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Posts posted by PeeWee

  1. Thank you for your very thorough review. The more I see on the Fan Network, and the more I read online, the less I care about placements. If BD has what it takes to impress the judges that's fine. I definitely feel Carolina Crown and Vanguard have what it takes to impress, or rather leave an impression on, the crowd. I'd rather be impressed than impress the judges at this point.

    Can't wait to see the corps in Indy next week!

  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to write a review. I'm so glad to hear that Vanguard is on fire. I'm also looking forward to seeing so many other shows at Indianapolis - Troopers, Madison, Cadets, and Crown just to name a few.

    I don't think Vanguard will win this year, but it really doesn't matter. The crowd loves them and I do too. That's what really matters. This will be one of my all-time favorite Vanguard shows, joining the ranks of 2004 and 1987.

    Thanks again.

    • Like 1
  3. she wouldn't be able to come this year, she has rehab in Texas. I don't have very good seats this year for finals, seeing as you have to be a fans of DCI member to get good seats, next year I plan on getting much better ones. It really is touching that everyone is being supportive and enthusiastic for her, and I have conveyed everyones' feelings to her and she is really touched and is somewhat embarrassed. She told me not to brag on her and I just told her it wasn't bragging but just conveying her thoughts through me.Luckily I have three tickets for myself, dad, and niece. It really is wonderful she's got so much attention since I've posted and the ticket idea is wonderful but like I said, she'll be in Texas for rehab for the first three weeks in August. Thanks everyone for all your comments, I will convey them to her.

    Edited. I sent a private message to msumello instead :-)

  4. Just so you know, msumello, your post was shared on the Santa Clara Vanguard Alumni group page on Facebook. It meant a lot to everyone to see that the Vanguard has touched your cousin and calls to her, or as we say, "The Vanguard chooses you." Vanguard is the absolute epitome of class this season. They just ooze class and passion and I know all alumni couldn't be happier.

    Thank you so much for sharing this story!

    btw - The Santa Clara Vanguard is also has a public page on Facebook:


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  5. Well, if audience reaction is not part of DCIs judging, then they will continue to disappoint and lose their fan base in addition to not gaining any new fans. Fortunately for us, there are still some corps out there that try to entertain the crowd. I confess there were plenty of Vanguards' shows in the past I really didn't care for.

    Esoteric/abstract = I'm going to visit the concession stand the next time I see your show. It's not the performers fault. It's 100% the show designers fault. I don't blame the performers. But, unless it's nap time for me, I'd rather go do something more productive with my time. Sorry, but that's my opinion. And I know I'm not alone.

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  6. I won't see any corps live until Indianapolis this season, but I've watched the latest versions of their shows On Demand.

    As I was watching Blue Devils, I thought that the judging sheets now take crowd appeal into account. Am I wrong on this? If they do, why the hell is BD beating anybody at all? Their show has absolutely the worst crowd reaction out of the entire Top 8 this year.

    Am I missing something?

    • Like 4
  7. I wish with all of my heart that Vanguard would beat Devils outright at Finals. The rivalry has been dead for so long that BD just mocks Vanguard these days. I would love to rub a little lemon in their face again. Trust me, we enjoyed teasing BD a little in '89 even though I had about 20 friends in the corps.

    Vanguard still has some weaknesses that I don't think will be ironed out this season. And with a 2 point gap, the judges have pretty much spoken - BD and SCV are not in the same category. I still love Vanguards show 100 times more than BD this year, and it will be a Vanguard favorite of mine forever, so I don't really care about scores or placements at this point.

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  8. I am extremely proud and humbled by what the Vanguard is putting on the field this year. I know I speak for other alumni when I say "They ARE the Santa Clara Vanguard."

    Is the show abstract? Avante-garde? Modern? No. Is it accessible? Emotional? Absolutely!

    The major achilles heel I see with the corps right now is the sound being produced by the hornline, and the unusual method of teaching and marching drill. I don't know whether the brass instruments themselves are the factor or the way the members are being taught to play them, but there is a distinct difference in sound between SCV and Crown/Phantom/BD/Cadets. The pure tone and clarity of sound is not yet being achieved. And I don't like their Cavalier-style marching approach. With seemingly no regard to form or interval, their current style of marching takes much longer to clean.

    The 2013 Santa Clara Vanguard will go down in my book as one of my favorite Vanguard shows of all time. It will join the ranks of 1987 and 2004. Will the judges award them with a medal? I don't know. Does it really matter? Well, no, it doesn't. Part of Vanguards tradition through the 1970s, 1980s, and regained again in the late 1990s was always making the Top 3 of DCI. I wish with all of my heart that they would keep that tradition alive. But I will love this show regardless.

    • Like 3
  9. Thank you for posting a review. I won't get to see any corps until Indianapolis next month.

    I'm so very proud of the Vanguard! They're pouring all they can into their show and are getting the reaction only Vanguard (or perhaps Phantom Regiment or Carolina Crown) could get.

    I also LOVE Crowns hornline and have for years! Their pure/hollow tone quality is unmatched in DCI.

    I also don't get where Blue Devils are going. Their shows have been very abstract lately and I don't enjoy abstract shows. If DCI wants to grow its fan base, especially to include the average American population, abstract shows aren't going to do it.

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  10. Thank you for your review.

    I believe the asynchronous bass drums in Crowns show are very much intentional. If you listen to an orchestra recording of Fanfare for the Common Man you should hear exactly the same thing.

    And thanks for enlightening us on BDs show. I don't like it necessarily because it's different. I don't like it because it's more like a WGI show (pre-recorded voices, guard staging) and I don't feel soloists need to use microphones, esp. BD soloists.

