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mfrontz last won the day on April 30 2022

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  1. https://groups.google.com/g/rec.arts.marching.drumcorps/c/CHQnHgE42vQ?pli=1 STAR OF INDIANA, RECOLLECTIONS by Bill Cook and Jim Mason Seeing drum corps for the first time I first became aware of drum corps in 1979 when Carl, my son, wanted to watch the DCI Championship for a high school band project. I griped but he won out and so the TV was turned on to Birmingham. The corps that I remember most was the Bridgemen; to me they were humor, professionalism, talent, entertainment, all wrapped up in a yellow package. When the show ended at 1:00 a.m., I was hooked and the following summer Carl and I went to several shows--the most memorable was the championship at Whitewater. Phantom was incredible and I couldn't believe that 15 to 21 year olds were making such wonderful music. Carl never considered drum corps while in high school because he was a saxophone player, but during his second year in college he decided that he wanted to try out for the Colts. After a tryout, he didn't think that he could make it but was given a flugel horn, told to go home and learn how to play. By his own words, he couldn't play much his first year but by the second year, he could. The marching was a foreign language to him and he considered that he might be cut at anytime. He aged out in 1984 and stayed on as a staff instructor through 1986...'
  2. 1990 SCV the first note of Carmen. https://youtu.be/btLdJ9hRiV0?si=q8LOrKq8Kvb_V-Om
  3. From the archives: Crossmen 91 (Metheny), 93 (Planet Earth Part II), 98 (Metheny II), 01, 02, 03 Madison 89 Star 88 (Porgy and Bess) This year I dug Colts from step off to cut off.
  4. Very nice to see DCI getting positive attention in a major media outlet. Better than the negative attention which has been more common in recent years. The piece was very well put together, both in its writing and the photographs/videos. We should expect that from the NYT but it's not automatic. Congrats to them and to the Bluecoats.
  5. I think they're too strong in the execution captions for that. 3rd would be a first since 2006. 15 seasons 1st or 2nd is extraordinary. And they could still jump a spot.
  6. Just got to where we're staying. How that Crusaders show is being beaten by 1.3 is amazing. I'm not disagreeing with the scores, I was just wowed by BAC. But it sure looks and sounds like Bluecoats are in the driver's seat. Just so strong and they use the silence between the notes to such effect. It's been a trademark of theirs for years. Was really pleased with almost everything tonight. Some major problems with people finding seats, the rows in our section were not clearly marked. So glad we came to Canton though. Was my first live drum corps in five years. Great way to come back!
  7. Bluecoats use silence like no other drum corps. Spectacular. I didn't think anything could top BAC. I think they're close.
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