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Posts posted by just_another_fanatic

  1. Best guard in my opinion:

    Blue Devils 1999 :ph34r::ph34r::music:

    *opening and ending flag work=> PERFECT

    *entire unit working the rifles during the second production=> INTENSE

    *entire unit working the sabres during the ballad=> PASSIONATE

    *best use of dance, ever.

    perfect marriage of technique and performance..

    'nuff said.

    do i hear a second?

  2. Just recently discovered this piece...and man is it something.

    I would love to see someone do this onfield...powerful brass, intense runs all over the place, I can just imagine the battery and pit writing for this

    and if there was a corps to do it, SCV would be it; a return to their dark/angry years, which I loved!


  3. I think one of my favorite drumlines in DCI History has to be Blue Devils 1995. The sheer aggression, their drill, their musicality, their technicality, EVERYTHING was out of this world.

    Others I enjoy: Star of Indiana 1993, Cadets 1993, SCV (any year)

  4. For all you pro-old schoolers out there, I have a quick question for you:

    If, say the Blue Devils colorguard, came out in 2003 with the old school outfits and did the whole, "stand in place for a whole movement and spin the rifles" gig, you would be geniunely content? happy? entertained? screaming for more?

    Personally, I woud laugh myself to death (and so would alot of others) if we see anyone that pulls that off, clean or not. You want the new schoolers to be old schoolers, but in reality you have a firm realization that if such stunt occured, it would be SEVERELY unsuccesful, If they was a guard as clean as 27Lancers out, doing old school moves in the modern era, I think they wouldn't be even close to winning a guard caption. You might argue that all you want is CLEAN and EFFECTIVE color guard work for the modern guards. All I'll say is..ARE YOU EVEN WATCHING THESE COLOR GUARDS? I know plenty that are very very clean, at least one from each year since 1989. I don't even have to think to list them

    1989: Phantom, Cadets

    1990: Blue Devils, Cadets

    1991: Cadets, Cavies, SCV

    1992: Cadets, Cavies, Blue Devils

    1993: Cadets, Star of Indiana

    1994: Blue Devils

    1995: Blue Devils, Cadets, Cavies

    1996: Blue Devils, Phantom, Cadets

    1997: Cadets, Blue Devils

    1998: Blue Devils, Cadets

    1999: Blue Devils, Cavies

    2000: Blue Devils, Cadets, Cavies, SCV

    2001: SCV, Cadets, Blue Devils, Cavaliers

    2002: Cavaliers, Cadets, Blue Devils, SCV

    yea..they are all basically the same, but they're still clean, precise, and VERY MUCH NEW SCHOOL.

    Where does the old school guards end and the new school guards begin?

    With that in mind, I believe that the old school guard ended around the late eightees. So, when anyone discredits "modern" guards, I often think that they are displeased with amazing guards from 1989 to 2002 that I have already mentioned. Just one lesson to learn, I guess: GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE!!

  5. Well, this topic is basically my rant on this whole color guard debate. I know, its all overdone, that's why I'm trying to put an end to this. To those who are not familiar with this controversy..here's a break down.

    Person A: " I dont like modern guards because they lack precision the old school guards had. Plus, they waste their time doing ineffective dance moves and facial expressions"

    Person B: " I don't like the old school guards because they lack emotion and almost seem boring at times"

    Since you now get the picture, here's my take on the whole thing:

    Please realize that color guard is not clearly defined. No one put out a rubric of what a color guard should or should not do. Therefore, doing high-mark times and pulling off perfect spins and angles with the rifle is just as acceptable as doing jazz runs, while spinning a sabre around your body, then tossing it and catching under you leg. So whatever a color gaurd puts out, it cannot be considered wrong or not what a color guard should be doing.

    Old school guards were great. Were all of them as good as 27th Lancers? Of course not. Modern color guards are still just as talented. Are all of them just as good as the Blue Devils? Of course not! Can everyone just realize that guard members of one era worked just as hard as members from the opposing era. I think that many often forget the effort and sweat that all these kids put in, and rather, go straight to complaining about what they do wrong and how you are displeased from the style of that certain era.

