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Posts posted by lcarlton

  1. So far Sound Sport has spawned the following corps Guardians, Southwind, and Watchmen (I'm forgetting one). There are also corps who compete that are in DCA Class A or DCA Mini-Corps such as Cincinnati Tradition, Star United, and The Rocketeers. There are some groups like mine, The Columbus Saints that compete in Soundsport and SDCA or Mon Valley Express.

    In my opinion, Sound Sport is a great experience if you take advantage of what it offers. If you want to go from SoundSport to Open Class DCI will help you and get you on the path to build out your by-laws, grow your membership, develop your business plan and structure all while giving you a cheap way to get on the field and start recruiting.

    The other component of SoundSport lies in marketing. As a member you gain some access to DCI marketing power by the occasional social media retweet, repost, highlight in a magazine and more. If you treat social media as an integral part of your membership strategy then Sound Sport is great because they love to see and repost corps generated media. They like to hear about the positive elements, the experiences, and things that let participating organizations make their own story.

    With the Columbus Saints; we've been a community drumline performing in the HBCU style since 2003 until expanding in 2012 to add horns and competing at SoundSport Indy in 2014 with about 20 people. Since then we've grown 130% in less than a year; have acquired more instruments; started new community music programs through a partnership with the Boys & Girls Club; and continue to focus on keeping our members engaged while focusing on a local grassroots experience.

    Thanks to Sound Sport we can tell our story to a wider audience, and then provide a good experience for our members. In the words of our founder "the kids that want to march World Class will march World Class. What about the other 75% who can't march; can't afford it; won't make it; or can't make the time and money commitment to a full tour? Who looks out for them? What about the ones with raw talent but need that extra help to get to that next level?"

    Our Founder on the role of G-Men and community in Drum Corps:

    The biggest complaint I hear about Sound Sport is the lack of rules and how it's not really drum corps. In my opinion this shows a lack of understanding or desire to understand what the concept is; and it's growth. In the last year they've had shows in China, Ireland, England and will have some in Columbia, and Japan this year. This is taking the DCI concept and inviting drum corps but also other marching arts ensembles to perform in a way that may fit their region. It also introduces a low impact; cost effective way to bring ensembles to the US to perform like Medlin Gran Banda. The other aspect of it is SoundSport isn't just an exhibition at a DCI Show. The goal is to take SoundSport and plant it anywhere that would fit with the performance style. That means, we could see a SoundSport competition during a national festival, or a huge sporting event. Something that having an Open Class Corps wouldn't work.

    The thing is not everyone in SoundSport wants to move to Open Class. Those that do, and asked for assistance have done well and grown. If you're interested I can share more about our experience and yes there are issues but it's all about expectation. If you expect it to be DCI Open Class but smaller then you'll be disappointed. If you expect it to be something under the DCI umbrella that's very open around communication, support, and performance then that's what it'll be.

    • Like 3
  2. The Columbus Saints; a DCI Sound Sport All-Age Drum & Bugle Corps is entering into their second season of competition and has an immediate need for volunteers.

    We are performing at of 2 DCI shows, 2 Sound Sport Competitions, and 2 SDCA competitions this summer and need additional drivers to help move the corps.

    We purchased classic Cadet style uniforms which we wore at Finals last year and due to growing 2.5x in one year we have to expand out sewing staff. Sadly, our lead seamstress had to withdraw due to a severe medical issue which has created a position and need for volunteers.

    Volunteer Video

    If you're interested and have a few hours to help please email ahiggason@columbussaints.org. To learn more about the corps please watch these videos and visit our website at columbussaints.org or our Facebook Page

    Founder & Executive Director's Early Season Recap

    January Camp Recap Video 2015

  3. Columbus Saints Drum & Bugle Corps Open House Recap. We had over 50 people in attendance, including 26 of which who are buglers! We could not have had such a great camp without the help of a wonderful team of volunteers and staff and our great hosts at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Columbus ! Pics and videos below and we'll see you at Finals again this year!

    Pictures of the Open House

    Video Recap

    SoundSport Show Announcement Video

  4. 1.) It's early but normally Governaires strike a balance with crowd friendly shows. White Sabers have been making some moves the last few years musically. Check the announcements.

    3.) I know Cincinnati Tradition still uses G. There are a few corps in DCI SoundSport including Cincinnati Tradition, Mon Valley Express, and Columbus Saints. that are also on G.

