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Posts posted by SCVCRNMOM

  1. Well, I might be able to help shine a little light on this topic with my daughter's story. I had no idea there was a DCI. No clue. My daughter did not think she was good enough to even think of trying out for any kind of DCI corps world or open. Then SCV and SCVC came to our high school, and we hosted a DCI show for two years in a row. My daughter attended every practice, we baked cookies, and we helped the kitchen crews. Last year a hole opened in the trumpet section, and our band director was contacted by SCVC and asked if he knew of a player who could fill it. He suggested my daughter and she made it onto the trumpet line. She is on SCVC again this year and will be in DCI until she ages out because she loves it. My daughter was the first from our area to join SCVC. Now we have 5 kids in SCVC from our area, and many in our HS band going to shows to watch them! This never would have happened without that first show. I wish more kids in HS band from my area, the central coast of CA, could see a DCI corps. Around here they may not know they exist or think they can make it onto a corps. We are a huge untapped market and talent pool. Look at what happened here we went from 1 kid involved in corps to 5. SCV is thinking about having another show here. I sure hope they do.

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  2. Open Class could use more exposure from everyone. It would be great if DCI as well as DCP would show us more love. We could do ourselves a favor and be more active on our own behalf. Those that are B corps could be advertised more by our A corps. Our shorter, less expensive, less intimidating tour is attractive and a great way to get new people into drum corps. World forum is always talking about a way to get new people into DCI; well promoting your open class might not be a bad way to start. Where are all our youtube videos? Where is all our news on DCI? This could be easy to do.

  3. So I work the food crew and when there are 3 shows close together, and I have seen everyone, I like to watch some of the corps warm up on night number 3. Then I just go watch my favorite shows. I have a staff pass so that helps. It's just another reason to volunteer. Your corps might not give out staff passes, but it gives you a chance to see the corps practice and that alone is fun. The people you meet are great, the kids are super, and the staff is the best. If you can do it I recommend it.

  4. As the parent of someone who is in DCI I appreciate the way you compliment and constructively criticize the shows. The kids (and they are kids to me) work way too hard to be booed or have some of the very hurtful things said about them that I have seen here. My daughter marches SCVC and I work the food crew. I sit next to BDB parents quite a bit and they are some of the best people you will ever meet, and so are their kids. I cannot imagine booing them. All DCI and corps staff I have ever met are wonderful. This is not a job you do for the hours or the money. Thanks for being a source of knowledge for me Mr Boo about something my daughter loves and that I know very little about, and for doing it in a classy way.

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  5. OK kids, everyone likes to be right and memory makes the heart grow fonder. I am sure you remember the good stuff from your marching days, and the times you marched were the best ever. Memory is a funny thing and tends to be selective. Hey, if women remembered everything about childbirth there would be far fewer kids in this world. It's OK to have your opinions, but it is not OK to put people down or belittle someone else's thoughts. I don't know much about DCI, but I do know people. If you are trying to get folks on your side then ugly comments and pointing out grammar mistakes are not the way to go. The excuse that you love drum corps and you are just expressing yourself is weak. Get over it and behave. Do not act like spoiled 2 year olds and quit your petty little arguments. I swear, if I could I would send some of you to your rooms and take away your TV AND computer privileges I would. That is my rant. Continue....

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  6. As a parent who just worked the So Cal tour with the corps my daughter marches with I must say it is hard work, but it is a lot of fun too. You meet great people and the kids are the best. Got a thank you from each corps member at every meal. Love my fellow food crew parents, and we are getting together after the long tour for a reunion party. Looking forward to next year and going on the long tour myself. Go support crew and that includes kitchen help, drivers, uniform help, and anyone else who volunteers for a corps. Remember an army marches on it's stomach (and so does drum corps).

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  7. There are quite a few strong corps this year making for some healthy competition, and that is what we all should hope for. When we have a winner this year at finals it will not be a hollow victory over a bunch of weak also rans, but a true triumph over worthy opponents. We should celebrate that and all our kids for making this a great year! Go Open Class!

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  8. I know they are not over looked, and I admit I am biased because my daughter is a member, but I do enjoy the SCVC show this year. The only other open show I have seen is BDB and it is very good as well. I think it is going to be another great year for the open class. I just wish I could get back to final this year to see everyone!

  9. As a person who is new to all this I would just like to give a big thank you to some people. I would like to thank DCI, the corps, and all the pros that work for them. It could not happen without you. Thank you to the people who go to see the shows. Thank you to the people in trenches teaching the drill, music, dance, or etc.... Thank you to the fantastic volunteers who spend their time selling things or feeding people or giving first aid. Thanks to the band directors and the schools that let the corps use their facilities. Thanks parents for supporting your kids! Thanks kids for marching in DCI. I am sure I am forgetting someone so go ahead and add to the list. Try to be nice and not sarcastic. If you need to make yourself feel better by making someone else feel bad then try going somewhere else this time. Thanks!thumbup.gif

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  10. I wonder how life might have been different if your parents had asked you to go to a Marching Band show. Where I'm from, that wouldn't have fared ANY better. I also wonder how life might have been different if your parents had just said, "hey, there's a really cool show going on not to far away. Let's go!" or "Let's go to a Drum Corps show--it's like Marching band, but louder, faster, and better!"


    Where I was from there was no music program and no one had a clue what DCI was. If I had been given a chance to learn music and to march things might have been different. That is why we should be happy for what we have and try to build it up. I am not saying it is perfect and can't stand some constructive criticisim, but some here only want to say things that are nasty and negative. That is counterproductive and hurts the very activity they claim to love so much. Do they do it to make themselves feel better? Is it the only way they know to communicate? It is hard to say, but it doesn't help. Let's try to focus on what is important. I read these posts and everyone seems to forget all the kids. What is best for them? Does it matter that you love 1980 better than 1990 or 2011? What do you think one of the corps members would say to you if you had to read one of your posts in front of them after a hard day of practice? How would you feel? Think about that. Many talk about the behavior of the corps members, ask yourself what kind of example you are setting. People can disagree and debate without being cruel. Give it a try. More might get solved and more might get involved in the solution. Just a thought. I am new to this so excuse my ignorance.

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