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Posts posted by Jeffe77

  1. They kinda snuck "band" in at the end of their segment though. :rock:

    I was watching CBS at first and they had completely skipped them. When the Cadets were in the background the hosts grabbed a camera and started filming themselves just messing around.

    Thank god for NBC though.

    I agree......I was cooking as well, so I was just listening to the Parade....(Being a Percussionist) I would pay closer attention to the drumlines playing...for the most part they're ok, Some better than others. Then I hear in background, as the guy grabs the camera, a drum lick that sounds unusually clean for that day with Bass Line run. Having TIVO, I would rewind it over and over at that point. Then I told my Wife sarcastically (not knowing that The Cadets were at the Parade) I bet you it's The Cadets....Sure enough it was them. My wife, who is not as familiar with Drum Corps, commented on the huge difference between them and the other performers.

  2. Gimme a break!

    I knew it would only be a matter of time before people started blaming matched grip for any problems they would have.


    P.S.- There is no such thing as a "curse" of playing Matched Grip.

    Hehe, I knew it be a matter of time before people took my post seriously. :D I was just stating what I said in jest. Just having a little fun. To think that Match grip is the reason the Color Guard didn't have the Uni's until last night, or that they are missing a snare drummer or tenor player on the field is crazy. Or that Match grip is the culprit for SCV having a "strange show" in 95 is nuts. That is as crazy as saying that the Red Sox were cursed for 86 years before they won the world series. Or that the Cubs are still cursed ^OO^

  3. From what I understand, their guard uniforms aren't in yet. But Ryan, I agree with you, yes! I am a BIG SCV fan, and I've been waiting for months to see this show. And man, I was disappointed. Musically I thought it was very solid and they actually sound a bit better than last year. But sadly I don't think this show has what it takes to make Top 5, muchless win. I loved a lot of the little things they did, like the 1917 to CCCP to USSR, but at the same time, in the back of my mind I thought to myself "That doesn't look like something a Top 5 corps would do." Also if you noticed, when Russian X-Mas Music was played in the end, they played basically the same arrangement as the 1987 version, even with some of the visuals from 87 as well! I really hope they can pull through and make the Top 5 again, but if this show doesn't get better (and if those guard uniforms don't come in), I have a feeling it'll be the first time SCV falls out of the Top 5 in 10 years. :(

    BTW, another superb job with the announcing Ryan!

    Maybe it's the curse of playing Match grip. Really interesting that when they played Match grip in 94 and 95 and placed 5th and 6th. Just a thought. :P

    Another thing, in 94 they had a Russian Theme show, and they played 1987's closer (Great Gate of Kiev) at the end of the 94 show. Again, Just a thought. :P


  4. I was listening to the Star 93 show for the hundredth time. Love the show BTW. I couldn't help thinking that Jim Casella might have been influenced by Star's Drum book. I hear the correlation to Jim’s book specifically 97, 98, 99 and 2004. The subtly, composition style, notice that Star and SCV's drum book it's just not one segment or a piece the picture to the overall show. The drum book is within the picture itself. I hope I'm making sense.

    Having listening to both lines in the parking lot first in past years before the watching their show, I'm more blown away by the book once I'm familiar with the Brass arrangements. I don't get that with BD or Cadets. The way Star and SCV's Drum books are written, I get more appreciation of it once I listen to the overall package.

    If you guys ever get a chance, download the drum judge mp3 for Star 93 and SCV 98. Different judges, same take on the shows. Just my thoughts, hope they made sense.


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