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Posts posted by corpsnewbie

  1. Hornline: Cadets (by farrr, in execution and i prefer the hornbook. they played with the aggresiveness/boldness of PR without all the nasty tone qualities and random stickouts)

    Marching: Cadets

    Drill design: Cadets

    Guard: phantom

    drumline: phantom

    overall i was way more entertained by this year's cadets than by faust


    username outdated, marched div 1: 06,07

  2. i can't believe no one else has mentioned the cavaliers (i may have missed it, sorry). is it just me or do they recently have some of the most consistent and great pits year in and year out?

    anyways a lick that comes to mind for me is the baseball section in 2005, i LOVE listening to the keyboards during this whole movement :wall:

  3. And then the next year, Bluecoats will win while Phantom enters some sort of parallel, bizarro universe in which their placement goes into the negatives ....

    hahaha... genius.

    omrod and also, they are both white helmet/feather/white pant/some sort of sash wearing corps!



    user name outdated, marched div 1 06

  4. i would ceremoniously sacrifice a small animal during the ballad

    lol wow, i have no words for this...

    as for myself i would walk around with a tape recorder dressed like a judge, except in an orange shirt, and i would evaluate THEIR performance on my tape, how well they stay out of the drill, criticize their caption, etc.


    username outdated, marched div1 06

  5. How about hearing those releases and practically flawless timbre of The Cavaliers hornline in the 2000, 2002, and 2006 ballads, and thinking how you wouldn't be able to listen to another hornline under the same regards again. Then deciding you wanted to be a part of this, tried out for a team, made it, got hyped, got to spring training and your whole perception of drum corps and the world in general is turned upside down as you tell yourself 'its not worth it' under the weight of your horn at carry in basics at 8 in the morning. But you decide you don't want to face people back at home if you quit, so you push through, almost lose your marching spot to an alternate but gain it back eventually, and around july you finally start looking forward to waking up and doing this your whole day, as you realize many people are going through the same pain. Long story made longer, lol, you are marching in your block onto the field for your performance in DCI finals, and the only thing going through your head is 'i am so glad i did this, normal people do NOT get to do as amazing things as I what im about to do right now'. After everything is done and the scores are announced, your parents are in the parking lot finally ready to bring you back home and you tell them to hold on, because saying goodbye to all your friends is NOT going to be something you'll be able to accomplish in less than an hour and without at least shedding a tear.

    wow, i definitely didn't expect to ramble, and i commend anyone who read the whole thing through, and i dont even remember the original question... oh yeah... THAT IS WHY DRUM CORPS KICKS BUTT!! B)


    username outdated, marched div 1 06

  6. lol, i fell off twice in 10 minutes....

    Off-topic, maybe, but, it seems you find the fact that, on finals night, the Bluecoats performed better/scored higher than The Cadets in the captions of brass performance, percussion, and overall score "funny".

    In fact you "fell off" your chair laughing, twice, in 10 minutes :blink: , so maybe you would care to englighten us so that we may all see the humor in this?

    Yes The Cadets outperformed the Bluecoats in all visual captions and one GE caption on finals, and questionably had a harder brass book, but it does not take away from the fact that they were outperformed musically. On finals night of course.


    username outdated, marched div 1 06

  7. The best hornline to me just plays as loud as possible with no regards to intonation and balance. and has blatty low brass stick outs and tubas that sound like mud.... I think I just described the all white team...((runs and hides))


    I wouldn't say NO regards to intonation and balance, but surprisingly, ill actually agree with the low brass descriptions :sshh:


    username outdated, marched top 5 in 06

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