    4.) Westshoremen seemed pretty rocking back in the day. I'd also would have loved to do Renegades. I just loved their look and attitude back in the day. Other than that Bushwackers or White Sabers and of course my former corps Cincinnati Tradition :)

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  5. I didn't write the urban dictionary definition. You'll also notice exactly what you said can be applied towards the term HBCU.

    Your comment doesn't make sense as the term Historical Black College & University applies to institutions founded before 1964 created to provide opportunities to African-American youth as to not to be excluded entrance based on race. With the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title VI, any school receiving federal funding cannot discriminate against applications based on race which is why many HBCUs have high non-black student populations.

    Overall, the average enrollment of non-African American's at HBCUs is 20% based of federal figures. Some schools have higher rates like WVSU (51% of European descent; 11% African-American), Bluefield (81% of European descent, 10% African-American), and Kentucky State (33% of European descent, 44% African-American). These figures are rising collectively as enrollment increases and many HBCUs position themselves as quality liberal arts, business, and professional institutions while providing affordable opportunities for students of all backgrounds and creeds.

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  6. Sorry for the double post there.

    As the previous post said, the biggest reason for the Bluecoats is because I work there. I'm selfish and I want the talent to come to my drum corps.

    You make some good points especially around doing a localized clinic.

    Around the issues that you brought up about dci being attractive. We have already recruited and partially funded through this scholarship a HBCU member. He's the soloist from the top of the show with the tilt and one of our screamers. It's already worked. And this guy both bleeds blue and loves his show band as well. And one of the members of the Bluecoats brass staff is a band director at a HBCU school. He brought his entire band to the Houston show last year and the report is that they loved the show especially Bluecoats and the Blue Devils. And he has other students interested but may not be able to afford it. In short, I'm not concerned about the recruiting side of this endeavor. I need more help on the funding side of the scholarship. This is why I have come here asking for support and drawing attention to the scholarship. My audience is adults that may want to spread the drum corps love. This is why I've framed it that way. The kids no matter what background, once they are exposed to drum corps, generally do like it.

    You are right that there are some arrogant judgments regarding what is "better"--show or corps style--on YouTube threads and other places The negative comments are unfortunate. But these are usually rooted in ignorance. My view is that both styles are different and great. It sounds like you agree. This is one reason why I would love to see more understanding and appreciation from both sides. I definitely didn't want to give the impression that I thought one was better than the other.

    Thanks again for your points.

    I appreciate you responding and clarifying your interest for scholarship funding versus community educational enrichment and I'm happy to see the success of the soloist from Prairie View and the participation of the Asst Band Director on Bluecoats staff. Good luck!

  7. Interesting idea and I applaud your effort. I have a few questions and concerns about the scholarship, including overcoming objections, long term benefits and cost benefit. I think some of the approach isn't limited to HBCUs but any show band that plays popular music like Ohio State, Ohio University, and more.

    - Why Bluecoats? The majority of HBCUs are down south or on the east coast so to cut down on travel costs and also provide a direct impact to the community wouldn't it be better to focus on local corps? For instance, a student from Howard, Norfolk State, or Virginia State may benefit from marching Cadets, or Jersey Surf as it reduces supporting costs.

    - How do you plan to overcome common objections to DCI and plain corps style? - Music is not recognizable or interesting (from their point of view) ; Marching style is stiff and not exciting enough ; lack of diversity ; high cost and potential conflicts with HBCU high school / college band summer sessions and more?

    - How to you approach the topic of Drum Corps with students and performers who don't consider it the top of the "game" or marching world and basically don't care about DCI? As in, due to the lack of DCI alumni staff in many high school and college HBCU programs; there isn't a widespread culture around the activity.

    - What is your plan to make any potential HBCU auditionees comfortable in the DCI environment? As seen over the last few years, whenever DCI, Drum Line or Sound Sport post ANYTHING about HBCU style it becomes filled with the most arrogant comments that showcase the hubris of the fans and activity in the assumption that everyone should want or care to march DCI.

    - Combined with the last of the predominately African-American corps dying with Spirit of Newark, Kips Bay Knights, New York Lancers, Cadets of Brooklyn/NYC and more; is there a long term plan to create a path to drum corps with many HBCUs?

    I think you're on the right track and I know there are many HBCU members and staff at Bluecoats which is great. Perhaps, they could reach out to Central State in Ohio and perform a clinic, or have a localized audition and showcase the benefits of DCI in tandem with their HBCU style?

    I think the approach should NOT be from the standpoint of DCI IS AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD WANT TO DO IT but instead working as partners to compliment the style and elevate members especially when you compare attendance at DCI Finals with that of Honda Battle of the Bands. Good luck and I look forward to seeing this program develop.

