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Posts posted by jimthetuba

  1. On 2/27/2018 at 10:05 AM, Ghost said:

    For DCI, one would think the majority of the shots set up would be high.  During a pit/percussion/brass soloist/guard moment they get in closer, but those cameras must have zoom capabilities so they can stay back a little.  Fans would adapt quickly to its use.  Flo would have a chance to be involved also.

    Very true.

  2. 1 hour ago, Ghost said:

    Maybe DCI would experiment at one of the outdoor/indoor stadiums that have the attachment hardware set up, they would use the overhead camera that's attached to cables.  Much quieter than a drone and able to get much closer to "the action" than a drone.

    I like that idea, but the issue is it may be distracting to those watching from the top.

  3. 7 hours ago, jjeffeory said:

    It's too bad about that too.

    This is really bad from a competitive point of view, but I think that also gives tremendous opportunity from a membership perspective. If people want to guarantee a ring they can go to bd for a couple of years. But if a ring is not their focus they can go to another corps they really love unworried about who's "going to win" knowing that it probably won't happen unless they're in bd allowing them to focus on the art not the score. Tell me if I'm totally off bass but it seems each of the top corps has a brand of what they do the best

    Crown - Join if you want to be in the best brassline

    Cavies - Join if you you want to do cool visual things and have "swagger"

    Bluecoats - Join if you want to be super cool and out of the box

    BD - Join if you want a ring, and want to be "the top of the activity"

    SCV - Not really sure, I'd say for a more traditional corps experience, but last years show doesn't back that up

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  4. 18 hours ago, Jeff Ream said:

    i'm with you, however remember part of the rationale used for passing amplification 15 years ago was being able to reduce the size of the pit.....which hasn't happened at all. And balance is the issue as well.

    Yeah, it all comes back to amplification, part of the issue is the way show design is now days mm's are either marching or playing there is not nearly enough credit given for doing both, so the brass plays, and then stops playing and starts running and the pit takes over (flight of the bumblebee section of BD's show last year is a great example of what this is like)

  5. The predictions thread kinda died in December, but now that the rumor mill is alive and well with some corps already announcing their shows, I thought it'd be fun to say what we want to see happen in DCI this year. It could be a full on finals predictions or just some more subjective matter (ex G bugles make a comeback, or that all horns are replaced with synths :laughing:

    For me, I want to see competitive drum corps again, Blue Devils were awesome this year, and things got close, but an undefeated season isn't exactly exciting.

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  6. Can I just say I feel vocals are like electronics or even playing really loud, now hear me out all of these things old or new can be really good if used well but for any of them if they are used in the wrong places (less so for playing loud) or too much they lose their effect, but used wisely each can add some great to a corps' performance.

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