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Matt Haines

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Profile Information

  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    Cadets '01-'04 (Drum Major '04, Asst. Director '05); Capital Regiment Visual Captionhead '06; Troopers Visual Captionhead '07 - '08

Matt Haines's Achievements

DCP Rookie

DCP Rookie (1/3)



  1. Hi! I think I may have posted this in a less efficient spot the first time. Sorry for anyone who is getting this a second time. Fortunately, it's for a pretty great cause. :-) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone, My name is Matt Haines. I am a former Cadet (drum major in 2004, asst. director in 2005), as well as a former staff member of the Troopers and Capital Regiment. I'm so excited to see that four drum corps are in the final round (and doing really well!). I'm not suggesting you don't vote for all four drum corps if that's where you want to see the funding go. They've got great, creative ideas on what to do with the award and, as a former music major/drum corps participant, I absolutely appreciate what the arts can do for those who directly participate, those who are in the audience, and the world as a whole. I'm writing because, I'd like for you to consider giving the organization I work for, The St. Bernard Project, your fifth vote. http://apps.facebook.com/chasecommunitygiv...post&ref=mf Located in New Orleans, we rebuild homes for the survivors of Hurricane Katrina. In New Orleans today, nearly four and a half years after the storm, roughly 10,000 individuals are still crowded into temporary housing; 12,000 remain homeless (double the pre-Katrina number); and countless others are scattered around the country hoping to one day return to their home. There are hardworking families here who are trying to get home...they just need a little help. With the assistance of volunteers and donors from around the country, the St. Bernard Project is trying to be that help. Since March 2006, we have returned 258 families back into their storm-damaged homes. With this funding we can do the following: - rebuild 100 more homes for the survivors of Hurricane Katrina; - create 21 new construction jobs each year for returned war veterans; - add 2,000 hours to our Center for Wellness and Mental Health (a HUGE issue in post-disaster areas) for 300 new clients As we've seen in New Orleans before, and as we're seeing in Haiti right now, the disaster relief system is something we need to invest in. Nobody should have to live the way some of our clients live. With your help we can continue to correct this solvable problem. Thanks in advance for your support. Please vote for the St. Bernard Project at http://apps.facebook.com/chasecommunitygiv...post&ref=mf Sincerely, Matt Haines
  2. Thanks Matt, Terri, Fred, SFZFAN (maybe not your real name? :-) ) and anyone else who has voted. I really appreciate you taking the time to do that (as, I'm sure the families we are able to help bring back home are as well). If you want to learn about how you can help us attract more votes (easy steps and language for copying and pasting included) please visit www.4nola.org/facebook Thanks again! - Matt
  3. Hi everyone, My name is Matt Haines. I am a former Cadet (drum major in 2004, asst. director in 2005), as well as a former staff member of the Troopers and Capital Regiment. I'm so excited to see that four drum corps are in the final round (and doing really well!). I'm not suggesting you don't vote for all four drum corps if that's where you want to see the funding go. They've got great, creative ideas on what to do with the award and, as a former music major/drum corps participant, I absolutely appreciate what the arts can do for those who directly participate, those who are in the audience, and the world as a whole. I'm writing because, I'd like for you to consider giving the organization I work for, The St. Bernard Project, your fifth vote. http://apps.facebook.com/chasecommunitygiv...post&ref=mf Located in New Orleans, we rebuild homes for the survivors of Hurricane Katrina. In New Orleans today, nearly four and a half years after the storm, roughly 10,000 individuals are still crowded into temporary housing; 12,000 remain homeless (double the pre-Katrina number); and countless others are scattered around the country hoping to one day return to their home. There are hardworking families here who are trying to get home...they just need a little help. With the assistance of volunteers and donors from around the country, the St. Bernard Project is trying to be that help. Since March 2006, we have returned 258 families back into their storm-damaged homes. With this funding we can do the following: - rebuild 100 more homes for the survivors of Hurricane Katrina; - create 21 new construction jobs each year for returned war veterans; - add 2,000 hours to our Center for Wellness and Mental Health (a HUGE issue in post-disaster areas) for 300 new clients As we've seen in New Orleans before, and as we're seeing in Haiti right now, the disaster relief system is something we need to invest in. Nobody should have to live the way some of our clients live. With your help we can continue to correct this solvable problem. Thanks in advance for your support. Please vote for the St. Bernard Project at http://apps.facebook.com/chasecommunitygiv...post&ref=mf Sincerely, Matt Haines
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