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Posts posted by liebot

  1. Not necessarily. It's all about the words you use. I do see a rise in Blue Stars honks feeling the need to crap on the Scout's newfound success this year though.

    I have absolutely no connection with the Blue Stars organization. In fact I was never really a fan of them because of interactions I had with them in their days in Div 2/3.

  2. First of all, yes, you ARE "hating". Just like that boywonder guy (perhaps even worse than him). Second of all, the 9/11 portrayal...."offensive"? I guess that would also mean that any movie, any doccumentary and any book that either tells or portrays a story about the 9/11 event would also be offensive. And let's not stop there. How about our history books? Guess we should call all of the school boards and tell them to remove any indicator of 9/11, the Gulf War, Vietnam war. Speaking of those, let's boycott informative (yet graphic) films like Shindlers list. Heaven forbid we EVER portray an event where millions of people have lost their lives. Yes, I know, it's reality. But forget reality. We don't want to face reality. We want to live in a bubble where we are never reminded of those who have lost lives in our many wars. Yes folks, eliminate any memory of harsh reality. We don't like reality...just like how the above poster does not like the reality that Madison is beating his favorite corps(s).

    Does this sound about right, "liebot"? By the way, that's a very appropriate name for you. "LIEbot" because clearly, you are desiring to ignore the real world around you and live in a rosy looking "lie". Maybe you should move to your own island so that you can be blind to war (and drum corps beating drum corps you like).

    Ok, now seriously. 9/11 is an event that REALLY happened. What would be more offensive than doing a drum corps show ABOUT 9/11 is FORGETTING what happened on that day...which sadly, is what a lot of people in this country have done.

    Put THAT post in your pipe and light it!

    For the record, I just don't think that a drum corps show is the most appropriate medium in which we should commemorate 9/11. That's my only real point. That and I thought their depiction of it (the pointing at the sky, fake crying, etc.) was kind of overwrought. I have the same feelings about Cadets '02, although I didn't actually see that show live.

    And, if it makes you guys feel any better, I'd be happy to change my evaluation of the New York, New York hit from "it's crappy" to "I didn't care for the arrangement and the transition into it seemed very stilted and ineffective." I'm not really sure the connotation of the two statements is that different, though. I did not enjoy that moment of the show. Or any of the other moments, really, except for ESoM, which I thought was fantastic. So sue me.

    • Like 3
  3. Do not feed them

    in a house.

    Do not feed them

    with a mouse.

    Do not feed them

    here or there.

    Do not feed them


    Do not feed Trolls green eggs or ham

    Do not feed them Sam I am

    A. You do realize that posting a response is THE definition of feeding a troll, right?

    B. Calling someone a troll--while satisfying--is not a very effective way to dispute or refute their opinion.

    C. I'm going to bed. See you never. I've expressed my thoughts about this show, which is all I came here to do (this is a DISCUSSION forum, no?), meaning coming back would serve no purpose. Peace out Boy Scout.

    • Like 2
  4. Not trying to hate (or maybe I am, you tell me), but what is there in this show that people like besides Empire State of Mind? I won't lie, after seeing it live and watching on the Fan Network, ESoM (their arrangement of it)has been stuck in my head for the past three and a half days, but beyond that there's not much I remember about the show except thinking:

    1. Nice tuba solo.

    2. Oh, cool, the Slaughter intro. . . wait, now they're playing something different and kinda crappy.

    3. Wow, they sure spend a lot of time running around the field with their horns at their sides.

    4. Car noises and sirens. Ok, we get it, it's New York, but this all seems a little unnecessary.

    5. This drum solo is going on forever. Oh, it's 9/11 now? That's borderline offensive and I don't really get it, but whatever.

    And then ESoM starts and it's all good. Am I alone in thinking this show is utterly unremarkable aside from that chart? Full disclosure: I haven't really liked a Madison show since 2003 (although the "Uninvited" intro in '07 was pretty cool).

    • Like 6
  5. Hola amigos! I have a rookie in the Crossmen and I have some questions about how the scoring works... Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated. If there is an article somewhere online that explains it, and it is easier, feel free to send me there.:satisfied:

    Here goes:

    On the composite scores, there is a column for General Effect. Underneath that is Music and Visual. I get that. However under music they have "rep" and "show". What do those mean?

    The next big heading is "Visual", Ensemble. Does that mean that the battery and guard are not being scored? There are also more subcategories labeled "comp", "excl", "total", "Total". What's that all about?

    Same questions for subcategories in the Music heading.

    Go Bones!

    GE - Rep = Repertoire (the program that you are performing and how effective it is)

    - Prf = Performance (how well you are performing/selling that program . . . i'm not sure where you're getting show from since it's not on the recaps on dci.org. in any event, show would mean showmanship, and is the same thing)

    Visual Ensemble -- how good the corps looks as a whole. There are two other visual scores (Color Guard and Performance) but those judges aren't added until later in the season. Performance is a judge that's on the field examining the performance of individuals, whereas the ensemble judge is more top-down.

