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Posts posted by Boof96

  1. Loyalty, honor, ah screw it...mom's got the car packed, see ya'!

    Sounds like it.

    Your ability to twist peoples words around is amazing. Ever tried a career in politics? I understand what Honor and Loyalty is. I served my country as U.S Marine and I marched in a great Drum Corps that was big on teaching us these values as well. I don't appreciate you implying that the organazation that I was a part of during my Drum Corps experience had no honor or loyalty. All I did was ask what corps director is going to pull a kid aside after the season is over and make him or her do pushups? The idea seems silly to me no matter how mad I would be at the individual. If you disagree..thats great.........but don't bring the Corps I marched with into OUR argument by insinuating that we weren't taught these things. I rarley post on these forums mainly because of people like you that like to mix peoples words around and not only attack them personally, but their Corps that they marched with as well.

  2. Jason,

    You would do push-ups because you are part of something bigger than yourself...out of respect for the corps and the director that had been your family for months or even years. You would do push-ups because you would recognize that that you had embarrassed yourself, your corps and all the men who had come before you, men who had created the tradition that allowed you the opportunity to make an absolute fool of yourself in front of several thousand people

    Actually now I understand how we've gotten to this point. The fact that you need to ask the question is, in fact, the answer.

    The answer to what? Why some idiots decided to S**t all over America the Beautiful during retreat block? If those guys cared about any of that stuff then they wouldn't have done it in the first place. But what can you do about it? The season is OVER. People go HOME after finals. Your assertion that the corps director is going to have these kids doing pushups in the lot while their families pack their luggage in the car is absurd.

  3. Yikes...what's the over-under on how many push-ups Scott would have had us doing in the parking lot after a stunt like that? I marched back in the stone age and think I'd just be finishing up about now.

    Absolutely agree...Shameful.

    How are you going to make anyone do pushups after finals? The season is over at that point.

  4. Yeah--I never achieved much playing taps for a deceased member's family in the dead of winter with negative temperatures. :wub:

    I was never surrounded by so many outstanding musicians in the army either. Double :huh::wub:

    I never marched miles in jump boots either.

    Nothing can be said for what I've done. :P

    I'm confused. Did someone delete a post saying that people in the army suck and that buglers that play taps do so because they are underachievers? :wub:

  5. You obviously never marched a drum corps drill. Much different than a Marine BAND drill, I'm sure.

    Your argument is ridiculous

    I've marched modern drills, you don't meander, but there is very little concentration on the part of anyone but the first person that has to be at a set and the rest fill in. I've done both kinds of drills. I don't harbor any of your dci snobbery so I can see that dci does nothing special.

    You dci guys think you have it all and no one has ever done anything as difficult or as good as what you're doing.

    No...actually I think corps today are doing much more amazing things than when I marched a decade ago. Example---The demand placed on the kids in the 2006 Regiment show far exceeds anything that was asked of us in the 96 show. The acitivity has progressed and I like it. Pretending that the drill that corps were marching 30-40 years ago has even close to the level of demand that is seen in corps today is really foolish. This isn't a slam on any of the great drum corps from those eras. I am greatful to all of the people that came before me that contributed to the drum and bugle corps activity and have great respect for the time and hard work that was put into making drum corps better. However, I have a hard time understanding why some of the people that marched corps many decades ago can't or won't appreciate the unprecedented level of excellence in many of the DCI corps today. The demand placed on current DCI performers is higher than it's ever been.

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