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Posts posted by phd-student-TTU

  1. I don't think Madison is going to catch up.

    But i sure as heck don't think Regiment is going to catch Cavaliers. So, although I threw myself into the middle of your phamily pheud with phd, I don't see Regiment falling anymore.

    That said, Cavaliers have a lot of room to grow in their show, especially when expounding on the show theme and the more time those kids get with one hell of a brass staff.

    Way to go, Steve Harvey!

  2. They are sort of in a catch 22 with the voice overs. If they keep them, the show is very cheesy. If they get rid of them, the concept doesn't really come through. This has become a better performed version of a spirit show, who has never really been my jam.

    I'm not sure why people have issues with the yellow flags, I guess I did not see sunflowers and figured it was 'light'. I think they look nice, but if they are sunflowers maybe they are reference to Van Gogh's sunflowers?

    Brass sounds EXCELLENT live. IMO better than vanguard.

    "Better performed Spirit show" not surprising at all. Same level of design but in a shinier package.

    With regards to the Clair de Lune flags, are they the lights at night in Paris to match the nighttime theme of the music or??? Seems too bright for night. If Van Gogh is the reference, while he painted in France, he wasn't French. Why not use a French born artist?

  3. THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING! I HOPE WE CAN EVEN MAKE FINALS THIS Y.....oh... what?.... really?.... we beat Cavies last night?.... hmm.... neat... *climbs out of bomb shelter, brushes self off, and walks away whistling "American in Paris"*

    Shouldn't you be studying for the nursing board exam?

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  4. In the most polite way possible, I must ask, are you a little dense? Never have I stated that I like Regiment's design. Have I said ANYTHING about this being the best that Regiment can do or ANYTHING about it being acceptable for a corps like Phantom Regiment? HELL NO. Assumptions makes an ### out of you and me.

    I am talking about those complaining about scores, nothing more, nothing less. Blaming Regiment's (apparently) higher than expected scores on their "name brand" is minimizing the work of the corps with the product they have. So please save me the crap about Regiment's design being up to par. I may be a homer, but I'm not a ####### idiot.

    I'm sure my density may be higher than yours. I am 6'2" and 205.

    Nice non sequitur.

    Your own counter argument combines scores and design, so do clarify what "minimizing the work of the corps with the product they have" should mean.

    You may need to segment it as I may be too dense to understand.

  5. So saying that Phantom isn't deserving of the scores they are getting isn't considered to be minimizing the work of the corps? Saying that judges are simply giving them the benefit of the doubt isn't minimizing the work of the corps?

    Not necessarily. It's speaking more towards design than execution. They can be working extremely hard and doing the most they can, but are restricted by the design of the show.

    I think it's quite evident in the last several years that design is the number one factor (by miles) for success. Being able to achieve it is another thing. That's why the usual top corps are at the top because they do both very well.

    I'll echo previous comments, is this the best Regiment can do? Should do? I think not.

    And there are tons of studies (mostly advertising and polisci) that show the strong relationship between name/brand recognition and success.

  6. If calling out people for slandering a corps and minimizing the work of all the corps members through their ridiculous conspiracy theories is not "classy," then I don't want to be classy.

    It's not the what, but the how.

    And as it's been noted many times, people aren't attacking the members, teaching staff, or volunteers. They're disgruntled with the design staff. This show isn't up to Regiment standards, imo. Should anyone be surprised? The design staff, for the most part, are all from the same previous corps that usually finished 10-13.

  7. I am sitting here laughing at you all in regards to the statement Regiment is being handed scores this year because it is the regiment. If you knew anything about the history of the judges scoring with Regiment over the years we have never benn handed anything. The statements as to such are ludicrous at best. The fact that one of the posters feels we are the baddest drum corps out there and we dont deserve what we have achieved is an insult. His bias is very evident and if he posted something that had a shred of truth I might listen to what he has to say. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Yes I am one of PR followrers who is blinded by our image. Cough,cough

    The only thing really hurting the corps' image is the way you represent them on here. Everyone I worked with at Regiment had class.

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