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Posts posted by just_another_fanatic

  1. 3 hours ago, TRacer said:

    I just wanted to quickly add that the SCV’s brother/sister corps torched the competition tonight at the West Coast OC Championships show in Pleasanton, CA, taking GE by over a point and Brass by 0.6 on their way to breaking a 73. The “Unified Brass Teaching” is certainly paying off! I’m just tickled pink (cream?) that both SCV corps are dominating their respective landscapes this year! :angel1:

    I’m wondering what has happened to Vanguard’s WGI presence? Have they abandoned the guard and percussion ensembles in favor of a renewed focused on DCI?

    Wouldn’t it be insane if Vanguard won wgi, open class and world class DCI in a single year? That would be a feat!

  2. 15 minutes ago, BoyWonder1911 said:

    I still think a show like, for example, Cadets 2011, 2005, 2000, 1998, and yes, even as far back as 1993 (Cadets, OR Star, if you're one of those who thought they should have won), could still win, and is still a better product than anything we have from this year. Those kinds of visual programs (maybe even music) are still far superior to what I saw out of the top 4 corps tonight, and the scores should reflect as such. 

    Cadets 2000 was not even the most compelling visual program that night, let alone of all time. Of the corps you mentioned, I don't think any of them has the right visual program that could compete-- not because of their proficiency but because of what judges look now. Hate it as much as you like, these days good visual programs != challenging drill (in the eyes of the judges anyway). BD 2014 done changed the game and made staging and movement vocabulary kings. 


  3. 9 minutes ago, 2000Cadet said:

    It's so amazing how well they're doing if you look at where they stood just a few years ago.

    I think it's their recommitment to being at the Vanguard of the activity. SCV spent a few years before 2017 doing nice, pleasant, but ultimately traditional shows. Some would say even generic shows (Scheherazade 2? really?). But with Ouroboros and now Babylon, SCV is back to creating interesting, challenging, and innovative shows that begets conversation. 

    Also, their brass line has improved seemingly out of nowhere. Who would've thought they'd be beating BD in brass this year? No one could have predicted that a couple years ago. 

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  4. 5 minutes ago, wilme861 said:

    The captions are totally separate and look at different things. Best example I can give is last years Crown. 1st in Brass, 1st in Music Analysis and 4th in Percussion. One of the big things Prosperie dinged them on in the percussion scores was the book not taking enough chances and expanding on the source material. They had a lot of opportunities to branch out and really challenge the performers but went the other route to keep it locked in musically. They got dinged on it by the percussion judges but the Music Analysis ones loved it as the whole package sounded great.

    I guess I need a little more context than music analysis = sounded great. What does the music analysis judge listen for and how does it differ from the brass or percussion judge?

  5. After tonight, it definitely seems like it's a three-horse race. But looking at the recaps, I think gold is going to be between BD/SCV-- they have no weaknesses, whereas Bloo's percussion might be the thing that takes them out of contention. Bloo's brass and GE scores might erase the difference, but SCV has a killer brass line and a GE-monster show too.

    Excited for the upcoming week when we'll get a better picture of where corps fall into place. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, snare_guy_83 said:

    From DCI's article (https://www.dci.org/news/2018-dci-rules-proposal-voting-results) on the panel change...

    "this summer there will no longer be a percussion ensemble judge. Instead there will be two music analysis judges utilized. One of those music analysis judges will have a percussion emphasis and the other will have a brass emphasis."

    Emphasis: special importance, value, or prominence given to something

    Given that, wouldn't a weak percussion score hurt the music analysis score? How can Bluecoats be 6th in perc but 1st/2nd in Music Analysis? 



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