  8. This food truck idea is a excellent idea, and @Garfield, if you are not making a huge profit from food concessions, then you are doing something wrong. In most venues, the ticket sales go to cover expenses, and concessions is the profit center.

    I disagree with this in some part because local venues in the city ranging from Nationwide Arena down to even the city run Columbus Commons have made the switch to promoting food truck events as it generates more traffic, buzz, and offers more variety in concessions than the standard fare. Here are a few articles that feature the local food truck scene (many will be at this event) in Columbus which is huge:




    Columbus is a very food focused city so I think this concept is great! We have a high volume of restaurants per capita AND many restaurants launch their test food in the Columbus market because of the appetites the citizens hold. So low quality food at a concessions stand will not drive people to purchase which has been shown over and over again in our market.

    Case in point, one of the local vendors LATE NIGHT SLICE, how has mini-stores and mobile food trucks all around town. It's to the point that a popular bar/concert/comedy venue partnered with them and now instead of bar food, they sell Mikey's Late Night Slice. At two of the cities outdoor concert spaces (where the symphony performs) you now have Late Night Slice selling concessions pizza. Every week food trucks line up next to the state house and people from the governor down to the interns line up to eat these great food truck meals and more are starting.

  9. BUMP ^ for any questions.

    Soundsport is a great way for many classic corps to compete in a division that emphasizes crowd engagement, entertainment and mobility. Most Soundsport corps / teams perform heavily in their communities, and use their corps as a way to further music education and performance excellence. Many use G Bugles, have no amps or electronics, and are very affordable for members to become a member of the drum corps family.

    Some of the performing ensembles include:

    • Phenom
    • The Diplomats
    • Rocketeers
    • Southwind
    • Medellin Gran banda (from Columbia)
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    After a successful early season of local performances, community outreach and membership development the Columbus Saints Drum & Bugle Corps are heading into a busy summer. As we head into the last 5 weeks of our summer season we wanted to share some of our updates, videos, fundraising and member content from our recent events. There are a lot of questions about what Sound Sport is shaping up to be, DCI's support of the division, and who the participating teams are for 2014. With that being said here is some information, updates and more on the Columbus Saints https://www.facebook.com/columbussaints:

    Current Membership - 7 to 45 years old - median age is 21

    Instrumentation - 16 G Brass (G Bugles), 7 Battery, 3 Front Ensemble, 1 DM (NO GUARD)
    Membership Demographics - Members range from some with no prior music training to alumni of DCI, DCA, WGI ensembles and BIG10 Show Bands

    Overview - Weekend Performances and Rehearsals, Low Cost, Staff is mix of alumni from RhythmX, Empire Statesmen, Cincinnati Tradition, US Army Band and more.

    Current Open Positions on Mello, Bari, Bass, Tenor, Vibes, and Marimba perfect for a Corps Alumni who wants to perform again!


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As0ZDfvgY-c - Our Voice - Part 1

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpCcDsDf4fM - February Camp Recap

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKDRArAEMC4 - SURF on the TURF - Clinic Performance June 28th


    Founded in 2003 as the Saints Drumline, Columbus Saints Performing Arts Inc. of Columbus, OH is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering music education and performance excellence in the marching arts within Central Ohio. The goals of the Columbus Saints organization are to grow participants into exceptional performers on the field, in school, and in life, and to provide a unique experience for performers, volunteers, supporters and fans.
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  11. For me the vilification has nothing to do with the way Hopkins has ran YEA and The Cadets; nor for the way Gibbs has ran the BD organization.; nor for their sometimes way-out there show concepts. For me the vilification is square on their co-authorization of the G7 proposal which attempted to hijack DCI for 7 so-called elite corps, desire to place all other WC corps in a tiered underclass status below the glorified 7, and their desire to deny any and all services to all current and future OC corps which were not directly tied to any WC corps thus throwing them out of DCI. That, Icarlton, was the deep seeded issue for me in which to view Hopkins, and Gibbs, as archetype villains.

    Stu, I agree and think that's fair and justified for the failed G7 years ago. However, a lot of positive has come out of the organization specifically YEA! and in the age of corps folding or being unattainable for many, I feel it's important to highlight the positive work that the directors and their organizations are doing keeping in mind some of the controversial and potentially negative decisions and movements of the past.

  12. I really enjoy how the Hopkins lead Cadets program has retained literally the same uniforms, marching style, unique and at times uplifting show concepts, along with starting a DCA Open Class Corps, Winter Percussion, and providing free online courses and resources for educators, options for at risk low-income youth, and more, all while destroying the drum corps activity.

