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Posts posted by Magbo

  1. Magbo, It's based on the results of the Minnesota show. They may be 5th in terms of scores at local shows, but in head to head competition (like last Saturday) they are 7th, thus they drew for position with the 7,8,9 corps.

    Oh...thanks for the explanation. Then that makes sense. I truly hope this won't affect their score tonight. This corps has come so far in the past few years. I just hope the judges recognize their progress.

  2. Order of performance at the small shows are based on groupings from last years finals...has nothing to do with where the corps is scoring this year. The corps knew this performance order before the season began.

    The regional shows (like Saturday at San Antonio) have an order based on current scoring, but still based on drawing in groups of 3...1,2,3 and 4,5,6 and 7,8,9 etc.

    Way too much is made of the "order of performance." Blue Devils went on first at a TOC show a few days ago and managed to score just fine.

    Then why are Scouts 8th tomorrow night when they are in 5th place in current rankings? And 6th in weighted???

  3. Order of performance at the small shows are based on groupings from last years finals...has nothing to do with where the corps is scoring this year. The corps knew this performance order before the season began.

    Way too much is made of the "order of performance." Blue Devils went on first at a TOC show a few days ago and managed to score just fine.

    I hope you are right. Seems to me that order has definitely impacted placements in the past.

  4. The fact that Madison goes on earlier is problematic. If they judge the shows by level of performance rather than personal preferences then Madison should be ok. But, slotting is still in play and order of performance is definitely a form of slotting

    Why are they going on earlier? Please help me understand this. I agree, this puts them at a huge disadvantage. I thought it was based on current standings at these smaller shows. And they are performing in the middle of the pack.

  5. You can laugh now. But, it is possible. DCI currently has Scouts ahead of Phantom in the rankings in the fifth spot. Their not the same Madison of recent years. And, that old Star staff has them on their way back to the Scouts of their glory years.

    Does anyone understand the order of appearance tonight? Why are Scouts BEFORE all the corps that they are currently ahead of in the standings? I thought the order of appearance was based on current standings at these smaller shows. What is going on???? Someone, please help me understand.

  6. Performance order in Minnesota has not been in Madison's favor for the last three years. They've consistently, due to prev years placement, gone on well before corps they have been besting in the current season.

    I may stand to be corrected, but this year they've overcome that handicap much more than the past two. It will be interesting to see how this effects their placements going dorward as future regionals performance orders are based on tonights placements.

    Totally agree! I think the order of appearance affected their score at Minneapolis.

    • Like 1
  7. Colts were absolutely tanked tonight it seems. 5 point drop over a day's length, even accounting for a bad showing and that Dubuque was their home show... Doesn't make sense to me, I guess.

    I'm happy that 8-10 is close, but they're all 3 points up on Spirit/Blue Stars, and the both of them were 2 points up on Crossmen/Troopers. Maybe the spreads will make more sense to me after I see the shows, but time will tell. There were gaps like this last year, and naturally a few big shake-ups happened in the standings come Finals. I hope that 8-14 becomes a closer race down the line, though admittedly, it's very close to begin with, and the addition of Pacific Crest is going to make it all the more interesting.

    Big props to Troop pulling out 13th by a hair! And Cascades, despite all the negativity you could take on them, taking even one caption from Academy should be a huge boost! Spirit and Stars were only .1 apart! It's an exciting season, and I haven't even started discussing that top 7 picture.

    TL;DR: Things are close! I want them to be closer! devil.gif/>

    That is crazy! How can a corps go down 5 points in one night? I guess this goes to show that none of us should take the judging too seriously. I really like the Colts this year. I hope they bounce back.

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  8. Is it just me? On the Fan Network stream for tonight, I lost the video (screen went black) for the last couple minutes of Madison, Cavies and Boston...but the audio keeps going....then the video comes back just before the next corps...and during Madison I even got three pop ups saying the video was not available...is this just me, or is someone else having this problem..too?

    Mine froze up at the climax of the entire show!!! Just as the SCOUTS were coming on to the field...missed the whole perofrmance, but fortunately, I was able to rewind and watch it again. All I can say is, WOW! GO SCOUTS. I know it will never happen....but boy, I would put them in first place if I were a judge!!!!

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  9. You might wanna bring a plastic surgeon, because Madison is going to tear your face off in the first 30 seconds of their show, and not stop until you're left a pathetic, sobbing puddle of joy in the stands.

    On second thought, a plastic surgeon probably won't cut it.

    Couldn't agree more!!! Go Scouts!!! Break 80 tonight!

