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Posts posted by brassdude6171

  1. 12 hours ago, LabMaster said:

    About that though, you mention there are definitely Crown undertones with the music but I don;'t know how that might be as no music staffer, is from Crown.  Not Ryan or Gino for brass.  Percussion is also not from Crown either.  Musical staff background is Cadets and other corps.   Ryan was not from Cadets and has been with Boston for a number of years now so what he writes is Boston.  I think we will see and hear a music and visual staff hitting their stride this year with a lot of talent that can handle whatever comes their way from this instructional team.  They are a performance oriented staff.  Loved everything you said though.

    Mostly design wise is where I got the Crown impression. Rep choice and such. But there were a couple moments when Ryan's writing sounded Klesch-ian, though I'm sure many brass writers have Klesch-ian influences. And from what I've heard (and I'm gonna get a lot of heat for this), I'm actually more impressed with Boston's hornline than Crown's. 

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  2. Had a chance to hear the majority of the show from the brass and percussion in a recording, and the main thing I can say is that this show is what I was imagining Boston would bring when the staff changes first happened, in that it's got some definite Crown undertones and a definite Cadets sound from the members if you put all the money in front of the design team and just gave them the freedom to do whatever. I'm VERY excited to see what comes of it.

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  3. 18 hours ago, Ediker said:

    For the curious, some general observations from the exhibition: 

    • The music is drawn from several different art forms (pop, film, etc.) with the eclectic melodies cleverly weaving together into fantastic builds... recognizable, memorable, and musical.  Contrasting with the last two years, it is possible we'll hear more soft passages interspersed with the hard charging moments, providing more variety to the sound.  
    • As someone else mentioned, brass is not tight, but it's appropriate for an ensemble in April, particularly with a book this tough.  It was a long weekend of playing, and by Sunday the tone sometimes got edgy in the trumpet section... though nothing more concerning than "final exam chops".  They made up for it by demonstrating expert execution of some double-tongued decrescendo passages.  Very sweet stuff.  Praying that these moments don't get lost in the amplification.  This is a very talented line with an ambitious book.  Endurance will be key to delivering on the field.  Get ready to hear plenty of complex articulations -- all sections, all levels -- that go well beyond top-12's seemingly compulsory chromatic runs.  There will be MELODY while the valves fly!  They will have tongues like machine guns by July. 
    • The rhythms and meter signatures are varied and interesting.  It will be fun to see what the drill/movement people create to accompany them.
    • The percussion section stands out due to their age and performance maturity.  Even a layman can tell they're darn good.. and ready to take on this summer's challenges.  The percussion breaks seem better integrated into the overall musical flow than in the past (either that, or they're not yet in the show).
    • Didn't get to see the guard... no doubt there were tough membership decisions in progress.

    Well since all this validates what I've heard through the grapevine, I will say that design wise, this seems like the most interesting show I've heard about so far and I've heard at minimum loose details about all of the top 10 or so. Seems like a cohesive idea with rep that both the cast and the audience can get behind, which is honestly pretty hard to find year-to-year, even at the top of the landscape. I've also been wondering if the show's possible political undertones (in the landscape of DCI, not in the landscape of government or anything like that) are intentional or not.

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, FTNK said:

    Am I the only one who can't stand 2011?

    Visually, it was way too innovative and perfectly designed and executed to let the show be bad, imo. Obviously the percussion book is to die for, especially the break, but the brass book left a whole lot to be desired for me, unfortunately.

    • Like 1
  5. Just got home from tonight's super fun event. I was able to be in the BD brass circle before seeing Mandarins, BD, and Academy on the field. Before my steaming hot take, I have to point out that being in that circle is an experience unlike any other and is a must for anyone who has the chance. Now. Hot take: Academy's performance, tonight at least, was cleaner in terms of what the members put out on the field than what the Mandarins put out. IMHO, tonight's scores reflected how impactful reputation and design are on a group's score. I still think Academic is super corny and cheesy, but those members do a heck of a job with it - great sounds and beautiful visuals all throughout the show. Mandarins have a great show to work with; it's just pretty dirty right now, even compared to Academy.

  6. not sure if there was anything mentioned tonight about this tonight, but if there's anything on this planet that brings more joy than seeing Claire's reaction to the crowd reaction to her unsheathing, I don't know what it is. also, this show is my current favorite of the year. too much emotion for it not to be.

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  7. Question about BD's housing sitch. I was looking to stop by rehearsal when they're in town on the day of the AZ show and it said on their site "indoor rehearsal" at 12:30 at Mesquite HS. Being decently familiar with Mesquite's campus, I don't know of any indoor facility they would use. Does anyone have a way of getting clarification on this?

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