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Everything posted by contrasteve2001

  1. feel free to catch our Glendora show . birth is ugly! ^0^
  2. thats what made vk special was we were very serious, but it did'nt show thru because we would work our ##### off for hours at practice and when it was show time and it came time for a comedic bit we poured everything we had into it
  3. Hey Bill I know what you mean I bring my 10 yr old son down now and again and it drives him nuts, but he still has fun and if you bring your daughter they will both have someone to hang with. As far as a fav.V.K. show how on earth can you overlook 84 the first time we broke into finals ...enuff said??? we had the lifeguard station Jaws a break dancer and a lionel ritchie chart ...o and the worst uni's possible!!!
  4. Hey...come march with SoCal Dream if you're anywhere near SoCal...we've got a LOT of ex-VK dudes in the corps...from almost all years (including John McCoy, Walter Counts, Wayne Ball (a former VK DM himself) and many more! WHAT i GET NO PROPS SAM? THERE GOES THE REST OF YOUR HAIR! ^0^
  5. Sorry, but I have to disagree. I accept B-flat horns completely, however I don't see how you can say that the quality of sound has improved. I prefer G horns because of the tone they produce. Although it does matter how you play the horn, B-flat horns tend to have a brighter, brassier qulaity, whereas the G horns tend to be more mellow sounding. That's a personal preference in what you like to hear. But are you implying that hornlines have more quality because they are using B-flat horns? I should say not. If they have more quality, it's because they have decided to work at sounding better, not because they got a new horn slapped in front of them. Sorry Glen I have to disagree, the G horns provide a "brighter ,crisper " tone ,where as the Bb has a mellower warmer tone , the G horn sound travels farther and has been a staple in drum corps for so long that I guess that is why it is labled as traditional , also that fact of playing a completely different instrument than what you play in your band and orchestra adds to the mystique of the experience,
  6. While haveing a large line can be impressive ,the sound is the most important part V.K. '84 we had only 10 , but someone had renamed our line the B-52's ^0^
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