    Can everyone just accept the fact that the color guard of now is very different from the color guard of then. Who cares if the new schoolers dance on the field and has facial expressions? Who cares in the old schoolers were militaristic? That doesn't make one era of guard better or more correct than the other. I hope you agree, and if you don't, enlighten me with your arguments. Everyone just drop this whole thing, since you know that the guards are totally different from one another, there is no sense in ranting anymore.

    Here's a thought: Would you ever compare 1973 SCV and 2002 Cavaliers and say that one was more correct that the other? Hopefully not because it would be ridiculous to do so. We know that in the context of their time period, each show was amazing. Am I right? In the same effect, why would we compare the color guard of 1980 27th Lancers to the 2002 Blue Devil color guard? With that perspective, doesn't it seem equally ridiculous? I think so...

  6. I do not know about everyone in here, but are we all talking about the same 'modern' color guards here? In my opinion, the color guards of the recent era are just as good as the old schoolers. There is alot of talk about color guards not being as talented, or as splendid, or as precise, or even as useful as they were back in the days. I cannot disagree anymore.

    First off, you cannot compare the old guards to the ones we have now. In the confines of each guards respective eras, they perform and execute amazingly. However, would you ask a guard member of 27th Lancers to toss a seven, and while its in the air, do a dance spin, and then catch it while kicking one leg up? Obviously not! In the same effect, would you ask a guard member of the recent BD to close their eyes and perfectly spin a rifle with the exact angles and the exact hand placements? NO! Both are easily distinctive and but both are EQUALLY AMAZING.

    Personally, its takes the same amount of talent, skill, and determination to perform either moves. Considering that, would you call guards in the likes of BD, Cadets, and Cavies unable to execute? I hope not, 'cause guards that can and do achieve such moves are not unable to execute. Take for example the Blue Devils Color Guard. In the last few years, they have seem to be a dominant force.

    BD 1999: Considered one of the greatest color guards to be ever fielded. GREAT COSTUMES! The flag work in the beginning was so together and so diffifcult..it was unbelievable how they executed it, while incorporating dance moves. The flag work is consitant throughout the first movement. The second movement comes along with everyone on rifles. Spinning like crazy...dancing around...moving to spots with great speed...all at the same time. The impact point in the second movement begins, and the rifles execute with such precision and performance..its crazy. The ballad comes around. Everyone is then on sabres. Great angles and dance movements also. Tosses are all in unison and so are the catches. Beautiful work and you feel the energy and emotion they put out. The closer. Flag work and tosses are all in unison. This color guard was amazing. SHEER PERFECTION. Are you telling me that this guard was not as good as the guards of old?

    This is just one example of the many fine color guards that existed in the past few years. BD 2000s sabres were even more amazing than in 1999. BD 2001..amazing flag work. Did these color guards lack execution? How about the Cadets. They too have great color guards. 1996...probably the in sync flag work I have ever seen. Not only that, they dont march to their spots...they spin their bodies to the spot, they run to the spots, they do ballet moves to the spot...all while having to work with equipment. Now that's execution. Cadets 1997 equally as great. Cadets 2000 was amazing as well. I can go on listing the great color guards corps has dished out in the past few years. With such guards in mind, can you still say that the modern color guards, in essence, are not good? HIGHLY DOUBTFUL!!!

    I am not cutting down the guards of the old. I know to a great extent how amazing they were. But alot of you needs to give proper respect to what the guards now are doing. I just hope some of you understand that these guards maybe alot different from those from the past, but are equally as talented as they were.

  7. I agree. The Blue Devils always had a great guard. I love the equipment work and their dancing. What I think separates them from the others, say Cadets and Cavies, is the entire ensemble's stage presence. You can just feel it. They are all so energetic and lively, with so much expression and emotion. I think that's why I love the guard of the recent era as oppose to the Old School guards, like 27th Lancers. It is not doubt that they kicked major ***, but it seems too sterile, almost boring, for me. They lacked the commanding presence of the guards of now. (I am going to get burned for this...)

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