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Posts posted by brians

  1. If you ask me,  the whole country is in a funk of disengaged, demoralized, depressed, emotional fog.  Hard to get many excited or involved in much of anything, but their own little me me  phone world.... say nothing about being engaged and feeling anything at a drum corps show.  Sad really.  Hopefully, the ice will break one of these days.  I specifically go to shows that have a history of good crowds.  Be dammed with the rest of the crowd, I stand up and cheer regardless of what others are doing around me......have fun, be the audience member you want others to be.  Your world, those around you,  and most importantly, the kids preforming will feel better and have a better attitude.

    • Like 5
  2. 2 hours ago, Brian Tuma said:




    To Paraphrase Mean Girls: “Gretchen, stop trying to make boots happen. It’s not going to happen.”


    And to mean girls I say "Ha, its  gonna happen,  and one of these days their gonna walk all over you"



    • Haha 1
  3. 30 minutes ago, MikeN said:

    Gotta say, they've made a ton of improvement since the last time I saw them.  The St. Louis performance was very tight, and while the theme is kind of cheesy, it's clearly cheesy-by-design, and very easy for the audience to get behind.  My son (14-y.o. contra player) said this is by far his favorite show of the summer!  :thumbs-up:


    You got it!!!.....cheese makes everything better.  Just imagine a world without cheese. The corps is from Wisconsin after all.  Land of the cheese heads. The show is just so much fun to watch and the kids are selling it in spades!! They look like they genuinely are having a really fun time out there on the field....and it does not  hurt they are technically really good as well!!!   Those horns.... oh yeah,  give me some more fried cheese curds baby!!!! ....FCO

  4. 29 minutes ago, kdaddy said:

    Pretty surprised that Blue Stars topped Regiment.

    im not. I saw both live at different shows.  Knew it would only be a matter of time.  Blue Stars horns are excellent this year and overall have a more exciting and engaging program.  They have a lot of room to grow as well.  Blue Stars are just so much fun to watch this year!!!   They make you smile


  5. 19 hours ago, queenanne_1536 said:

    I'll play

    1. Devils (GE, Visual, Percussion, Music)

    2. Cavies (Guard)

    3. Bluecoats

    4. Boston

    5. Crown (Brass)

    6. Cadets

    7. Stars

    8. Regiment

    9. Mandarins

    10. Crossmen

    11. Spirit 

    12. Madison

    13. Colts

    I like your thinking, with the following adjustments:

    Blue Coats 2, Cavies 3

    Madison 11, Colts 12, Spirit 13

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, BlueStainGlass said:

    Yeah Stars should be closer to Phantom :winky:

    I agree, if not over them outright.  Blue Stars horns should be past phantom for sure....I think it is just a matter of time.  Was only a partial panel tonight with no drums , guard, or VP.  My hunch is Blue Stars would be closer to phantom had these captions been included since Blue Stars guard is one of their stronger captions and they beat them in drums last time they met.

  7. 18 minutes ago, jjeffeory said:

    Cavaliers and Crown aren't micing the whole corps. They're just loud.  I doubt Boston and Colts are either.

    Cavaliers are micing soloist.  That's it.  They were against the whole micing the whole corps thing last year. I doubt they have changed their stance.

    then what are the mic's every 10 yards apart and 10 feet into the air from 30-30 yard lines pointing out on to the field for? (both cavies and colts had this set up)  What sound are they picking up.  I was at the whitewater show this past weekend sitting in row 17 right in front of one of the speakers, and i can assure you the whole corps proper was being picked up by these mics and was blasting out of the speakers. This was the case for the Colts, Cavaliers,  and at times Boston.

  8. 1 hour ago, BlueStainGlass said:

    Bored at lunch I checked the dci scores page. I was looking at the corps summary and noticed a slow start trend that picks up in July. The last 2 years they didn't break 70 until July and then shot quickly towards 80. When they got 9th with le reve the opening score was like a 61 and it almost broke 90. Looks like they design the show to be hard and dirty and once it hits all cylinders it moves. There's no lying its visually dirty with the boots but if they clean that I could see this moving up again!

    I suspect  this will be the case again this year.  Especially considering the strength of the horns.  Cant get enough of the horns.  That is one talented and powerful horn line.  BTW, with the exception of the soloists,  no mic's. No microphones 10 feet into the air pointed out at the field picking up  the collective on field sound every 10 yards across the front side line.

