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Everything posted by ChuckH

  1. I read/heard somewhere that they supposedly fertilized a couple of eggs in the visual design of their show. And since I can write like a fringe-thinking conspiracy theorist, here's some made-up analysis about last year's show by the Blue Knights... "...this next band was called, I believe, the Blue Warriors. I think the announcer said they're from a cult compound in British Columbia. A couple minutes into the show, the guys with the giant shoulder horns form a circle, which is meant to represent the membrane of a human egg. As the egg moves from one end of the field toward the other -- representing the voyage of the egg through the fallopian tube -- it's not met by human seed, but instead it's gradually invaded by a writhing shapeless string of alien DNA, which is formed and moved about by the rest of the band. Note the violence of the music at this point, as if something sinister is happening, but it's an alien invasion that will go unnoticed by human eyes and ears since it's occurring at a microscopic level. Once the fertilized egg has been formed, synthesized music from science fiction TV shows and movies plays. The band then turns backfield, and runs in that direction, affecting the movements of the alien peoples orchestrating this unnatural invasion. The movement backfield, combined with the science fiction music, represents an upward motion toward space where the fertilized egg will be further manipulated. (This movement could also suggest one or more alien abductions of the mother, or temporary removal of the developing fetus.) Then the band turns around, and quickly brings the egg forward, or back down to Earth. Then there's a birth, but not a natural one, as the birth is represented by the cracking and opening of the egg. Several human-alien hybrids pour out, with instructions for what to do written into their DNA. They even have a leader, who will direct their activities over the next several years as they work to impose their agenda on an unwary Earth. ..." So, yeah, that's last year's show. Does anyone need me to analyze the evils of the Big Blue Ball? :-P
  2. I think this would be a spectacular way to promote the activity. We could draw in the conspiracy theorists with our own completely made-up conspiracy theories (they'd happen to find us by way of the search engines, of course), where we'd point out shows like 2010 Blue Devils when they used the sound and imagery of broken mirrors, which are supposed to be elements associated with the MK Ultra mind control program. Or Carolina Crown's 2007 show, which is obviously promoting transgenic human-animal hybrids. Or the Cadets show last year when they honored a Pagan celebration that has infiltrated some of the less vigilant segments of Christian society. (Yes, there are people that crazy.) Or how about Phantom Regiment's attack on traditional unions of man and woman last year when they beheaded a guy who was seeking a wife? (We can make that stretch, can't we?) Plenty of suspicious shows from this year, of course, like the promotion of Voodoo and Paganism by the Blue Stars and Blue Devils respectively, the Madison Scouts' promotion of dancing and flag waving in the military, multiple appearances of the number 11 in the Troopers show, which would be significant to numerologists, and more numerology accompanied by nonsensical babbling in Crown's show this year. (You know they were sending coded messages in their show, don't you? Has anyone decoded them yet?) DCI could sell the leftover goal-line seats to the conspiracy theorists, where they could record their grainy, out-of-focus videos which they'll later annotate with their observations about sacred geometry in the drill, cult associations of the original composers, etc. Then, later, when DCI issues takedowns of those videos, the conspiracy theorists can claim they're being censored, and that the conspiracy has grown wider. :-)
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