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Profile Information

  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    I grew up as a spectator.Did some guard work in 2004 with Reading Buccs. Marched 2 years w/Yankee Rebels. Played 1 year w/ The Music Express
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Any corps that can leave the audiance humming their music as they go home.
  • Gender
  • Location
    I live on an island in the Chesapeak Bay, just outside if Annapolis M.D.
  • Interests
    Cindy Crawford<br /><br />Yankee Rebels Sr. Alumni corps- 2nd baritone<br />The Hawthorne Cabs. Alumni- 2nd baritone

Contact Methods

  • AIM
  • Website URL
    http://www.myspace.com/cin4057 and http://www.youtube.com/cin4057
  • ICQ
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DCP Veteran

DCP Veteran (2/3)



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  1. 'Im no longer playing with any corps.

    I think my greatest achievement was marching with the Cabs. alumni.

    All in all I would have liked to play more of My fathers arrangements.. That IS the reason I taught myself to play in the first place! LOL

    Playing with Swing House was very cool. Larry is an outstanding writer and arranger. I'll miss playing his music.

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