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Posts posted by TroopAlum12

  1. I think that their show is innovative in the fact that they are synthesizing recent ideas and bringing many things together into a total package. Many of the classical composers that we consider the greats (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and so on) did this same thing. There were others before them that introduced theories and ideas into music, then these greats took those ideas, added their own tweaks, and built them into something amazing that changed mainstream music. On a pop music level, the Beatles were kind of the same way.

    This is what Bluecoats have done the last few years with show design.

  2. Idaho Falls, ID. Probably two dozen people, mostly Troopers fans with myself and two or three other alumni attending along with the kids from Troopercussion (a WGI drumline run out of Rigby, ID by the Troopers, though the membership is pretty much all high school kids with no corps experience).

    They had the sound plenty loud.

    Bluecoats were the best in my mind. But all six corps definitely threw down! Cavies was a touch of old school and I loved it. Crown's Medea gave me goosebups. It's going to be a great season!

  3. First of all, screw those of you who are questioning the masculinity of the Bluecoats members and design staff based on the uniform. Shame.

    I admit I cringed for a very brief moment when I first saw it, but that reaction was very quickly overtaken by the mind-blowing show design and performance I was seeing on the field.

    I honestly think Bluecoats are going to be in contention for the medal this year. None of the other shows from last night could even touch them in terms of design and man did they perform the heck out of it. Didn't look to me like any of them gave a rat's ### about wearing that uniform.

    • Like 4
  4. I watched it. I loved it. But gosh dang did it give me major flashbacks to my final show as a marching member.

    I never thought I would see another steampunk theme after "This Was The Future." One of the lessons we learned that year was that Steampunk is not a genre that is super widely known. As has been well documented, our show that was supposed to be about a steampunk world's fair turned into a show about a train and a circus by the end of the season. I certainly hope the obscure culture references work out a lot better for them than it did for us.

    But 2012 Troop references aside, can I just say that Medea is giving me chills already? And that trombone solo = gold. Amazing job already by that soloist.

    Also very obvious that this is a false ending like last year, given that there is no crown set in the drill. Interested to see where they take it this year!

    • Like 1
  5. I see both good and bad in these uniforms. First of all, I think they don't look quite as horrible as some people are bemoaning. Secondly, I think the color scheme is needed. One complaint we've heard a lot in the last few years is that the members don't pop off the field enough to have the drill and visuals be as effective. So it's a definite plus in that regard.

    On the other hand, I can definitely see how they could be improved. My big thing is either make those sashes look like actual belts or ditch 'em quick. Ever since 2008 we have joked about the "curse of the baldrics," as we've tried a few times to add in a belt-looking baldric that never stays on and never looks right. I'm honestly kind of surprised they decided to try them again. It's the same reason they decided to ditch the neck scarves.

    Overall, I honestly don't hate them. I don't LOVE them yet, but I still have yet to seem on a field and in context of the show.

    • Like 2
  6. That was fast! Here is their reply to my email:

    Dear ######- thanks for your note.
    There was no attack on DCI, WGI or BOA. I personally work with all of them and have a great relationship with the Presidents and boards of all of those agencies.
    As a music educator, performer and composer, I hope that you are compensated fairly for the work that you do. It would be a shame for all of the hard work that music educators across the country to be done for free.
    To address a few of the fine questions you raise in your letter - we don't set the prices in our system. The prices are set by the songwriters and music publishers. I think the organizations should be paying the rate that the rights holders set - or use other music.
    As far as naming names. Our company is not here to list infringing companies. Our company is here to protect the rights of songwriters and create technology that makes this easy and affordable. The specific group we are alluding to in our letter, if you have to know, is a show choir booster club in California who have raised over $500,000 per year for their extra-curricular activity and don't seem to think that songwriters are due any money. You as an educator, performer and composer should be against this type of behavior, and educating your students that stealing is wrong.
    As far as DCI, WGI, BOA or any of our other clients - you can reach out to them if you would like more information on their business.
    As far as losing customers to people who decide to create and perform their own music - I say that I welcome that day. If Tresona's business motivates the creation of new music that is being performed by ensembles around the country and around the world, I, for one, would be thrilled. I would also be thrilled to represent that work to make sure that the writers of that new material are compensated fairly, if they choose to be compensated.
    I wish you and your students the best of luck in their chosen path of music.
    Larry (Tresona Representative)

    While there are still many issues that could be addressed, I think we can safely say that this letter was not specifically aimed at the marching arts.

    • Like 1
  7. Taking a suggestion made in this post, I compiled a list of the counter-arguments made here, threw in a few of my own, and sent them to Tresona. I'll post here if/when they reply.

    It was a rather harshly-worded email that ended with me saying they can expect me to not only avoid purchasing their products but actively advocate against their business model by supporting self-publishing. I'm curious to see what they say.

    I would encourage many people to do the same. The more negative feedback they hear, the better.

  8. I will go on record as saying that the Couchmen joke is almost as lame as the INT joke. Carry on...

    But the INT joke was never officially endorsed by DCI. If you don't follow them on Facebook, Couchmen interact with DCI and the other corps all the time. They even showed up with an official booth at TMEA where people could sit on a couch and watch DCI shows.

    Couchmen have achieved a life of their own. Oh, and the have 15,000 followers on facebook...so apparently most people don't agree with you :tounge2:https://www.facebook.com/CouchmenDrumCorps/

    • Like 1
  9. To me troops new uniform looks a lot like a guard uniform, regardless though, their uniforms aren't that old, do they really need new ones?

    Most world class corps trade out their uniforms every three years so that the look doesn't go stale, even if its minor adjustments. Troop wore their last set for 2013-15, so by sticking with that cycle it is time.

  10. Is it just me or does the sketch make the uniforms look too... sexy?

    This is probably the comment I've seen the most. The renderings always tend to look more feminine than when a marching member actually puts the real thing on.

    I've heard reports from camp saying the things look fantastic in real life.

  11. Based on a subset of the Alumni response over the weekend, it would appear neither uniform nor the programming will ever be appropriate. Same group showed their HLD after the 2012 season as I recall.

    Yup. Really put a damper on my last year as a marching member, riding a wave of alumni and spectators who were tearing us apart at the seams and cheering as pretty much our entire staff was ushered out the door/left for various reasons. Every corps that "those alumni." Sad but true.

    On the other hand, I think saying the Western genre is tapped out is not at all an accurate statement - there is plenty of room for creative, new and interesting shows that still resonate with the Troopers mythology. Heck, in concept that Steampunk show should have been absolutely revolutionary for them, though it didn't translate to increased scores in practice. (I submit they didn't go far *enough* with the concept.)

    Anyways, scores may in fact be the ultimate decider. If Troopers suddenly become a Finalist corps, the pushback will be quite diminished. But if they stay in that 13-15 range, they might find it harder going with alumni and fans.

    I wish people could have seen the vision the staff had for that show early season. It really was supposed to be as revolutionary as it sounded. The struggle to move upwards, feedback from fans and judges, and many other factors curbed that vision as the season progressed, and it took on the circus-like atmosphere it is now known for by championships.

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