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Posts posted by bscontra

  1. I remember taking tours at the brewery. There was a girl from UW-L Marching Chiefs who was a bartender there and kept feeding us beer. It was not good beer, but it was free. I should really go on the tour sometime....not just sit there and drinking beer.

    I also remember going to practice at the fest ground and stopping at the Artisan Well at Heileman’s to fill up our water jugs. JoeB, you were there.

    ahh the artisian well ahh :)

    my fav memory is when ever I smell a brewery I think of marching basics in the early morning at the festgrounds

    but man those mosquesto's that come out around run through time... man they suck

    you always had 3rd st if you were 21 year old :)

  2. Since I live in Georgia, I've only been able to see one show so far this season (Powder Springs, June 23). During the Cadets' performance, the reaction of those sitting around me was unanimously negative. The guy sitting in front of me shouted, "NOT DRUM CORPS!!!!!" after the "History Repeating" section at the top of his lungs. During the percussion feature with all the talking, he kept shaking his head in disgust and explaining to his wife how he couldn't believe drum corps had decayed to this point.

    your talking cadets and we are talking about blue stars both corps use amps but both are totally different shows

  3. Blue Stars were *NEVER* simple and clean in Division III.

    Most early season shows, reviews and judges (most years) were often heard saying 'This show is too hard, over your heads, etc'

    We heard it all of first tour in 99, and we did pretty well.

    I love that Blue Stars show this year utilizes pieces they played while a II/III corps and they are achieving so well.

    word ... we used to hear it from judges all of the time

    I think in 1993 the year they took Div 3 champinships one of the judges at the first show said on a tape that the corps should fold .. :sshh:

  4. For the most part, Blue Stars practices are ran out of the Twin Cities. Before I get slammed by Blue Star people, I know they are still from LaCrosse but I want to say all the practices are in Brighton MN or something like that. They had one camp in LaCrosse. Greg Struve was from up there I think (old director until Brad Furlano took over). So if you want to count Blue Stars as a MN corps, go right ahead. I want to say that I remember that the origins of the Blue Stars are from LaCressent, MN. But that was way before I was born so that is just from memory.

    Go Blue!


    you are right la crescent and holman is the where most of the origanla members and staff were from

  5. i was there I did not see the all of the show but I did catch most of the open class corps ( sorry watching lines in the lot)

    this review might be a bit biased and this totally reflects my own opinion not the corps I marched with or teach

    Blue Stars- good show , a bit flat tonight preformance wise, but for how much I doubted the show it is so good!! the brass line is much much better then last years, and the Writing is so Drum Corps, marching wise the corps marches really good for how young the corps is But, they need to dress froms a bit better!! Guard, love the outfits and they preform good some of the flags are very cool!! cant wait when they get the rest of the stuff in the show and the additional drummer and horn players !!

    Cap Reg- Sorry I was expecting alot more out of this corps. did not really get the show concept.. guard unis colors did not look good to me, I really dont know how they beat Blue Stars in any visual caption. Durring the drum solo the have these PVC tubes that are miced way to loud and the miced vocals but I could not tell what they were saying because the tubes were to loud!! now from all the hype on DCP I was expecting alot from this corps maybe I hyped it to much

    Cavies- much added and improvement over when I saw them 3 days before it is nice to see them added alot more movement and drill this will be a killer show by dci the guard does so much cool stuff

    Pioneer - there Drum Line is not to bad, same with guard, drill has cleaned up alot BUT Still has a long way to go! horn line is letting the drill and there numbers effect them to much hopefully stuff will get better through the season But they are much better then last time I saw them!!!

    Good Points! the stands were very packed considering it was a Wed Night and Summerfest was going on in Milwaukee!!

    parking was no prob.

    Like I said these are my opinions. and they are biased so take it or leave it !

  6. Blue Stars last season using G french horns was in 96

    Dechorah Kilties Marched G french horns when I was teaching there in winter of 98

    and I think Glassman Marched G french horns untill at least 95 or 96

    other then that I cannot remeber any other open class lines marching Frenches let alone most of the Div 2/3 corps we compeated with

    they do have such a cool sound but are a pain to march !!

  7. yes! and the conversation went......

    we talked about both sides.... that we might of never left div 1

    and then the reality ... that the reason of the corps folding was partly because of First Federal stopped backing them in the late 70's

    SO... I think no matter what we might of thaught or discussed It would of Probally endded up the same way

    with the A Corps Folding and Blue Star Cadets Forging the way to a Div 2/3 Powerhouse

    leading to the open class corps they are now

    put its nice to dream some times ..... ohh wait BLue Stars are "open class"

    I guess it all in the corps motto "the End Crowns the Work" FCO

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