    If you want a corps to go FULL HOPKINS then I assume you want corps to provide the same support and educational opportunities for our youth while retaining a unique signature style. I look forward to seeing a DCI corps starting a DCA competitive corps, providing free webinars for staff and member education, and handle the practical change of instrumentation and amplification. I'd also expect all of the corps to retain unique musical identities like a tag at the end of some of the shows. Not to say corps today aren't providing these opportunities; people just forget and vilify a person because they are making stylistic and practical technological and business decisions.

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  13. Jersey Surf has a team called "The Surftones" which was a scaled version of their field show.

    I would love to see some DCI Div2&3 / A60 favs return as Soundsport corps like Americanos, Patriots, General Butlers, Kips Bay Knight, Phantom Legion/Regiment Cadets, Bandettes, Capital Sound, Golden Lancers, Lake Erie Regiment, Yamato, Les Etolies and so many more.

  14. This is coming from someone who started a small parade drum & bugle corps (5 brass, 8 percussion, 4 guard, 2 pit for standstills) when I was in high school. We were student run, with parent and volunteer support and it was a lot of fun but literally killed my mother and I with stress, time and energy. We marched in a televised parade in Cleveland and had donations from local businesses, bought drums and bugles off an old Sr Corps (Royal Lancers i think) in Michigan and spent the next 2 years playing around our county and sometimes in Cleveland and Erie. It was a lot of fun but you have to be aggressive, very organized, with a teachable attitude, and you need to have some e experience performing or touring.

    The big thing for our organization was never turning anyone away, sharing our overall knowledge and giving our members a chance to try new things, perform locally and more. We knew we would never be DCI, DCM, or any of the other circuits and were just happy to have a chance to play and collectively learn more about music through our partnerships with local schools. In my opinion it was a success as we had one family that were impoverished, lived 8 to a single room home with dirt floors that went on to become professional touring gospel musicians, enlisting in the Marine Corps Drum & Bugle Corps and Army Bands and some getting degrees in music related fields. They couldn't afford to be in band in school but because we were all volunteer, and sought to help each other no matter what, it was successful.

    With all that being said, it's possible you'll be able to make this work but you'll need to reduce your scope. Without support of adults you just won't be able to do a lot of things that are needed. The language in your webpage is also hostile towards anyone that potentially would even volunteer, donate funds, or even schedule a performance for you which is a BIG communication problem. Though you may have had a bad or negative experience from other organizations, I'd change the language so it's not hostile towards potential fans or supporters and set a realistic goal of what you want to do with the organization like Soundsport. If it doesn't work out, I'd suggest you sign up with a Soundsport Team, DCI Open Class (Legends), or DCA Class A (Cincinnati Tradition) that are nearby and not only learn the skills you need to be a performer, but also build your network to aid in developing a corps. Good Luck.

    sorry I have not posted on this again I haven't had much time lately. as far as the grammar errors go I made the version of the website you have been discussing at about 3 am and I didn't do a very good job of checking it. the whole "grown ups" thing was very poor wording on my part. what I meant by it was some big suit from a corporation or non-for-profit that would just want to take over, or someone who no one knows anything about.

    the problem is I was a member of a corps last year that was just starting up we didn't have very many members and we didn't know exactly what we were doing as members. almost all of the corps activities were handled by somebody who just moved to a nearby town, no one knew anything about him but we trusted him because he was supposedly working with the local high schools to get members and figured that the ymca he was running the corps from had surely done a background check on him. well then a perspective member paid for a background check. well it turned out he was wanted for statutory rape in Tennessee. I feel like this problem can be avoided by making sure the corps is run by its members.

    for the record I will admit that I am a high school kid, that happened to get cut from phantom this year, but I have wanted to start up a corps around here for quite some time not just because I was cut. I do remember some posts on indianamarching.com about a high school kid starting a corps and it being a huge scam, but it was not me. if I remember the posts right I wasn't even in high school when that happened.

    I posted the link to the corps website so that I can try to get some members to join. this whole corps idea is my senior project and people at my school love the idea behind it but many of them are not free this summer to march. I talked to the guy from sdca and he said he has seen groups as little as 5 people perform at these shows, if that's all this corps ends up being is 5 people I can be fine with that but I am going to try my best to get more than that.

    please forgive my probably horrible grammar in this post but I am not that great at using proper English especially in forum posts

    If you still don't like the idea behind this then I would prefer if you don't keep posting on here to try to change my mind. if you don't like it just ignore it. its that simple.

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