    Comp = composition - analogous to repertoire from above

    Excl = excellence - analogous to performance/showmanship from above.

    Total = adding the two scores together.


    Mus = musicality

    Tech = technique? technicality? idk, but it's something along those lines.

    Tech is more about whether or not you're playing the right notes in tune and in time with everyone else. If you're playing notes, are the right ones coming out, essentially.

    Musicality is. . . musicality

    These are obviously not 100% correct answers but should give you some clue. I hope your son is enjoying his first season! I remember my rookie year with Bones, and I'm insanely jealous that he's getting to perform this awesome show.

  6. I see a lot of people getting really upset on here about something that is pretty much a physiological fact: men, ON AVERAGE, have more muscle than women.

    What does that have to do with fitness in the context of drum corps? I'm not entirely sure, but you people that are all getting on your "WOMEN ARE EXACTLY THE SAME AS MEN" high horse need to realize that while clearly not every single man is more muscular than every woman, it's pretty much a fact that on average men are larger and have more muscle.

    Now, that's not everybody on this thread, so don't get all uppity with me and complain about me mischaracterizing your point, but there are some people overreacting.

    • Like 1
  7. haha. you'd be surprised.

    So you performed every other show that you're claiming is not as difficult as the Cavies shows during the mid-late 2000s were? That seems unlikely.

    Now if you're saying you performed several of those Cavies shows, maybe I believe you, but then you're just proving the point that you don't have any clue what the f*** you're talking about and have no way of comparing the difficulty of those shows to anything else.

    For what it's worth, I think Cadets 93 is probably the hardest show of all time. Go watch that show again and tell me that they're not running around the field as much as any corps in the 2000s and I'll tell you that you're biased and have absolutely no credibility.

    • Like 1
  8. Really? Because i was pretty sure crown and phantom had the "bigger" people in the top 8. As for cavaliers, im sure maybe 1 or 2 guys were border line too big and just right. AS where i saw atleast a dozen at crown in 2009. I'm not sexiest, but i'd bet money that an all male drum corps would be the most intense.

    LOLOLOLOLOL. Yeah, I'd be willing to bet you're not "sexiest."

    Sexist, maybe?

  9. i'd like you to provide some evidence of this, please. otherwise, it's just an opinion.

    i, also, am just trying to start some converation about it.

    Unfortunately most of my evidence in regards to this matter is anecdotal, so I'm afraid you'll have to rely on my word and your own belief in the independence of your existence. HTH.

  10. Although I was kind of trolling, there is a little bit of honest belief in those statements. That said, I have no problem with the money going to whichever charity gets the most votes. I just think people should be voting for those types of more "serious" things instead of drum corps. But I'm not you, so far be it from me to tell you that you're wrong for voting for Cadets. Just trying to start some conversation about it.

    • Like 1
  11. you have no idea do you..... lol

    Clearly you're overestimating the amount of time I spent thinking about this. It was just a question. I don't know what he's going to produce any more than anyone else. Might be great, might be terrible. I just hope they can come up with a more interesting show than last year's.

  12. This is the least I've ever paid attention to off-season since I got into drum corps, which probably means this will be the most accurate my predictions have ever been. Here goes:

    1. Cadets - idk

    2. Blue Devils - three-peat seems unlikely

    3. Bluecoats - hey, they were good last year

    4. Crown - boooooo cut-and-paste arranging. They were the lone hold-out

    5. SCV - I have no idea what they're playing this year

    6. Blue Stars - sweet mello line

    7. Cavies - more wishful thinking than actual prediction

    8. Boston - see SCV above

    9. Phantom - see SCV

    10. BK - this might be the second straight year that I haven't wanted to kill myself while watching a BK show. That'd be special.

    11. Madison Scouts - Robert W. Smith?

    12. Crossmen - see Cavies above.

  13. Which is why everyone should post their end of camp runs online -- we wouldn't be suffering from an absence of "real" information anymore :-)

    Anyway -- it's all just hype (which is a form of entertainment in itself). Everyone's just anxious to get their first "fix" of the season...

    I guarantee you wouldn't want to hear 95% of the end-of-camp runs. . . Full weekend of blowing your chops off, minimal sleep, and dead arms from holding the horn for three days = less than ideal sound quality.

    • Like 1
  14. with the Crossmen, because you said that visual will always keep them down...

    You do realize that the technique for each corps is not the same every single year? It changes depending on the staff.

    Thus, I got two different approaches to technique in my three years there. The members in 2006 probably got a different approach, so did those in 2010, and the 2011 members will get a different approach. So "the visual" might be holding the Crossmen down, but it's not really a reflection on any one technique or instructional method.

    FWIW, the visual instructors I had in the corps were mostly pretty effective. I think sometimes the members just don't get it.

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