    Thanks again :smile:

    • Like 1
  11. To the man that shares my last name ... hit Fan Network and go to the San Antonio regional .. around the 44 minute mark of the stream feed. You'll see what we're talking about ... even a couple of nice SCV references in their show. All tastefully done.

    Okay, I watched them on the San Antonio feed. Yes, they are a very good Open Class corps. Not arguing that point.


    1. The content of their show is relatively easy compared to those of World Class corps (primarily - guard work, drum book, drill).

    2. Their brass, while impressive for Open Class, would not place very well (right now) in World Class. They still have a long way to go in tone quality, blend and balance, etc.

    3. I have seen many, MANY, Open Class corps out West move to World Class, even corps that won Open Class. Financial means should not be the only criteria. Competitive means should also be taken into account.

    4. Oh! And their score in Open Class should not be used as a reference for World Class. The sheets and criteria between the two classes are completely different.

    That said, Oregon Crusaders has a great staff and a lot of talent! I hope they come to California next year so I can see them live and say hello to one of their Board of Directors friends of mine, Dr. Phil Marshall.

    I know you say making Finals in World Class isn't everything. Well, I feel that most World Class corps members dream of just that - performing under the lights on Saturday night. I've spoken with corps members (granted, not all feel this way) that felt disappointed and let down when they didn't make Finals. It's a corps members "rock star" moment!

    I feel that Oregon Crusaders knows they're competing for the Open Class crown this year, and I think that's fantastic! I think they'd want that crown (or "proof", if you will) before they tackle World Class.

    You're more than welcome to disagree, that's fine. I've been around this activity longer than some, but not as long as others. I'm even contemplating becoming a DCI judge (look out! - lol). The nice thing about the world is that we're all different, with different view points and interests. That's what makes life colorful. :smile:

  12. I haven't seen OC this year, but I always worry about Open Class corps entering World Class. The record doesn't fair well for them - Mandarins, Cascades, Pacific Crest, The Academy, Jersey Surf...the list goes on. And now all of these top Open Class corps are at the bottom of World Class.

    There's no reason OC should move to World Class. They would become just another non-Finalist fatality. I'd hate to see this happen to such a great organization.

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  13. Thank you for posting a review! I wish I could see all of these corps live. As it is, I've only seen BD, SCV, Phantom, and Academy live this Summer when they were in So Cal in June. Really, the rest of the country doesn't know how good they have it! But I wouldn't move for the world, so I guess we just have to live with the table scraps here in California. <sigh>

    Looks like the judges agree with you on Vanguards hornline. Yikes! They've had Bluecoats and Madison nipping at their heels all season. The arrangements are beautiful for SCV, but the book isn't difficult and the brass training still isn't there. Hopefully next year they'll come out of the chute stronger.

    I LOVE Petes' drill, and hope (beg actually) that he doesn't leave to the Cavaliers now that Gaines is gone.

    Thanks again

  14. Thank you for the review! It's nice to see shows through others eyes.

    I wish I could see all of these corps live instead of just the few that were in California. Ah well...next year we'll be at Indianapolis again (perhaps to see Santa Clara competing for the title?!?!). :worthy:

    Sounds like Jersey Surf is evolving into the next Velvet Knights, which is great, because neither Velvet Knights or Impulse were at all funny this year. :huh:

    Thanks again

  15. But I have to say, Cavaliers and Bluecoats used it to amazing effect. It didn't overwhelm - just complimented the programs here and there and, especially for Cavaliers, made it so much better. Bluecoats, it made funkier, in a good way.

    Cadets voices stood out mainly for their volume - it overwhelmed the musicians in the finale. And BD - think of the voices as part of the soundtrack, let them blend together, and it really does work. I'm not sure why, but it does.

    Fair enough. But I come to drum corps shows for amazing brass sound, spectacular drill formations, and amazing colorguard! None of those require any pre-recorded sounds.

    If DCI shows become mostly pre-recorded sounds, I'll just go to WGI instead (the seats are more comfortable, and Vanguard Winterguard is just as enjoyable to watch). :smile:

  16. Thanks for the additional Texas review!

    I get that BD is trying to turn DCI into WGI. I get it. But...I don't agree with it. WGI uses electronics because there are NO musicians on the floor. This is not the case with DCI. There are plenty of people on the field who can sing, dance, and play a musical instrument. We don't need pre-recorded ANYTHING. Just sayin...

  17. But I also see SCV charging toward top 3, and if Crown does not clean before Finals it will be SCV in 2nd place, perhaps making a push at their neighbors for first.

    WOW!!! Really?! My heart would burst out of my chest to see SCV in the Top 3 again! The Top 5 are all really strong though, so it will depend on cleaning their shows and the (sometimes odd) opinions of the judges in the end.

    HERE'S HOPING!!! :thumbup:

  18. Ah! Thanks. Whew! I was afraid Vanguard really stunk up the place or something. ;-)

    Yes, there is always a lot of pride and tradition when Vanguard takes the field. I hope some day soon to see them in the DCI Top 3 again, where they were for almost two straight decades.

    Their ballad, "Hymn to a Blue Hour," I recognized immediately from the movie "Contact" with Jodie Foster and Will Skerrit (sp?). It's absolutely beautiful music.

    My favorite shows this year are #1 - Carolina Crown (what brass player doesn't LOVE "Fanfare for the Common Man?!"), #2 - Phantom Regiment, #3 - Santa Clara Vanguard, and #4 - Madison Scouts. Would I love to see these four corps place in that order? You betcha! :thumbup:

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