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Posts posted by OrlandoContraAlum

  1. But there in lies my point... They went from 3rd to 8th last year... It really work out ok for them? They spent the majority of time competing against corps they would never fret during the day... This is a pattern and not a good one. Whether Spirit is 10th or 9th or whatever this year the Cavies are staggering to the point where they are in a fight for their finals/lower finals lives. That doesn't mean they can't or won't surge but they may not as well.

    Nope. All I was saying was that we had this conversation last year too (that maybe Cavies wouldn't make finals or some such). You stated that they were off to a worse start than last year, I was merely stating that it was "worse" for them a couple weeks LATER last year, and they recovered (to some extent, obviously not to their standards). I haven't seen them yet, and have never really been a Cavies fan, but I think that you may be doing some wishful thinking regarding your corps, and if they can take down the Green Machine (which is absolutely ok!)

    Of course, I may be full of crap, so there's that.

  2. Ok, I have now read this entire thread... and (pre-emptively) I am saying goodbye for a bit, since I am sure I will get banned for what I am about to post...

    Are you all ####### KIDDING me? You are slamming on DapperPoet for being proud of his son? REALLY? News flash... last year BD and Crown were head and shoulders above the rest of the corps. I HATED BD's show the first few times I saw it (and I am a huge BD fan). Further, a good friend of mine had a kid marching Crown. SO, I was very Crown-biased to start the year. And they had the show to win, but they didn't get clean enough.

    BD's show grew on my fairly quickly, and, believe it or not, THIS "dinosaur" (I am 43) ended up LOVING BDs show.

    So, to all you people who are criticizing DapperPoet for somehow being a bad parent... #### YOU!

    One of the things that I have taught my kids from day ONE is that whatever anyone else thinks of you is meaningless ########. That said, I have ALSO told them that you stand your ground when you believe in what you do. For a WORLD CHAMPION age out (22 years old) to say FYWW on his personal Facebook page is really no different than some sports kids (or fan) to say "Scoreboard" when you win a rivalry game. Blue Devils last year were AMAZING. If it wasn't your cup of tea, that's cool. Crown was AMAZING as well, but apparently not quite enough to win some points. I marched a show that people really didn't like back in the day, but you know what? I am VERY proud of that show to this day. These are the things that drum corps SHOULD be teaching our kids... Do your best. Don't Suck. Believe in what you are doing, even if no one else believes in you.

    This site seems to love to trumpet the "it's a Youth Activity" ########, but they never actually stand by those ideas. It is MUCH easier to stand behind your show if it's a "crowd favorite", that job is MUCH harder if it is not.

    I simply am SICK of the idiots on this place (and other places) who think that they speak for the masses. ProTip: It's marching band. Support the kids, don't support the kids, it doesn't matter. They are ALL having the time of their lives. (I can comfortably say this, since corps are not run like they were back in the day. I personally know MANY members of the 83-87 Cadets, and they rarely had decent food. I am sure the 25th place corps this year eats better than I did in 1989).

    Every kid who goes out on that field this summer has already won. But to boo, or to otherwise disparage one corps or another is amateur, petty, ########. If you don't like them, get a hot dog. Don't cheer. Leave before the encore. But don't get upset when your displays of petty crap get met with things like "FYWW". You can't have it both ways.

    Wow. I guess something touched a nerve. I would love to say "see you later", but I don't know that I will be back. I hope that all the kids have a great summer, and I really don't give a #### who wins. (By the way, at this point, I like Crown better than BD!)

    Anyway, PEACE OUT!

    • Like 5
  3. This was brought up in the Sacramento thread so I figured I'd being it up in its own topic. The Cavies are struggling and by all accounts more than a year ago. Are they on a path to miss finals? We hear they have a young corps which if true at the least says their vets don't trust the system. Many Picked them to pop back into the top 5 but that doesn't seem likely. Are they destined to fall like Madison did when their staff and thinking changed so dramatically? Will they make the correct changes and pop back up like Phantom and SCV have done? I'm a huge Cavies fan but I fear the days of the dominant Cavies may not return or at the least will take awhile.... Thoughts?

    Wes P

    You cannot be dismissive about this.... Let me remind u that Spirit was last seasons 11th place drum corps... Now they're much better but Spirit may not be top 7-8 this year most likely... It's not inconceivable to see them in the double digits.

    Just a little reminder for you: Last year's (eventual) 11th place corps beat last year's (eventual) 8th place corps far later in the season, and it worked out ok for the Green Team in August.

    July 7th, Kalamazoo, MI

    World Class

    1 Bluecoats 78.650

    2 Madison Scouts 75.150

    3 Spirit 74.150

    4 The Cavaliers 73.550

    5 Blue Stars 71.400

    6 Glassmen 69.500

    7 Pioneer 56.800

  4. I find it hilarious that we are (again) having this discussion. Especially after the "hashgate" situation in 2007 ("We aren't booing the kids, we are booing Hopkins")

    Boo if you wish, but know that most folks will probably think you are an idiot. And band parents tend to get a bit, ahem, emotionally involved, so you may get more than a dirty look. (Not a threat... if I were to see you boo at a show I would silently and smugly mock you)

    • Like 2
  5. Wait so how exactly does this work. If you paid the $69 dollars for the live subscription, does that mean you can only watch it right then? But you can't go back and re-watch the videos without paying the $19 on-demand price?

    So even though we already paid $69, we have to pay additional money to go back and watch the shows again? I didn't get to see the shows last night and I'd like to, except without paying additional money.

    No, you can watch the shows at any time. The live broadcast will be up for a couple days (as one big stream of the entire show) and then they will appear as single shows in the 2013 On Demand tab. You get to watch everything.

