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Posts posted by scott414

  1. What impressed me and satisfied me completely is the fact that the top two corps this year told a story completely through the use of their music and visual capabilities and needed no words or microphones to do it.

    In the age of amplification/micc'd singing...Cavaliers and Phantom Regiment (among others) reached, touched, and communicated with the audience and not one word was needed, thats what drum and bugle corps is all about.

    Bravo to them both.



  2. Jersey Brass, ?

    Merger in 1983 of cranford patriots and Fantasia III. Two very good corps on their own that were bitter rivals during 1981 and 1982 that merged and became one corps in 83. Lots of members from both corps decided not to march in 83 with jersey brass... On paper merging two good GSC corps together made sense... but not the merging of bitter rivals. I think that was the end of both corps after 83...

  3. Oooo, that'll get them going! :drool: (sorry couldn't resist)

    The project will not be part of the broadcast, and our project DVD is in discussions with DCI, because Tom Blair has already told us that he didn't mind, but also said that we need to get approval from DCI first before anyone outside of our project membership can obtain any of the semi-finals performance in any distributed content... :)

    If you are interested, stop by the project website over the next week or so... When we know the resolution, we will post it there, along with a method of preorder purchase if we receive the "green" light! http://fastlanecpu.com/reunion

    (From an earlier comment-Geno) BTW, try being in the back field, even further back behind all those snares! ;)

    Now all we need is a copy of 27, bridgemens alumni, SCV, and AK to add to the madison alumni then the dvd would be complete.. I can wait a year for the dvd.. Heck i waited this long........whats a year...

  4. Well, I was just riding on Scott's coattails; he thought of it first! Still, I'm in, too! I wish DCI would produce that kind of DVD, in keeping with their "Legacy" DVDs. I'm wondering who we would contact to get that ball rolling. Tom Blair?

    Moi brilliant............ nah.......... just wanting a dvd of all my fav corps over the years.... Whou would we need to contact for this anyways?


  5. I flew up for Allentown this year, and it was really cool to be able to see the alumni corps!! The horn line blew me away - Great job, guys!!

    Afterwards somebody at their booth tried to recruit me, although that'd be a bit of a commute from Atlanta.. :worthy:

    I'd fly from Spokane, Wa to Bayonne just to have the chance to march with the bridgemen, shoulda, coulda woulda then... and now........ oh well...Thats if my wife would let me go........

  6. If there's a regional in Seattle, and I get to go to it, then one of my drum corps dreams will officially have been granted.

    I'd loooooooove to go back to Denver, too. What a great place for drum corps.

    If they have a regional in seattle, I cant wait to see the corps that will be in spokane.

  7. You have to put in perspective that some of the divIII corps went home after a few shows. Also some of the div III corps havent gone up against other div III corps. Tommorow we end up in Michigan City for our first show agai8nst other div III corps. We hope we do good.

    Go Thunder!

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