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Posts posted by just_another_fanatic

  1. Yeah, it was late, however "allusive" kind of works in a very long stretch save face kind of reaching for it way. "Elusive" would be better. Saying that I found Phantom to be good but not communicating to the audience as if behind a glass wall is more accurate of my take on the performance. A glass wall that does not block sound. Does such exist? If so, is there a show idea there?

    Don't misunderstand-- I was trying to correct wayold, not you :sad:. It was just a friendly jab at someone who was attempting to correct a supposed usage error with his own usage error.

    Anyway, the short review is much appreciated!

  2. 93 Star though wasn't " a masterpiece "... that's the point. It didn't even win that year... And my definition of a "masterpiece" Corps is one that BOTH won the Title AND was the crowds favorite...

    By your definition the following shows are NOT masterpieces:

    BD 83

    SCV 87

    PR 89

    Beware of the old dogs on dcp.

    As for the topic at hand, I give SCV a month before they really start surprising people.

  3. Just because they are the "B" corps doesn't lessen the possibility of striving for perfection. Lack of experience doesn't equal lack of drive. Yes SCV is a top notch group but just because the "B" corps isn't a world class corps doesn't mean that they can't perform an entertaining and mature production. The drumline is filled with motivation and skill. Though young the hornline is driven by strong leadership and are experiencing tremendous improvement. This post is probably irrelevant to your thoughts or opinions.

    BRASSO is simply stating fact: BDB does not have a Top 5 World Class corps. Do you think that they do?

  4. Finally got to hear some ensemble brass tonight! Heard the ballad (which is changing from the listed piece to a new one) and the closer (which is a reprise of the Mahler 2 mvt 1 (which also opens the show)). In a shocking development (not) CC MMX has both the arrangement and horses to pull of the Mahler. Was a lot of fun listening to them rattle the windows at Fort Mill HS. I heard tomorrow brass is all ensemble so hopefully I'll get to hear more of the show.

    what? mahler 2 is less epic without it's finale. DO THE FINALE CROWN.

  5. I just got back from the show. I have a recap

    GE V BD 19.1 SCV 18.9 BC 18.6 BAC 17.8

    GE M 19.6 19.4 19.1 18.6

    TOT 38.7 38.3 37.7 36.4

    V P 19.3 18.9 18.3 18.1

    E 19.0 18.8 18.2 17.9

    CG 19.2 19.0 17.8 17.9

    TOT 28.75 28.35 27.15 26.95

    M B 19.1 18.5 18.4 18.1

    E 19.4 18.9 18.4 18.2

    P 19.2 18.7 18.6 18.3

    TOT 28.85 28.05 27.70 27.30

    If these are accurate, I'm happy to see SCV so close to BD in GE ad Visual... but those music captions are disappointing.

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