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Posts posted by cf144

  1. I'd be more interested to hear the Peter Gabriel version of it. I love the original, but the Scratch My Back edition is much more densely scored, and includes some great original parts. Bluecoats also used his version of "Flume" a couple of years ago. Now if I could only convince someone to use his cover of "Mirrorball," "My Body is a Cage," or "Heroes," I'd be set.

    Yes, yes, and yes. We are definitely of one mind there. Those covers are just incredible.

    I'm all in. LOVE Peter Gabriel and I think the "Scratch My Back" and "I'll Scratch Yours" concept was a stroke of genius. Too bad it didn't work out exactly as he had hoped.

  2. All of the current World Class Division Corps have been in existence at least 14 years. For those history buffs here who might be interested in this stuff, here are the founding dates of the remaining DCI World Class Division Drum Corps :

    Cadets...................... 1934

    Madison Scouts..........1938

    Boston Crusaders.......1940


    Phantom Regiment.......1956


    Blue Devils...................1957


    Blue Knights.................1958




    Blue Stars......................1964

    Santa Clara Vanguard....1967

    Oregon Crusaders..........1971



    Spirit of Atlanta...............1976

    Carolina Crown...............1988

    Jersey Surf.....................1990

    Pacific Crest...................1993


    Crossmen were actually founded in the fall of 1974.

  3. If widespread enforcement were indeed a requirement now, we should see numerous modern day court decisions ruling against copyright holders because they didn't enforce their rights against others. That I would find more convincing but I am not aware of such being the case.

    If not, I think copyright holders worried about being required to engage in widespread litigation when their concerns are limited to a smaller number of abuses can safely adopt a bit more of a "what me worry" attitude.

    I seem to remember a news story a few years ago where a private daycare center had been in the news for one reason or another and interior shots of the facility showed a painted mural of Disney characters on the wall. Shortly after the story aired, they received a letter from Disney's lawyers ordering them to paint over the mural or be sued for copyright infringement. Pretty sure the rationale given was the enforcement "rule" that said if they didn't pursue it they would lose their rights. I may be misremembering, but I think that is the gist of it.

  4. Very interesting replies to my question about fan longevity - thanks. I guess my personal experience isn't much different: My neice marched in Surf's guard for 3 years, didn't march her last 2 years of eligibility to "intern" one summer and study abroad last summer. As far as I can tell, aside from keeping in touch with some of her Surf friends she has not had any real contact with drum corps since her last year marching. I've been dragging my own kids to shows most of their lives. Neither have shown any interest in marching or any real interest in the activity. The 22yo hasn't gone with us to Indy in a number of years - once he was old enough to stay at a friend's house or on his own the last few years and I expect the 13yo to do the same in a couple years.

  5. Jeff Ream, on 20 May 2015 - 01:46 AM, said:

    The "legacy" generation of fans is both the best and worst things to happen to drum corps. The best because our generation will be the last of the true die hard 20+ years of fandom, and the worst because of how we act/demand/#### and moan.

    I'm curious what makes you think/say that the generation(s) after ours are not likely to stay fans for life like we are (this isn't a dig at your statement - I'm genuinely curious as to what makes you say this)

  6. Copyright reform needs to protect content creators, but instead of promoting free expression and innovation, it is impeding them. The best paper I've ever read on the subject (analysis and solution proposals) is the RSC Report: Three Myths about Copyright Law. This is the report commissioned by, and later pulled and disavowed by the Republican Party. It's facinating reading, and the solutions proposed are simple and viable.
    Read the whole thing...it's very short.

    Interesting read - thanks for the link.

    This is my favorite part:

    Limewire was sued for $75 trillion, based upon Section 504©(1) of the Copyright Action enabling such large fines per violation. This potential award is more money than the entire music recording industry has made since Edison’s invention of the phonograph in 1877, and thus in no way corresponds to the actual demonstrated “damages,” to the record industry.

    • Like 1
  7. It's all about ones perspective. not all HSs allow all things and it can also depend where one is in the country or how conservative a school district is. On it's own i think none of it is shocking BUT when you see 150 plus some staff it can be alot of skin and not ok with some. Unfortunately,( for some ) when you are a guest in someones house you have to honor their rules.

    Living close to the Jersey shore, I have to laugh that in 2015 there are people that get their knickers in a twist over young men going shirtless and young ladies wearing tight short-shorts and sports bras. That is normal summer attire for the age group in the modern era. This coming weekend (Memorial Day) at the shore will showcase literally tens of thousands of people wearing the same or less with little or no complaint about attire.

    That said, I agree fully with the highlighted statement above - corps are guests in every community and/or school they visit over the summer and must adhere to the wishes of their hosts. Aside from risking a school deciding to no longer host any drum corps in the future it's just good manners - which are sadly increasingly difficult to find in this day and age.

    • Like 3
  8. In our parade corps, each member received both the right and responsibility to increase the value of Miller Brewing Company stock after each appearance. Displaying the resulting ring-tab(s) on our uniforms at each subsequent appearance was optional...but highly taken advantage of.

    By the end of each season, we deserved to receive a rather hefty sponsorship from Alcoa...if only such was ever forthcoming.

    :beer::laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

    • Like 1
  9. Count me as one who despised electronics in all forms when introduced. I've come around to where there are some things I like and some I don't.

    I don't mind straight amplification of the mallet instruments or brass soloists. I think some of effects are nice and can add to the flavor of the show. I LOVED the bend at the end of TILT.

    What I despise and don't think I will ever like is the use of synthesizers to fatten the bottom end. I want to hear low brass, not electronic bass. It has gotten to the point where it seems every time there are lows that designers want to emphasize all you can hear are the synths completely drowning out the low brass rather than supporting or embellishing it.

    • Like 4
  10. I have heard all the first half if the show. I think it is going to be a great production. Juba step is totally different than the other Crossmen JS. 2015 has a lot of groovy percussion parts, screaming trumpets and do far I like Andrews music.

    That's good news because I wasn't particularly impressed or fond of the 2004 version of JS

  11. The red panel on the jackets was designed to switch out year-to-year to match the show concepts.

    Ahhh. I paid for 2 of those uni's in the uniform fund raiser last year and didn't know that. Thanks.

    Hope they leave SOME red in it. Crossmen without red in their uniform is like buffalo wings without cold beer.

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