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Posts posted by copyright

  1. OK, come on... St Elmo's steak is slightly above average and decently priced.

    But yeah... not exactly a culinary mecca. I'm usually just hitting Panera Bread in the mornings and then accepting that other meals will be "Applebees plus" or bar food.

    I have yet to find a decent cup of coffee in Indianapolis, though. I have broken my own rule and resorted to Starbuck in past years.

    We're making our way up the "food chain"

    Bee Coffee Roasters just opened up on the corner of Capitol and Georgia Streets.

    • Like 1
  2. The thing I really like about Pioneer and this has been mentioned before is that they are truly a "teaching" corps.

    I know they have turned out a number of horn players who auditioned as snare drummers or "snaritones". One would think that being more rounded with this experience is a tremendous asset to some of these future band directors.

    Go Pioneer.

    • Like 3
  3. Seems I have heard rumors like this surface in the past. If they are true, great. If not, oh well, at least they are still around.

    Don't you think it seems a little odd that that this news is out there during the season - July nonetheless? Regardless, "hats" off to the staff who is on board this year teaching a corps with pretty strict programming guidelines.

    • Like 2
  4. According to my sources it was replaced by Vietnam Oratorio. Replacing a whole closer really doesn't happen much, I would be very interested to know the story behind the replacement. A lot was happening in 99 including the cook trailer fire in Nebraska but from what I remember they had a ton of older members (and a ton of ageouts) that year.

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