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Everything posted by obr

  1. spirit got second in i and e 2002. do your homework
  2. how does this make any sence. you did not like scv's i and e yet you think they are better than spirit. i just dont see how that can be. i know allot has to do with whats on the feild and if you ask me, for a cymbal line spirit was ramming some notes. i dont think spirits line stopped moving for a second. either they were playing or they were doing something visually. i think colts did more than scv. if you ask me on the feild spirit gets first colts close second and scv,3. out on the feild musically visually and physically and if i recall that was the placement order for i and e aswell.
  3. i think spirit's line is not given the credit they earned.i have seen their show in 2k2 and 2k3 and those guys are amazing. just because other lines were up top for a wile people think they are the sh** but i dont buy in to that. i have seen their 97 i and e 2k2 and 2k3 and if you seen it too then you would also pay credit where its due. i think if people opened their eyes and look past other lines that do the same thing year after year, and folow spirit from 97 to now one would see the inovation and changes done year after year. they dont look the same,in fact they look better and better every year i see them. and i cant wait to see what they come up with next year.
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