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Everything posted by ConJam

  1. I predict Cavies will jump Crown by finals night...
  2. I really hope so, I try not to be biased since my kin is in the corps, I just hope for a great season.
  3. They tend to not go quietly after plcing 2nd the previous year.
  4. Crown definitely has the brass strength again, but I think the staff changes from the off season will hinder them at some point in this season, as the same for the Cadets, on the other hand, from what I've seen, I can see BAC breaching into tier 2... they look pretty good so far
  5. Ive heard BDs "Flight of the Bumblebee" it is insane! People aren't ready for it! BD can start slow every year but you better believe they'll be ready by the 2nd Saturday of August.
  6. 1. Blue Devils 2. SCV 3. Cadets 4. Bluecoats 5. Crown 6. Cavaliers 7. Phantom 8. BAC 9. Blue Knights 10. Crossmen 11. Blue Stars 12. Academy or Scouts
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