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  10. Look Magbo, clearly you're "new". You know what? You may revel in your superior knowledge some day and continue to school everyone on the annual magnificence of all things Madison, but frankly I think you'll be rethinking your opinion come finals. You're all but guaranteeing a 6th place finish, and again, I get that you're a bit fresh, but maybe just chill a bit so as to save you some serious crow eating in the future? If I'm wrong I will gladly publicly acknowledge it, until then, save your homerism for another day.

    I don't think you have any idea how much experience I have with DCI. I'm hardly "new". I 'd be curious as to how much experience you have...seriously. Were you ever in a corps? If you were experienced, then you would know how political DCI is and how it is virtually impossible to overcome the corps that comprise the G7. And I never said anything about Madison finishing in 6th place. I just made reference to the fact that they don't have to worry about winding up in 10th place this season. 6th place would upset the G7 applecart...and I, for one, don't think that will happen...even though Madison has the talent this year to achieve that placement. So calm down, my friend.

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  11. I think these guys can finish strong. While I think Mason & Co have possibly been a bit conservative in what they have provided the last 3 seasons, I can't disagree with a steady and methodical rebuild of the organization. Could pay huge dividends in the next several years

    Agree. I think Mason totally knows what he is doing and is one of the most talented creative directors in all of DCI. GO SCOUTS.

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  12. Just got back from watching the Michigan City Rumble live last night, high on the fifty. Great view and heavy humid air conducted sound with remarkable clarity, and guaranteed at least a partial standing ovation for every corps ("Air! I need air!") - starting with the first on, Colt Cadets. Actually the Colt Cadets were pretty impressive - a very smartly designed, played and executed show. Legends aimed to achieve at a higher difficulty level and mostly succeeded, but significant sections of the guard choreography were unfilled. Blue Stars were the opener for World Class, with a well-played but sometimes frantic "Voodoo: I put a Spell on You". Crossmen followed with "Protest", but the electronic sound clips and special effects fizzled at the start and we were treated to a much cleaner-sounding and (to me) more tasteful show. And Spirit of Atlanta tried to successfully follow-up last year's "Las Vegas" with "Speakeasy", in a substantially similar vein.

    But the real headliner was the rematch of Scouts vs. Cavies. Madison's show "Corps of Brothers - 75 Years of Survival" is one that a lot of people either love or hate. For Uber Patriotic Scouts fans, it's a wonderful tribute to Our Troops. Others find it over-the-top and a bit cloying, and the sight of guard members in cammo flouncing around the field something less than macho. Perhaps these are supposed to be post-DADT troops. But the guard lays it on thick, portraying helicopters, weapon-firing and the carrying-off of their presumed dead comrades from the field of battle.

    Cavies' show "Secret Society" is even more bluntly self-referential - a drum corps show about one furtive facet of the drum corps experience, initiation, presumably as practiced by the Cavies, albeit obviously tongue-in-cheek. Stepping off with all the corps except the initiates (CG) completely masked in long black hooded cloaks, the guard steps off as if bound with their hands behind their backs. Guard dramatic features include blindfolded equipment tosses, a human pyramid, and disappearance and re-emergence in the new uniform of the fully initiated, green and geared. In a similar love/hate fashion, critics decry the cloaks, pyramid and extended sequential flag toss equipment-change exchange as much as fans of the show applaud them.

    In this second face-off in as many days, Cavies again narrowed their score gap behind Scouts, now down to less than half a point (.45), tied with Scouts in GE, carrying the visual caption, and, in a flip from the night before, taking best guard. Comparing and contrasting the two shows, Cavies accelerate and decelerate their already furious drill pace in step with the tempo of the music, while Scouts do to opposite, mostly parking and blowing during the fast hard parts, with brass or battery executing hard drill features only when their section isn't playing. Cavies' horn line is younger and less experienced than Scout's, and have a lot more simultaneous responsibilities, which mostly explains their relative placements. Cavies' drill and show package however is much more complex and nuance than Scouts', and at the rate Cavies have been closing the gap the odds are probably better than 50:50 that they'll overtake Madison by Minneapolis.

    You certainly have your opinions, whoever you are! If the Cavaliers surpass the Scouts, it will only be based on POLITICS, as always. And for you to say that some fans hate the Scouts' show...I have to say that I have no idea where you are getting your information, other than from Cavalier fans. Their show is incredibly moving, and if you don't appreciate it, you are one in a few. Fans are eating them up night after night...as they do every year. As far as the demand of their program, perhaps you should wait to see changes that they will undoubtedly make. Fans love the Scouts, and I happen to be one of them.