  9. 2 hours ago, corps8294 said:

    Yes, that's a construction boot. From the stands, what the corps is wearing looks like rain boots. They make the corps look like little kids getting ready for a romp in the puddles. 

    your negativity and constant dishing of the corps is getting a little old.  You really need to be more positive and have a sense of humor which this show is, in my opinion, trying to tap into.  You will feel better about the corps and yourself.  it is not helpful to spew constant negativity.... esp. considering your history and who you are!  Drum corps is changing. the OLD rules and paradigm of what is rewarded no longer apply. If you saw last nights shows you could see this as clearly as......well, bright yellow  boots.  Marching... what little of it is left, uniforms, music etc...., well... we are no longer in Kansas Dorothy!!!

  10. 1 hour ago, MikeN said:

    Yeah, they definitely stood out watching them last night.  I have to say, I like the uniforms.  The whole show is just cheesy and earnest and wears its heart on its sleeve, and the bright colors just go hand in hand with it.


    yes, have fun with the show and enjoy it as much as the kids seem to enjoy preforming it, thats the point.  As far as dirty feet, if they are dirty they will be dirty. No matter what the shoe color you cant hide your feet from a judge. They are already using their yellow feet and gloves in choreographed ways to add to the visual effect of the show. The only cure for dirty feet is to clean them and get a pedicure, and then they will smell and look oh so sweet!!!!

  11. 19 minutes ago, GetOFFmyDot said:

    EXACTLY.    It's been done SO. MANY. TIMES.                                 There are SO MANY props out there, so something with them!  

    it has not been done so many times.  How about all of the other corps props, why dont you  rag on them.  all things considered, this show has no more or less props than any of the other corps out there last night.  I contest had fewer than some corps and many didn't do anything with their props. The season, nor show, will be complete until the last show of the season.  Be patient and watch this show develop!!! any construction project takes time to build. send positive energy and you will enjoy the show and yourself much more.

    • Like 2
  12. 14 hours ago, tedrick said:

    Really hoping Blue Stars do well tonight -- when is the last time they beat Phantom?


    Is slotting terrorism going to be in play tonight at the Motor City Kitties Litter Box?

    is always tough to be the first corps of the season to go on.   slotting for sure will play a part.  could predict how the scores played out exactly as they did months ago

    • Like 1
  13. i have watched this show now several times, i don't know what it is, but there is something  very mesmerizing about this show., cant put my finger on it, but it makes you want to watch more...leaves you wanting to hear it again and wanting more and more...to keep going

    • Like 2
  14. 4 hours ago, BoyWonder1911 said:

    It does sound monotonous. There really doesn't seem to be much variation. No anticipation. No building up into a crescendo and then impact set. It's all just...there in your face. 


    And yeah the yellow shoes are going to make footwork errors stick out badly. 


    I haven't seen much in the way of developing the theme. Like someone said, it's people dressed up like carpenters playing any music. 


    Again, good concept, poor design development. We'll see what they fix.


    Also, all the fancy footwork stuff, the auxiliary visuals, is just way too much and seems to be inserted for the purpose of hiding crooked lines. The visual package as a whole looks gimmicky. 

    Sorry I have so much criticism in this post. The criticism is directed towards design and not performance. 


    This show, (no show), is not fully developed yet.... the season has not even begun yet...... I completely disagree about your (and the other posters) variation comments.... it is just not so.  there is plenty of variation and more shaping dynamics, crescendos/decrescendos, spacing etc...  of the book will come for sure.     No corps is clean yet, and the corps is no more gimmicky than any other gimmick in drum corps...So what,  that is the fun of it!  Its all a gimmick.  Have a sense of humor. As far as visuals...every corps has them and they are rewarded for sure or corps would not do them.  lastly, the yellow shoes are great... when they march well they will be rewarded for it.  Trying to hide your feet does not fool any judge....they know how you are marching regardless of the color of your shoes or pants.  Blue Stars did just fine marching white shoes in the 1970-90's and again in the modern era of 2008-2009.  I am sure they will dazzle with their clean yellow shoes this year.

    • Like 2
  15. HORN LINE OMG......talk about power.... trumpets and mellows..... yes yes yes....this show has everything.  Love the staging this year and the guard looks killer for this early on.  what about those bass drums....love the runs throughout.... great vehicle to build from.  no doubt in my mind that there will be tweeks showing off/featruing even more the talent of the horns and guard as the season moves along.  The season indeed has only just begun.

  16. 2 hours ago, tedrick said:

    excited to hear the good reports! looking forward to Thursday -- 

    question for those of you who have heard the show: would you say the show has tempo variations or is it all kind of a smooth groove - that's what I think of when I think of 70s pop music -- 

    Is there very much up tempo? Or is it kind of medium tempo/ballad feels?

    Thank you!

    It has a little of everything.  The contemporary Skyscrapers number is kick a**....an up tempo major part of the show... so far my favorite number. 

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