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Everything posted by CourtOfHonorMember

  1. I will never forget this one time on tour. I came back on the bus wearing a sweatshirt from another corps and carrying a big bag of stuff that I had bought from the stands of other corps. My corps director practically yelled at me for buying other corps stuff. He told me "Why don't you support your own corps?" Because I know that money goes to food and pays the leaders to make other kids' dreams of marching possible. Did you guys ever face this problem?
  2. I think it depends on how responsible you are. I think you should be allowed to drink soda if you buy it on your own, but the corps shouldn't provide it except as an occational treat.
  3. Here is a message someone left on my site. The power of the written word is amazing, and persuasive. You are right on target about recognizing inconsistancy in life situations - it is heart breaking. And can cause you to be disillusioned. Live your life with truth, honor and duty - be an example to the young and old people around you. When you represent a person who is consistant with word and deed, you shine a light of confidence in this world which seems to value vagueness and fickle devotion. You don't have to be influenced by these hypocritical examples, you can learn the lesson of character development and gravitate to people who have developed that skill. Look for them, I guarantee you'll know'em when you see'em.
  4. So basically, you put on a fake personality when you're with the corps?
  5. Maybe it comes from being raised by a paratrooper and an airforcemen, but I believe in honor, respect, and discipline always. Words offen speak louder than actions. You never know what effect what you say will have on someone. If I could, I would serve in the military, but drum corps is the closest I can get.
  6. Well, still, some people are saying that they can just say whatever they want and it doesn't represent their corps. Like "Corps x sucks and should fold." It's like serving your country and saying "I hate this country."
  7. That would be like saying, "Well, I'm in the military when I'm with them fighting or training, but I'm not when at home." So you're saying you can rob a bank when not with the corps and not represent them?
  8. Another reason I forgot to mention is, even though you may not be in drum corps, what you post on your website could effect your chances of making a corps if leaders or other members happen to come across undesirable content. I even checked my own site to make sure I was on the right track.
  9. One of the reasons I joined drum corps was because I can't be in the military. I feel drum corps gives you a little bit of the military without the killing.
  10. Some one once told me when I was a rookie: "Drum corps is like prison, they tell you when to eat, sleep, and poop. Get used to it." Yuck, what a thing to tell a rookie! Now I'm a vet and I tell rookies it's the time of your life! And the best family you'll ever have!
  11. Yuck! Three hours of sleep, child abuse nowadays!
  12. I have more respect for my leaders now, thanks leaders for giving up your vacations for us.
  13. I am just heart broken today. I was just browsing fellow drum corps members' blogs and websites and was totally disheartened by what I read. People write about stuff you would never think would come from a respectful, dedicated, and honorable drum corps member. It's just appaling and outrageous to me. You would think drum corps would teach these kids honor and respect not to post that kind of stuff! You might think no one will know you march drum corps and you can post anything you want and not represent your corps, but people can easily find out you post on Drum Corps Planet, so therefore you represent your corps. What are your thoughts on this? I just can't believe some people. Whether you know it or not, you represent your corps even while not with them for years to come! Yeah, that's right, the corps handbook isn't something the leaders just felt like putting together one day! Look back at it now and then to remind yourself who you represent in your daily life! We are a corps, a family, and most of all, a team working together for the same goal!
  14. On normal camp days, when does your corps go to bed and wake up? For my corps it's around 11 because of alot of little kids and seven thirty or eight wake up.
  15. Why are we not allowed to have soda in drum corps? The leaders get to have it, why not us kids? I understand why we shouldn't have it before we play, but why not at freetime?
  16. Yeah, and I just found out that my web host is going to allow blogging by phone soon yay! As far as my laptop, I get really borred at my host families house, so I will probably leave it there if I bring it. We have alot of freetime in my corps. I guess it's because we are div three with lots of little kids.
  17. Yeah, maybe I will just leave it at my host parents' house. As far as a palm pilet, those are really expensive for the blind, like $1000
  18. Good points here you guys. I have a little different situation though, so maybe it could work. Since I march div three, I move in with a host family at the end of May. We don't usually start touring until the beginning of July. Maybe I could leave it with my hosts until we come back. I'm not sure though. But yeah, I wouldn't want to lose it because alot of the talking software couldn't be replaced.
  19. I want to be able to update my website and journal on tour, but my family is worried that I will lose my laptop on tour. I know we are a family in drum corps, but other people can get to your stuff on the road. I know some people have taken their computers on tour. How do you guys protect them?
  20. "It's not hot, it's mind over matter." That one really works for me.
  21. Oops, I must not have explained it well. I am looking for other members or staff who have valuable information to share, like technique tips, life lessons learned on tour, or just anything you find educational. It doesn't have to be a quote if you can't think of one, just something you learnd or tought in corps.
  22. What is the most educational thing any of your corps leaders have told you as an individual or as a corps? For me, "Hornline, we have a tight sound today, so just relax and let tention go. Just breethe. The key to a good hornline is breetheing and being relaxed." One of my brass leaders. Since I have had the honor to be in both hornline (for parades) and timpani (for shows), here's the pit view: "We need to feel the pulse in the mallets, just feel it." Okay now corps family, it's your turn!
  23. I'm not sure. It's probably because I want to talk too much.
  24. I respect both my drum corps leaders and my teacher. It's hard for that reason. I guess you can't really make money from marching corps, so I will have to play somewhere. I have thought about jazz alot, because of the Blue Devils, but I like jazz because you don't have to be able to see to play it except for the charts. Orchestral stuff is so hard for me because of my sight problem. As far as my teacher, he doesn't really let you talk. It's like a silent rehearsal in corps, he offen says no questions, just play.
  25. I had a trumpet lesson today, and my trumpet teacher is trying to go against the phylosophy that I have been taught in corps. I learned to play trumpet in corps, and my teacher is trying to change my embourcre and everything. I like what the brass leaders have taught and are teaching me and I don't want to change. What should I do?
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