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  13. Just got back from watching the Michigan City Rumble live last night, high on the fifty. Great view and heavy humid air conducted sound with remarkable clarity, and guaranteed at least a partial standing ovation for every corps ("Air! I need air!") - starting with the first on, Colt Cadets. Actually the Colt Cadets were pretty impressive - a very smartly designed, played and executed show. Legends aimed to achieve at a higher difficulty level and mostly succeeded, but significant sections of the guard choreography were unfilled. Blue Stars were the opener for World Class, with a well-played but sometimes frantic "Voodoo: I put a Spell on You". Crossmen followed with "Protest", but the electronic sound clips and special effects fizzled at the start and we were treated to a much cleaner-sounding and (to me) more tasteful show. And Spirit of Atlanta tried to successfully follow-up last year's "Las Vegas" with "Speakeasy", in a substantially similar vein.

    But the real headliner was the rematch of Scouts vs. Cavies. Madison's show "Corps of Brothers - 75 Years of Survival" is one that a lot of people either love or hate. For Uber Patriotic Scouts fans, it's a wonderful tribute to Our Troops. Others find it over-the-top and a bit cloying, and the sight of guard members in cammo flouncing around the field something less than macho. Perhaps these are supposed to be post-DADT troops. But the guard lays it on thick, portraying helicopters, weapon-firing and the carrying-off of their presumed dead comrades from the field of battle.

    Cavies' show "Secret Society" is even more bluntly self-referential - a drum corps show about one furtive facet of the drum corps experience, initiation, presumably as practiced by the Cavies, albeit obviously tongue-in-cheek. Stepping off with all the corps except the initiates (CG) completely masked in long black hooded cloaks, the guard steps off as if bound with their hands behind their backs. Guard dramatic features include blindfolded equipment tosses, a human pyramid, and disappearance and re-emergence in the new uniform of the fully initiated, green and geared. In a similar love/hate fashion, critics decry the cloaks, pyramid and extended sequential flag toss equipment-change exchange as much as fans of the show applaud them.

    In this second face-off in as many days, Cavies again narrowed their score gap behind Scouts, now down to less than half a point (.45), tied with Scouts in GE, carrying the visual caption, and, in a flip from the night before, taking best guard. Comparing and contrasting the two shows, Cavies accelerate and decelerate their already furious drill pace in step with the tempo of the music, while Scouts do to opposite, mostly parking and blowing during the fast hard parts, with brass or battery executing hard drill features only when their section isn't playing. Cavies' horn line is younger and less experienced than Scout's, and have a lot more simultaneous responsibilities, which mostly explains their relative placements. Cavies' drill and show package however is much more complex and nuance than Scouts', and at the rate Cavies have been closing the gap the odds are probably better than 50:50 that they'll overtake Madison by Minneapolis.

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  14. Scouts better hope to hang on to 10th.

    Hang on to 10th??? No offense intended, but you obviously aren't too knowledgeable. The Scouts, as of 7/6 in the Weighted Scores are in 6th place...and they are 5th based on the score that they received last night. I seriously don't think that they have to worry about "hanging on to 10th place".

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  15. What are you smoking? The Scouts are on fire this year. Probably their best show since 2005.

    Scouts weak??????? Totally off base. I agree that the Scouts are on fire this year. They are intense and have a much stronger corps than last year or the year before. Whoever is making the comment that they are weak is obviously not listening to their horn line, percussion, or watching their guard. They are one of the strongest corps in all of DCI this year. Let's hope the judging is fair this year. If it is, the Scouts should move up to at least 6.

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  16. I take no joy in the fact that the Scouts have another show that does not live up to their potential. But for the last 3 years they have dropped in the standings between June and August. Both Cavies and Boston have better, more challenging programs this year.

    That is not going to happen this year. What do you mean that the Scouts have a show that doesn't live up to their potential? Their drill looks awfully demanding to me! And the only reason they dropped last year is because of the SLOTTING! They were in 6th place after San Antonio, and then MYSTERIOUSLY, the Cavaliers and Boston moved ahead of them for the balance of the season. Gee judges...could you be any more transparent?????

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  17. Madison's show is without a doubt one of my two favorite shows this year (the other being Santa Clara). The pre-show along with the big hit give me chills. The ending brings me to tears. I do have one disappointment. They don't play a lick of jazz or latin anywhere in the show. sad.gif/> Just my personal taste, I miss that this year. But overall, outstanding show and I think it will easily contend for top 6. smile.gif/>

    I totally love this show! It had me so choked up! The Scouts have a presence on the field like none other.

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