast judges. And in this economy - good for them to buck up and make it happen. It would be cool to see a early August show in the mid-west (Chicago, Racine?) with top 6 from the previous year.
  10. If I had to guess - as many have stated, depends until you see what really is on the field. Open Class 1) Bucs or MBI - these two were clearly above the pack in design and execution. 3) Empire 4) Hurcs 5) Renegades 6) Cabs 7) Kidsgrove Scouts 8) Alliance 9) Corpsvets 10)Bush
  11. Lets talk design. Bucs have had superior design the past number of years. I don't believe it will be "talent" that brings a new champion but the design of the product. Cheese is on its way out of DCA and quality with thought is being seen from show to show and place to place. I think Minnesota is close and Hurcs have the opportunity as long as they stay go in a new direction with design and Empire if they leave the fire extinguishers at home they have good talent and size. Rome is only going to bring a full product to the field (Phantom 2008 more than likely). Design needs to be good from everyone else or else just ring up number 6 now.
  12. Minnesota, Hurcs, Empire, Bucs Minnesota, Hurcs Renegades up - Cabs down
  13. Who has momentum for top 3? Who is ready to challenge Bucs? Movers up/down? Its April - shows in 2 months!
  14. Good idea, lets hope the ending of their show is more creative than fire extinguishers and an american flag! Lots of options for them, get creative Empire!
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