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Posts posted by TerriDitt57

  1. There are still horn players out there (former sops..mostly) who refuse to

    give up the 7C or the 14A4A because of the REACH. SHAME>>>SHAME>>>>SHAME. We have some too! It's all about tone quality.

    But I don't have to tell.....YOU....that do I?

    GO 6V's (and geritol) B)

    Nope. I love the sound from that mouthpiece in that horn.

  2. I still use that 6V mouthpiece on the G bugle Dynasty mellophone I own.

    I LOVE that mouthpiece!

    I've been playing my own Getzen Titleist melli for ten years with th 6V.

    To me for the correct timbre and overall tone COLOR, if you will, this is the only mouthpiece for this horn. ( but if necessary....I can take out an entire soprano line......). Anybody playing melli knows, or should know, you must be careful playing this horn.

    Here's a bad analogy........Sop's are the potatoes.......Lower brass the Gravey.......But......MELLI'S are the MEAT!!! :wacko:

    I agree 1000 %

    I was finally getting my RA buddies on mello to notice how nice and rich my tone was with the 6V. It was like pulling teeth to get them off those trumpet mouthpieces but I successfully converted a few!

    The mellophone of today is much different than the old mellophones. That was a totally different beast. The one we play today calls for a mellophone mouthpiece (or as Pete Bond suggested, a converted cornet mouthpiece).

    I love my 6V. I do, I do!

  3. If I could find 10 good french horn player who could also march, I would consider it.....I love the french horns timbre.

    Wish me luck.

    Well if lived out there, Soos, that would be one.

    I see you're the corps psychologist. I'm starting to think every corps needs one!

  4. My five years with madison, 73-77, we marched no mellos, and large french horn sections. Our arranger, Ray Baumgart, was a firm believer in the unique texture it added to the "Madison sound" of that era. I agree that in today's "on the run" drills, large french horn sections are not feasable for Junior Corps. Seniors and Alumni corps have a place for them; Renegades are the good example..........

    we marched 4 mellos and 8 frenchies my last year '78.

    I am sure someone will want to KILL me for this but let me say, I played french horn for all my juniors and in Kilties senior. The last two years, I played mello.

    I don't think the frenchie has a place in today's drum corps. There aren't enuf people who know how to play it, number one, and the drills they do know would freaking kill you trying to play on that little mp.


    (french horn player since age 8 and for life but not on a football field anymore, sorry)

  5. I've learned that it was officially named "Iowa" by Cavalier soprano Larry Palowski in the late 60's. You'd have to know Larry's dry but brilliant sense of humor to understand why Larry would have been the perfect person to so name the cadence "Iowa."

    I had no idea Larry Pawlowski named "Iowa".

    That's hilarious.


  6. I have blocked this year out of my memory.

    Mitch, I can send you a tape of the prelims show if you want to relive fond memories.... :P

    A little Glinka, a little Shostakovich, a little "Do Ya Wanna Get Funky With Me"....

    As soon as they brought out Shosta AND Do you wanna at the same time, we knew this would not be a banner year in Cavalier history!

    *sigh* but i got to see Niagra Falls for the first time that summer :music:

    I didn't know you Mitch but I always felt really bad for my friends who I had marched Norwood Park with........ Chris Theriault, Loren, Pudge, a few others, I don't know if Bob Shreffler marched that year.......... but I did always feel bad for them.

  7. Alot of the horn players in Guardsmen went on to march in 1979.  Pretty talented group.  We never could march however and the drumline was always iffy.  Nice guard tho.

    One of the fun things about having the 77-78 Legacy DVDs is that there are a number of people here on DCP who marched those years, so Ive been combing them to find you guys. Terri, there were a couple of moments where I thought I saw you in the Guardsmen performance. Ive been looking hard for Nancy Vetrano too (Lancerfi). Trying get my PC working correctly so I can watch the DVDs there and screen capture those of you I can identify. I sometimes use a animated gif avatar captured from 77 finals.

    Somehow we all looked so much better back then!!!

    You can definitely see me in concert playing the v/r olds ultratone stubby FH.

    BTW, I think I look better NOW!


  8. In fact, I don't think there was a '74 or '75 Bridgemen. They made their triumphant return (much to MY delight) in '76 as the Bayonne Bridgemen.

    The indelible memory for me is standing on the street waiting for the parade to start in NYC and looking over and seeing those long yellow coats. I was like #### that is so ####### cool.

    And the rest, as they say, is history.

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