  6. In the preshow/opener ... there are two girls saying the words. The constant 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is being played by a pit member through samples. I think there's one other small section for 4-8 measures early on that is sampled, and doubled in the live vocals, but that is all that I'm aware of.

    Thanks. Would love it if they did all the counting live.

    • Like 1
  7. I asked the same thing last night ... the beginning, the drum break and the ballad are live ... you can see the performers at the mics when it is live.

    Wait, what parts are live? In the beginning, the counting sounds EXACTLY like the original, while the narration sounds different. Is the narration live?

    Perhaps the better question is this: Exactly what (vocal) parts are samples?

  8. I just can't get enough of Crown this year........and the season has barely started!!! I said it last year..............they really wanted it.......and I'll say it again....only....at this point its more than a want but a need, and to me, at least, they really deserve it! Devils were good last year but they just didn't capture what it is that I want as a lover of drum corps...they were clean throughout most everything....but you could tell the clear winner was as far as the fans go.When I go to a show, I don't worry about what will get the most points, but something that can touch me at my very soul with such power it leaves me feeling like I'm on uppers or something...(not that I would know)Crown just has everything I love, but the one thing I love about them is they always seem to cater to the audience....last year was a bad year for me.....I had just got back into really listening to DCI for the first time in a few years, I regret to say......I hadn't even heard of Sparticus until a guy I was working with mentioned them...I went online and youtube and just downloaded a whole bunch of DCI stuff....including Crown...which I didn't much attention to....last time I heard of Crown was a ways back and weren't as good as some of the others...well.....late last spring we found out Mom had cancer and it was too late to do much........being the only kid and son I was a mamas' boy and was absolutely devastated and got so depressed I just happen to turn on my mp3 player during work and one of the first things on was Crown doing last years show....I tell you.......listening to that masterpiece just made me forget my woes......it struck some happiness into a sad place I was in...and I am now a HUGE Crown fan and I really just want them to win this year.....Mom passed about a month after we found out so last summer I spent so much time listening to Crown and the years passed and it did make a few things easier.......just....I don't know all I can say is

    GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sorry but I had to get that out

    The Enter key is your friend. Get to know your friend.

    • Like 3
  9. I predict that Crown will get about 1/10th of the grief about their vocals than BD did last year, even though there are a LOT more of them in Crown's show.

    That said, I LOVE the "counting" bits... just not so much on the poem.

    I also predict that this year is going to be a LOT of fun, with a LOT of really good, good shows up and down the top 25. (If you haven't heard BDB, they are pretty stellar)

  10. Ok, just checked out the vid from last night. Man, what a show. So. Many. Notes. The runs after the perc feature could be one of the best things ever, should they clean it.

    About the ballad narration... I guess my beef with it is that (in addition to seemingly coming out of the blue) the narrator simply sounds nothing like the voice in the original. In every recording of the original that I have heard, this portion sounds like an old man telling a tale. It may not bother me so much, but the other vocals are spot on (the counting, which I love), so the difference is glaring (to me). Also, the fact that the narrator ends up nearly shouting his lines doesn't work for me. Of course, it's June, so let's see what comes of it.

    All that said, I am really looking forward to seeing this both on FN and live. It's shaping up to be a great year (some questionable uni choices aside...)

  11. Oh my! Tell me more about HDMI. I got FN again. Next week is the first live stream. I usually sit at a desk with my laptop (during the summer my legs stick to the chair; maybe I'll try a pillow this year). Help me be a couch potato for the marathon live streams please : )

    Well, it depends on both your laptop and your tv. Most newer TVs will have an RGB input. You can hook a VGA cable from the laptop to the tv, and you would also need a male to male audio cable for sound. Now, if you are REALLY lucky, your laptop has an HDMI out port. If so, that's all you need... HDMI from the laptop to the TV handles picture and sound. Full screen your video (you may need to use the Fn key to send the video to the tv and Viola! Large screen DCI goodness. (Watched everything last year on my 42", looked GREAT!)

    • Like 2
  12. That's a fair point. But again, this is just one of those shows where you have to do some research beforehand or it won't make much sense. IMO, this show is on the same intellectual level as "A Se2ond Chance" was.

    Jumping in from lurk mode to point something out. This is the second time you have said that a fan should do some research beforehand. While I agree, especially with a show like this, BD got absolutely skewered here last year for having a show that maybe required some "homework". Ironic, if you ask me. Carry on.

    • Like 4
  13. Some have already pointed it out, but it's fun to pile on. Last year Fan Network (no DVD/BD) was $65 if you purchased from May to ~July. They lowered the price a bit near Finals week, and lowered it again to $40 for the off-season (since you would only have about 9 months to use it and get no live streams).

    So, you are, once again, spouting off and #####ing from an incorrect premise. Good job, that. Troll on, my friend, troll on...

    • Like 1
  14. I am sick and TIRED of companies such as Microsoft and Adobe trying to get me to buy perpetual and recurring services to be able to use their software.

    I would ALSO be ###### at a movie company for the same reason.

    I'll pay once and have the media as long as it lasts over forking over part of my salary each month to support these kinds of companies. Just a thought though.

    No I won't always have the latest version; sometimes that's a good thing ( Phantom 2008 before the edits).

    Another good point. For the last 2 years, I have bought the quarterfinals APD bundle. Is it the LAST show? Nope. That said, I don't have any edits in my copies. For instance, I have the FULL intro to Crown's show. I have all of it. So there's that.

  15. I do. Blu-ray is far, far superior in audio and video quality to what you get on the Fan Network. I also don't want the availability of shows to be subject to the whims of someone else. If you own physical media, you have it for LIFE - as long as you have something that can play it. So glad I OWN the DVD of 2008 Finals that was put out before the edit to Phantom's show was done, for example. Long live physical media!


    Very good point, that.

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