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Everything posted by Adamant

  1. http://youtu.be/lx9bZNHvXmg. Take a look at the 1 minute mark in this BK performance and you will see a kid wipe out on BK's tarp. This is one tiny example. I'm sure all the staff measures were taken but the kid fell (thankfully without harm).
  2. It rained prior to performances and the turf along the sidelines was still wet. Watch the performance, as well as several low angle shots throughout the year and you will see what I am saying. This post wasn't about getting into a pissing contest with angry ex staffers or pot bellied DCA members, rather it was meant to raise a legit question and dialogue. You'all are so anxious to find something to discredit you aren't willing to examine the question which is this: What peer review and thought has been paid by DCI to establish safety best practices/rules? Wanna use a tarp? Great then at least define something such as minimum thickness and edge weighting that's been tested for safety on both grass and artificial surfaces if that tarp is programmatic (eg BK) and not decorative (eg Cadets). Honestly this issue isn't about tarps, windmills, etc. it's about taking time to contemplate potential dangers. Maybe nothing can be solved, but a standard, some standard is better taken in advance than just being dismissive.
  3. I'm appreciative of the defense of the activity and staffs. While I am absolutely sure of the utter intent of safety among designers and techs that isn't why I posted. I posted because as an organization, DCI has never created a set of rules for best practices that could PREVENT the unforeseen regardless of intent toward safety. Did I do research? My eyes are my research. Watch BK Allentown and you will see the triangle tarp come up from wet grass as one member passes and another nearly trips backward. I'm not questioning staffs, I'm raising relevant dialogue, and THAT along with thought is far from ignorant.
  4. I am in constant awe of the increasing levels of physical demand placed on current MM's. Clearly it creates compelling drum corps. However isn't it time that some attention be paid to performer safety along with demand. Simple things like fast backward marching over a field tarp by BK made me wince as the tarp wasn't secure to the field. (It's amazing no one broke an ankle.) Or BAC forming a high level pyramid with drummers still wearing carriers (image what could happen if one of them slipped and fell directly on a carrier tube). I know the activity has evolved alongside WGI like theater and it's awesome to watch. But (without being a buzz kill) I'm not sure the theater won't some day result in tragedy. Just this year a BD guard member narrowly avoided permanent paralysis. Please can someone figure out some safety measures and rules before one of these incredibly talent young kids suffers a horrific tragedy?
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