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Posts posted by dcikon2

  1. I heard that Capital Regiment had 10 members go down due to heat exhaustion during rehearsal prior to the contest. I believe the heat got to a lot of people. I believe that is why most of the corps performing had holes. However, the members put on an excellent show, especially when you consider the heat.

    Does anyone know why The Cadets appear to have to fill more spots this year during the season than usual? They are currently looking to fill a contra spot. Staff members informed me that they have had more injuries this year than in previous years. I know of at least 4 horn positions that have come open during the season so far.

  2. I drove to the show last night - from Lenexa, KS. Several corps marched holes last night. I knew the Capital Regiment had 10 members go down earlier in the day due to heat exhaustion.

    I am glad to see the Blue Stars back. They still had some alignment problems on linear forms. They have a full sound and decent guard. There were a couple timing issues in the guard. A pole got caught in one guard member's skirt and caused her to be off for several counts. Overall, this is a pleasant show to watch.

    Colts have a solid show this year. Many alignment problems have been cleaned up since when I saw them earlier in the season. They have a strong guard, good drill, and big sound. Basic marching fundamentals have really improved in this corps.

    Capital Regiment has improved since last year. I can see potential in their show. Their are timing issues in the guard and alignment problems to correct. However, I believe this corps is moving in the right direction. This is not an easy show.

    The Blue Knights have a unique marching style at times and pull it off quite well. It reminds me of how the Star of Indiana's guard used to march (flexing the toe). It is effective. The corps has good field coverage and does a nice spiral for great effect.

    Santa Clara Vanguard has a great show this year. I am surprised that they aren't scoring higher. The rifle line is unbelievable with their one-handed catches. The show has continuous motion. There were a couple spots holes tonight. This show has a lot of potential, especially when it is cleaned.

    The Cavaliers have cleaned their show quite a bit since when I saw them earlier. Most linear forms are straight. I appreciate how audiance is brought into the show with some of their moves. The hornline, percussion, and guard all get to role-play robots in this show. The guard outfits fit nicely into this show and help bring out the theme. The ending of this show needs work. It seems to end too early. However, I know that they are making some changes in the coming weeks. This is a very strong Cavalier show this year.

    I had mixed feelings about seeing The Cadets, especially from what I've read this year on DCP. However, I must admit that I enjoyed this show. I don't think anything in the show went too far. I did not know when the show ended. It just seemed to end. The people around me said the same thing. However, re-writes are now being done on the show. I was expecting The Cadets to do more with the pink tables with the guard. I would have preferred the guard to use rifles instead of sabres on the tables. I think rifles stand out more from that distance from the stands. In addition, I know The Cadets have a great guard so I would have liked to see more equipment work at times in the show. Personally, I would take the tables out of the show. I appreciated how the backdrops highlights the show and the back of the uniforms.

    Overall, a very good show tonight despite the HEAT!

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